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Irane grew up in the hands of her relatives after the death of her parents, she meets Sonia her best friend who suffers from relationship violence from her boyfriend David. After Davids imprisonment, they both got married. Irane having married to a soldier hooked up with Richie. Having the full sex Tape he threatens to release if they don't do what he wants. Both women comfort each other and fight Side by side against all marital struggles Will the secret remain hidden?

Chapter 1 Pushed off


The alarm clock rang loudly, I ignored it for the third time but when it ring again I hit down the clock and sat on my bed

" O goodness, I broke it "

I said getting up from the bed while picking up the broken clock , how on earth was I going to fix up this clock

" Ira !"

I heard my aunt yell, I dropped the clock and made way for downstairs

" Aunt !"

I said immediately I got to her, she looked at me the same way she always did and rolled her eyes

" Your uncle is calling for you at his office"

She replied pushing me aside and making her way upstairs, I went into his office greeting him

" Yes Ira, this is your admission letter from uniben ,you'll be studying at benin "

My uncle said without much smiles, I took the letter thanking him while leaving the office.

My name is Ira Donald, I lost my parents when I was only eight years old and my uncle with his family took me in, my aunty Rachel was never happy with the fact that I would be living with them, they had no children and she didn't want to take me in like her own child.

I got into my room seating down on the bed, uniben is quite a far place but I guess it's the only means to send me away.

Soon after I got a benin, I fitted into the students life, even if things were not that all perfect I always tried to smile always

" Hey you"

Sonia my best friend said taking a seat close to me, we are course mates studying medicine, in this country one can only became four things either a doctor, lawyer,banker or engineer. None of them where my options, I wanted to study journalism and media, that day my uncle broke my head for me claiming I want to be poor for the rest of my life

" I guess I'm talking to a ghost"

Sonia snapped hissing as I laughed

" Don't mind me jor, how far?"

I asked with a silly smile on my face

" Fyn o, have you done that assignment, the one from that textbook?"

She asked as I nodded my head looking for a long note I wrote it in

" Hey Sonia!"

David her boyfriend yelled coming towards us, I dropped my bag just looking at him moving with such force

" Come here!"

He yelled immediately dragging her by the hands and picking up her bag

" David, have you no shame leave her alone, this is a public place for goodness sake!"

I yelled pulling my friend back, she already had tears in her eyes as he clapped his hands

" Stay away from our private matter!"

David yelled dragging her out of the place, I angrily took my seat turning to look at all the eyes that were on me.

Sonia POV

" You bitch"

David my boyfriend yelled beating the living hell out of me, I rolled on the floor weeping my eyes to death

" So you think that you can go around discussing me to all your useless friends right?"

He asked with his deep voice pulling off his belts from his waist as he gave me another round of lashing. I stared at the mirror with tears putting make up on my injured face, I had classes by eleven and I wasn't sure if I could even make it . My life is a horror story, I never knew my parents, grew up on the streets and endured pain. I met David when I was still young, he was a guy from a good home and he took me in, the first few years I stayed with him were like magic but all that glitters they say is not gold, his character changed drastically, he would drink till he got absolutely drunk, beat me up at my slightest mistakes, sometime for nothing. I dressed my face and going out to meet my friend Ira, when i saw David coming my heart was already pounding and i left the earth should swallow me

" Sonia, why on earth do you want me to keep on beating you like I love it, how many times would I tell you to stop telling people about our relationship?"

He asked landing me a slap as I held my cheek

" No David no, I never told Irane anything, we were talking about our assignment"

I said calmly explaining everything for him

" Tell her to stay out of our relationship, I wouldn't repeat myself. Go and make lunch"

David barked as I immediately ran into the kitchen.

The next morning after class I was rushing home to avoid Ira as she blocked me on my way out of the gate

" Are you avoiding me?"

She asked with a very serious face, I pulled her into a corner if David caught me with her I'll receive another round of beating

" Ira, please this is not the right time for us to talk , I'll talk to you at due time please"

I pleaded about moving away

" Sonia, you can't seat down and cross your legs even fold your hands and watch your boyfriend bit you to death, let's call the police and arrest him for domestic violence. Wait his just your boyfriend just leave him alone"

She said as I started laughing

" I should leave him alone, call the police. Madam once You're in a relationship you'll know how important having a boyfriend is"

I hissing going away.


Sonia's behavior has just been so weird imagine she didn't even sit close to me during lectures. I shook my head watching her leave and still processing everything that she just motioned

" Once I have a boyfriend I'll know how important one is, okey Sonia me ?"

I asked no one In particular while going to my house. I shut my book itching my head, what exactly could be the problem with Sonia and what if she isn't okay

" Irane mind your own problem"

I said to myself lying down to sleep. Even if I wanted to stay on my own lane I couldn't just help but to get worried, the last time I saw her was back at two weeks ago and it was getting really frustrating, she was my best friend and was very important to me.

After lectures I decided to pay her a visit, she stays with her boyfriend and I only hoped that he wasn't around, the more closer I got, I louder the noise from inside came

" Help, help...... "

I heard her scream with lots of things breaking, I hastened my steps rushing into the house but the door was locked

" David!, David don't you dare!"

I yelled running around trying to open the door, I got towards the window and broke it with a stone as I climbed through the window while a nail pierced my palm

" Have mercy!"

Sonia screamed as I rushed up the stairs opening the door

" Leave her alone'

I yelled hitting him with table, I looked at Sonia who was bleeding on the floor, he nearly cut off her neck with the buckle of his belt, her left eye was already covered around, she couldn't even stand up

" You monster"

I screamed hitting him on the head with a table, the blood I saw from his head got me so scared as I managed to get her out of the house. I sat down with my bloody clothes holding my hands, Sonia was still unconscious, I remembered hitting David so hard and hoped he didn't die

" Are you related to her "

The doctor asked as I stood up

" She's my friend, she's going to be okay right?"

I asked

" She's got a blood clot in her brain and her left eye, we need to operate her if she wants to survive and retain her sight"

The doctor said as I fell to the seat holding my head with tears.

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