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Don't marry

Meet Karen Jones, a struggling youth trying really hard to make ends meet and also pay for her mother's monthly life supporting machine. Life went really hard on her that she has to work, work and work. Love, dating, relationship, marriage were the least thing on her mind until something happened. A life changing experience! She was set up to a blind date by her friends. Oblivious of the set up, Karen had arrived at the blind date spot. And there she had a one night stand with a total stranger. The intimacy and passion of the night was sure life changing. "You are a week pregnant, ma'am" The doctor's words had came as a bang. She is having a child in her with an unknown father! Will she be able to locate this stranger she had a one night stand with? And luckily for her, she did, they met! On the day of his wedding! What would become of her and her unborn child? Will she be able to keep the child? Will the father accept the baby? What does the future hold in store for her?




The blaring sound of her alarm interrupted her from her dreamland. She stretched her hand and pressed a button on the small alarm clock with the hope of continuing her sleep but the alarm continued ringing continuously. She had no choice but to wake up.

The ceiling was the first thing that greeted her as soon as she woke up. She scanned her not so small room and her gaze landed on the wall clock. Her eyes widened immediately as she flung the duvet off her body.

"I'm late! Not again!" She momentarily scolded herself before rushing into the bathroom to do her business.



Karen opened the door to the restaurant gently trying hard not to make a sound. There were a few customers already seated. Obviously, She was late to work.

"Miss Karen" She heard a deep baritone voice that caused her soul to almost depart from her body. She turned fearfully to the person who just spoke, even without being told, she already knew that she was in trouble.

"You are late again" Her manager said sternly with a look of displease. He continued staring at her and his frown deepen. Karen bit her bottom lips before trying to arrange her hair with her hand. She knew she was not looking great, she even forgot to brush her hair due to the fact that she was rushing.

"I'm sorry about that.... I almost got into an accident on my way and that took most of my time" She took her her bottom lips in as soon as she said that. She obviously just lied.

"Thank goodness, you still arrived in one piece" The manager said sarcastically. Karen just stayed still looking like a lost lamb waiting for whatever consequences that may come.

"You are fired!" He finally dropped the bombshell. Karen's mouth flew open and did some mintues her brain was trying to process what she just heard.


"You are fired Karen, your service is no longer needed here. It's obvious you got a job else where or you would have taken your job seriously. Your incompetence is something I can't tolerate" The manager said and wanted to walk away but Karen grabbed him by his clothes. She went on her both knees immediately.

"I promise this won't repeat itself, you can just punish me or something, give me a fine.... but please don't fire me, this is the job I am using to survive" She begged clapping her both hands together.

"Then you should have taken it seriously. I am tired of hearing your excuses every time, I really think you should leave and stop creating a scene here. Expect your pay for the days you've worked for the month, it will be sent to you before the end of the day" The manager said with gritted teeth. He forcefully realised himself from her grip before walking away.

Karen broke down into sobs right in front of everyone, she just couldn't hold back her tears in but allowed it to flow freely. She ignored the stares she was receiving from the people in the restaurant.

She dragged her weary body before walking out of the restaurant. Just as she got out of the restuarant, her phone buzzed loudly. She stared at the message which just came in for a while before flagging down a cab.



Karen rushed into the ward where a woman was lying down. She had several machines connected to her body and also had an oxygen mask on. Without being told, one could tell that it is her mother because of the striking resemblance.

She swallowed into nothing as she moved closer to the bed. She sat down beside the unconscious woman before taking her hand, carresing it gently. The door opened and a man on white coat, a doctor, came in. Karen averted her gaze to him briefly before turning back to face her mother.

"We managed to put her back in a normal state but still it is very risky for her. She had to be under watch 24 hours because at this point anything can happen to her" Doctor Park said.

"Please do that" Karen muttered

"But don't you think you should give up now? It's been five years already and there is no improvement from her, she might never wake up and it's high time you come in terms with that" He said with so much difficulty, he didn't want to break this to her but he just had to anyways, for the best.


"You've been working yourself out day and night. You look like life has been snapped out of you, you struggle to pay the bills for the life supporting machine. You are even lagging behind in the payment and I am just being patient with you but do you think my patience will last long?" Doctor Park added.

"I will pay, just give me some more time. Just give me, three months.... I mean....five months....

Karen bit her bottom lips as the realization that she just lost her job dawned on her. She didn't even know when tears escaped her eyes, rolling down her both cheeks.

"You should let her go already and you don't have to feel bad about the decision you make, you've tried as a daughter" Doctor Park pressed on further.

"I can't.... I just can't" Karen whimpered asking her head rigorously.

"You should give it a thought dear" He said, he gave her a light pat on her shoulder nature walking off.

"I really hope you get better soon" Karen said to her vegetative mother with teary eyes.




"Right there!"

"Damn it!"


Yasmine moans filled the air as Andrew kept on banging into her. He released into her before pulling out. He fell weakly beside her and then pulled her closer to himself.

He stroked her hair fondly while she rested her head on his broad chest. She suddenly raised her hand revealing the diamond rings which sits gracefully on her finger.

"I still can't believe this, I am going to be Mrs Lancelot" She said with a wide from which caused Andrew to chuckle lightly.

"No one deserves that position better than you, babe" He said kissing her forehead.

"It's a dream come through for me" She mumbled adjusting well on his chest.

"I want no one to be the mother of my kids but you, Miss Yasmine" He said jokingly

"I want a big wedding, I want it to be the talk of the city for months" She said dreamily staring into the space.

"Your wish is my command" He answered.

"I'll just take a shower, I'm sweaty" She said releasing herself from Andrew's grip. Her clothes were scattered all over the room due to the hot make out session what just happened between them. She walked to the door of bathroom n@ked.

"We might just go for another round of you continue to tempt me like this" He said smacking his lips together while staring at her huge and bouncy backside.

"Andrew!" She laughed before entering the bathroom fully.

Andrew smiled lightly before taking his phone which just buzzed loudly. It's a message from his granny.

"Come to the mansion immediately" It reads making him let out a loud groan.



"Young master!"

"Welcome home!"

"Welcome sir!"

The maids and the guards greeted as soon as Andrew came into the house. He just focused on his phone not bothering to reply them.

"Welcome son" Granny Brenda said coming down the stairs with the aid of her stick.

"You asked me to come" He said briefly

"When are you planning on settling down?" She blurted out causing a groan to escape from his lips. What else was he expecting? They go over this same thing every time he visits.

"I already told you mom, at my own inconvenience! I'll find a bride I love and settle down with her" He replied

Well, his relationship with Yasmine is actually a secret. She had actually requested that it should be kept unknown to anyone, including his family members until she was ready. Reasons best known to her.

"And when would that be? You are growing really fast and you need someone by your side. I read the articles, you got another estate" She said

"And I think you should get another grandson so you would stop troubling me" He muttered making her raise her stick to hit him lightly on the head.

"How about you meet with this lady? Just once? What do you think? You can decide if you like her or not" She suggested.

"As you wish" He muttered knowing fully well that he can't get past this one.

"Lanry will send the location of the blind date to you. Go there immediately" She said with a note of finalty.


Andrew dialed Yasmine number as soon as he entered the car. He waited for a while as the call connected through. She picked up almost at the last ring, he could hear her heavy breathe from the other end.

"Babe" She spoke first almost breathlessly.

"Were you doing something?" He asked

"Nothing much, just finished exercising. Why did you call?"

"I have a blind date to go to" He paused after a while only to be greeted by silent from the other end.

"Go on" She replied in a low voice.

"But trust me, nothing is going to happen. In between, don't you think we should let everyone know about our relationship now? At least, I would stop going on blind dates" He said running his hand through his hair.

"Just go on with the blind date okay? I trust nothing is going to happen" She said in a hoarse voice. She suddenly let out a shrill scream making him jerk up.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He questioned, she was silent for a while.

"Sure, I'm fine. I'm hanging up now" She said and hung up before he could say anything else. Andrew sighed deeply staring at the disconnected call.



Karen gulped down the tequila in the glass cup, she finished the entire content with just one gulp before stretching her hand for more.

Luciana poured another one for her and she drank it at a go and she stretched the cup for more. Luciana meant to pour another for her but Kimora stopped her.

"Don't you think that is enough already? She had two bottle already, she might just pass out due to excess alcohol at this rate" Kimora said.

"There's no better cure for heartbreak than alcohol" Luciana replied.

"But I am not heartbroken, I just lost my job" Karen said with a pout, she was drunk already.

"It's still the same baby!" Luciana exclaimed.

Karen belched loudly before standing up, she staggered as she tried to maintain her balance. She opened the door to the bathroom before going in.

"I think I have a perfect solution to this" Kimora said and that got Luciana's attention totally.

"Huh? What's it?"

"Don't marry, date!" Kimora exclaimed with a slight giggle. She quickly brought out her phone and quickly logged into the app.

"She should just go out and enjoy life a bit, she had been choked with work the whole time and now is a perfect time for her to unwind" Kimora added. As she was talking, she inputted Karen's picture in the app.

"But do you think she will agree to this? You know her opinion about dating and relationships. It is a dating app we are talking about here!" Luciana voiced out her opinion.

Kimora meant to speak but she paused on her lips as Karen came out of the bathroom. She averted her gaze from one person to another, eyeing them suspiciously.

Kimora and Luciana are actually her best friends, the only people she could call family apart from her mom. They met at college and had been friends since then.

"What were you guys talking about? And why did you stop on seeing me?" She questioned, she just washed her face so she was a little sober and Karen also has a strong tolerant to alcohol too.

"A job opportunity just came and the pay is baffling and at the same time, life changing" Kimora answered before Luciana could say anything.

"Huh? Where?" Karen's eyes sparkled immediately.

"I texted the address to you, just go" Kimora said pinging on her phone. Karen grabbed her jacket before dashing off.

Luciana realised the breathe she had been holding the whole time.

"Hope this works out well" She muttered.

"Don't marry date is the best dating site ever! I pray she would meet her match, woukd it prehaps be love at first sight?" Kimora said staring into the space. Luciana let out a scoff before climbing in the bed.

"My goodness! My date is so handsome!" A notification popped up on Kimora's phone. It was a user of the dating app and a picture came with the tweet, it's a picture of the male the user was paired with.

"Lucky you" She said before continuing with her drink.



Andrew darted his eyes around as soon as he entered the restaurant. As much as he hates to do this but he couldn't help but do whatever Granny Brenda wants. She has a weak heart and he knows how she can be if she is stressed out.

"I'll just get this done and over with" He muttered to himself. His eyes suddenly caught with a lady who was also looking around like she was expecting someone. He walked over to her immediately.

"I'm Andrew Lancelot" He muttered coldly before taking his seat. He had planned on not talking throughout the entire date, she will surely get tired of talking if she is the only one that is doing the talking.

Karen raised her head to look at him and her tipsy eyes met with his. She found herself melting under his cold gaze.

" Are the one to give me the job?" She inquired rather tipsily, there was a bottle of whiskey right in front of her and she had taken half of it.

"What job?" Andrew questioned with furrowed brows.

"Silly me rushed out of the house without taking my credentials with me" She said slapping her head. Andrew just watched her interestingly.

"I guess life is meant to go hard on me, that's why I am always failing in whatever I do. Love isn't meant for me either, looking around and seeing these couples around me makes me look like a total failure. A pathetic loser" she continued blabbing.

"To think I haven't had my first kiss yet" she said with a slight chuckle. She covered her mouth as she belched.

"I lost my job today, have a mom in the hospital.... can life be any more worse?" She said taking another gulp directly from the bottle of whisky.

Andrew gently collected the bottle from her, their faces were now close to each other. Karen cupped his both cheeks before releasing a sheepish smile which got Andrew amused.

"I don't know why I am telling you all of these. Strangely, I want to do crazy things tonight" She muttered and before he could process anything, she slammed her lips on his.

Andrew's eyes grew wide like they could pop out of its sockets......

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Other books by Hazel Billy

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Wrong alpha

Wrong alpha



Has everything ever been wrong for you? No one respect you in your own home including your family. Ever heard these words from your stepbrother? I have one thing you could never have, never dream of, never see on your way even if you fast and pray for it and that is FAMILY! You're just a piece of shît Jaxon nobody, no one cares if you go missing, ha... You can even jump over the bridge and the world will not be different, it will simply be perfect cos you're a waste of space. A son but not son, nobody loves you and no one will ever will, you're alone Jaxon, no matter how strong you're YOU ARE NOBODY! I bet you haven't but he has! Jaxon Black, popularly known as the big bad Wolf, the wrong Alpha. The second in command of the Alpha brothers. Just like it's said earlier, nobody loves him, not even his parents, not even his siblings. No one counts him as a member of the family He was an Alpha but was treated like a nobody, Jaxon let rage and fury cloud him, not getting the respect he desire from his family and clan drove him to the edge. But she came to Maryland, she showed him love and compassion, made him feel Worthy of every little thing he did. He life was going just fine with her until his stepbrother Ty came into the picture. Now she has to leave him for his stepbrother.... On a quest to save her from his evil family plot, her mother's life get entangled and hers was next in line. It's either she marrys his Ty or she dîês. In a quest of desperation, he made a deal with his stepbrother, but little wonder, the deal wasn't what it seemed like, he was tricked and used. But she had a secret, a secret the truck exposed to the whole clan and she was now a bet The forbidden fruit. The reason for his pain. He decided to take it up against his entire clan but can one win against many? Now the question is; who is she? Why did his family despise him so much? Will she end up with Ty? What did Ty do? Will he get her back? Let's find out....

My pregnant maid

My pregnant maid



Ever heard of Shane Smith?, Well known Business Man who own a Top Company In Korean, yes. The Korean Women and Ladies celebrity, yes, he is so hot and Handsome that anyone woman who sets their eyes on him ends up wanting him so badly, yes. Shane is sorrowfully Married to His Model Wife whom He believes he loves so much, but he has one problem, Married for 3 years with his wife Refusal to have kids. Until when Ellen stormed in his home as a Maid and everything went upside down at a Night mistake he made while drunk out of Depression. Ever been in a Situation whereby all you wanted to do for your Poor Family was to provide for them at all cost and situation?. Ellen Can be counted as one of those people, Having her Sick Mother and Younger Brother who was still in highschool was choking for Ellen. Although she might be struggling to survive but she was still happy with her Family. Everything changed for her when she saw a huge money Job requesting to be a maid at one of the most hottest and Handsome Men in Korean's Home. She never got attached until A Married Older man, Who was more older than her with more years had his way with her and she couldn't help but to fall stupidly for him. With Shane been Married and in love with his His wife who was in picture would their Love story ever work. What happens when Ellen ends up getting pregnant for Shane which has always been his dream?. Will Ellen live in more hell and torment at Shane's Mansion?. What would prone Shane been drunk to have his way with Ellen?. What would you guys think of the age difference?, Do you think there will be more mysteries to be known?.

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