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O.O. Betha

O.O. Betha 's Books(3)

His rejected wife( Ana and Peter)

His rejected wife( Ana and Peter)

“I was your first_ your first fuck” Peter declared moving seductively towards her and Ana stepped back as he approached, she used to think her office was big and had enough space, but it didn't feel like that anymore as Peter was locking her in. “Girls never forget their first, you still feel something for me” Peter paused to breathe her in as they stood face to face. “You are right, girls don't forget, I didn't forget how bad you were” Ana blurted out to hurt his ego. Peter smiled, knowing her intention. “Then let me correct it” he reached for her hair, to pull her into a kiss. “Don't touch me, you Asshole” Ana pulled away, changing their position. She would never let him touch her that way again, not after all he did to her in their six years of marriage, the emotional abuse, the betrayal, and the bad divorce. She could still remember them, even if their marriage ended four years ago. “I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry” Peter quickly apologized and realized he stepped too far. “I'm sorry for what I said, I'm sorry I tried to seduce you. I'm sorry for all that happened in our marriage. I just need a second chance with you and our son_” “Do not bring my son into this_ don't fuckking bring JR into this!” Ana was forced to marry the naughty grandson, as stated in the last will of her ninety-seven-year-old patient. The contract marriage was to last for six years. In those six years, Peter made life a living hell for Ana who was trying hard to make the marriage work because she loves Peter. When the marriage ended, Ana disappeared, not knowing she was carrying Peter's baby from a one-time mistake. Four years later she is back with her son and now a C.E.O. Peter realized his mistake and wants them back. Will Ana ever forgive and take him back?
Helen And The Mafia

Helen And The Mafia

“Come over here_ Lilly dear please come, I told you not not to go too far, Lilly dear” she calls again as the pretty little girl ran into her waiting arms. She was her mother's image, the same brunette hair, blue eyes, full lips and well-structured cheekbones. Both mother and child were beautiful as they hugged. Helen’s heart began to beat fast as she watched her husband's mistress with this beautiful child. They were in a busy mall but it was beginning to feel like a lonely hallway. “Oh my god, it can't be, it just can't be” Helen began to pray in her heart. “Come on baby let's go, the mall is no longer safe,” Victoria said, sizing up Helen from her face to her heavy baby bump. “And why is that?” the little angel asked in her most angelic voice. “Because there is a thief in here, who specializes in taking people's man” she informed. “Is this the woman who stole my daddy?” the little girl asked. Helen was hurt and ashamed and wished those passing by would not hear the little girl's question. “My God! What has Ramsey made me do?” Helen muttered as the child's questions confirmed her fears. She stole her father away from here. “Yes,” Victoria answered with a smile. “I hate you” the child announced and ran off. “Lilly! Lilly baby, don't run away from mummy” Victoria called and pursued after the child. Helen wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. It is true. She was married to a monster. A devil who didn't care about anyone including his own child. She was shaking when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. “Mrs. Phil” Brayan, my personal bodyguard, called. I turned to look at him. “We have to go," he said. I nodded and allowed him to take my hand and led me out. Ramsey never loved her , and she didn't think he loved the child she carried in her womb. If he could abandon his child, his own flesh and blood. Then she was nothing to him. It is all about the contract, to have a child from their contract marriage as she came for a family that befits his status. She was such a fool to have started developing feelings for a monster like him. She wept uncontrollably in the back seat as Bryan drove her back to the monster's mansion. Helen Phil. Formerly Helen Tory was forced into a contract marriage to Ramsay Phil, the dreadful Mafia lord because her father couldn't pay back the money he borrowed to save his dying business. The contract comes to an end when she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child. Helen is trapped in Ramsey's mansion. Will she be rescued by a charming prince or will Ramsey become the prince she desires in the face of daring challenges?