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His rejected wife( Ana and Peter)

His rejected wife( Ana and Peter)

O.O. Betha


“I was your first_ your first fuck” Peter declared moving seductively towards her and Ana stepped back as he approached, she used to think her office was big and had enough space, but it didn't feel like that anymore as Peter was locking her in. “Girls never forget their first, you still feel something for me” Peter paused to breathe her in as they stood face to face. “You are right, girls don't forget, I didn't forget how bad you were” Ana blurted out to hurt his ego. Peter smiled, knowing her intention. “Then let me correct it” he reached for her hair, to pull her into a kiss. “Don't touch me, you Asshole” Ana pulled away, changing their position. She would never let him touch her that way again, not after all he did to her in their six years of marriage, the emotional abuse, the betrayal, and the bad divorce. She could still remember them, even if their marriage ended four years ago. “I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry” Peter quickly apologized and realized he stepped too far. “I'm sorry for what I said, I'm sorry I tried to seduce you. I'm sorry for all that happened in our marriage. I just need a second chance with you and our son_” “Do not bring my son into this_ don't fuckking bring JR into this!” Ana was forced to marry the naughty grandson, as stated in the last will of her ninety-seven-year-old patient. The contract marriage was to last for six years. In those six years, Peter made life a living hell for Ana who was trying hard to make the marriage work because she loves Peter. When the marriage ended, Ana disappeared, not knowing she was carrying Peter's baby from a one-time mistake. Four years later she is back with her son and now a C.E.O. Peter realized his mistake and wants them back. Will Ana ever forgive and take him back?

Chapter 1 The reading.

Ana quickly dressed up, it wasn't much of an occasion, so she chose to go with a casual outfit, a pair of jeans, and top, and a brown oversized jacket she borrowed from her roommate Rose. She had no idea what was done in a will reading or how you were expected to dress, she had never been to one, she is not from a wealthy family and no one had ever left her any. Ana Scoth had no family, her parents died when she was a baby, and she can't even remember them, she moved from one foster home to another, till she was eighteen and could be on her own.

She became roomy with Rose who was also an orphan from her last year in Nursing school. Now that she was a practicing Nurse she could now afford a better apartment where they now have separate rooms. For extra Cash, Ana had to take up the job of a caregiver for Ninety-Seven-year-old Li Xung, a multi-billionaire and one of the richest men in the country. Li Xung liked to be called Papa Li, and his family and friends called him that, when Ana became his caregiver he asked her to call him “Papa Li”. He was such a nice old man and wasn't like the rest of the Xung family, who weren't friendly and looked like her like she smelled of shit. Papa Li was nice and always had a joke to tell. When she received the news of his death it broke her heart, to have lost a good friend and also her job, she would need another part-time job to help with the bills. Ana had asked the Xung family through the housekeeper if she could come to the funeral to pay her respect and they agreed. She feared to approach any of them in person, they looked mean and might spit on her for coming close., especially his Grandson Peter. The very handsome Peter who she has a crush on, that Papa Li would sometimes tease her about. She was surprised they allowed her to come to the funeral, more surprised when the invitation to come for the will reading came two weeks after the funeral. Ana quickly put her beautiful dark curly hair in a bun, this was not a day to let it down she said to herself as she did the finishing on her light makeup. As she does, the thought of why Papa Li would include her in his will, came back to her. The old man was fond of her. He joked about her strange interest in history books and how she might have nightmares from reading too many of them, the day before he died. Maybe he left her the books she used to borrow for his library. Ana smiled at the possibility of it and remembered how they used to read together and argued about some historical events. “Okay Ana, time to get yourself some history books,” she said to her reflection in the mirror. She stepped out of her room to the living room, where she saw Rose making a sandwich by the kitchen counter. “Want some?” Rose asked as Ana approached. “No I'm full” she answered but she wasn't, she was just nervous about the reading. “ You should relax, what else would the old man leave you, if not the books, you showed so much interest in” Rose said to her, noticing her anxiety. “Yeah, you are right. Is just the book _ and also being around the Xungs scares me, they are intimidating” “Just relax, they won't bite, the man wants you in the reading and you have to be there” Rose encouraged her. “Yeah for Papa Li, I miss him. It’s going to hurt going to that house and he would not be there” Ana paused to reflect on it. “ Not working today?” she asked when she observed the time and Rose was still at home. “No, I switched shifts with Jene, the new girl, she had some stuff to do. I will go by six” she informed. “Oh okay” Rose waits tables at a coffee shop to pay for college, she is in her last year. “I will be off now, the reading is by two” Ana checked the time to confirm she still had enough time. “And this is one,” Rose pointed out. “I don't want to keep the rich waiting,” she joked as she walked out. “We can't be waiting for a mare caregiver, everyone else is her. Barrister Mark; can you please proceed with the will reading already” Peter suggested to the family’s lawyer who is also a close friend of the family, when he noticed even one was present but his Late grandfather’s caregiver. “I'm sorry, Peter, but everyone has to be here including the Caregiver, she was mentioned in the will” Mark informed Peter and the rest of the house that was looking impatient. The fact that Papa Li has to include that low-life Caregiver in his will, surprises everyone in the Xung family. Papa Li also included the rest of the domestic staff, which is understandable, some of them have worked for over a decade with the family. But the caregiver had just worked with Papa Li for a year and she somehow managed to get into his will. That pissed Peter and his mother up Peter and his mother were the only surviving family of Papa Li before he died. Since Pete’s father died in a car crash some years ago, he became the only heir to the Xung wealth. Peter knew the whole wealth now belonged to him, now that Papa Li was dead, they were only waiting for the will to make it official. Every other person here might get a few treasures, precious stones, and maybe cash. His grandfather was a good collector of precious stones. “Barrister Mark, I still insist you start the reading, we can't all be waiting for her. Whatever gold wristwatch Papa Li had left her can be easily sent to her” Peter was getting angry, he had more important issues to handle than to be kept waiting for a mere Caregiver. “ I'm sorry Peter, it doesn't work that way, she has to be here” Mark started. “And if she doesn't show up?” “We reschedule, “ Mark blurted out. Peter's impatience was tiring him. “Really? That's unacceptable” “You have to accept it, it is Papa Li's last will, if you want to hear it read, you have to accept the terms” “That is crabs, I won't sit here and take that. I might have to contest those terms in court” “Go ahead and try, you would be wasting your time and money” Mark knew Peter could act crazy, sometimes and wondered if he would be so foolish to go contest the terms of a will reading in court. “Peter! Please sit down, Will could wait a while, is just five minutes past two” Stella, Peter's mum reached to her son, to control his anger. Stella, too, was becoming impatient, the nerve of that little thing to keep them waiting. She was looking forward to getting the Late Mrs. Xung Collection of jewelry. The old man keeps guard of them like a mother hen. Now that he is gone, as the only surviving female family member they will naturally pass to her, she was excited, it was the reason she was her, and she knows every other thing will be passed down to her son. “Maybe Gloria can go call her, and find out what's keeping her,” she suggested when she got Peter to sit down. Gloria, the Xung's sixty-five years old, and oldest housekeeper quickly stepped out to go call Ana. As she went to the phone she couldn't stop wondering why the poor girl had not shown up. She had never been late when she came to care for Papa Li and feared the Xungs would eat her up with anger when she finally came. Gloria hoped Ana was safe.

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