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Life After Life

Life After Life

O.O. Betha


Hariya a priestess to the zen god of war who could see visions of people's future and have healing power and Rem a warrior fell in love when she nursed him out of war injuries he almost died for. Hariya broke are oath of purity and gave her self to Rem. For this their love was forbidden and the king called for their heads. Rem died trying to protect his love after they swore to love each other life after life. Now reborn and recaniated as, Hariya as Areya a farm girl who still possesses her visions gift forced into the kings court of concubines and sex slaves that are forbidden to be seen and touched by other men and Rem now prince Anton the heir to the thones his uncle the king seats on till he is off age to be king. Once again they met and fell hopelessly in love, beginning a forbidden affair that calls for their heads. with Areya's gift and with Prince Anton's power and claim to the throne. Will their love in this second life win over the evil forces from the king, dark powers betrayal from family and friend or will they be killed and defeated to try over again in another life?

Chapter 1 In this life and next

100 years ago.....

Deep in the cold cave,that which has sheltered them for days, from the sun, rain and for those who seek their heads. Like destiny the cave has been there for them to seek and find and be what they need to have these moments. for the fear of those who seek them they couldn't make fire, putting up a fire to keep warm will expose their hideout.

Though It was cold but their bodies cleaving together made it warm, was empty but had them to be full. In it they were safe, so they filled it with love without end, giving their bodies and souls. Beast a large brown dog almost the size of a wolf because of his wolf ancestry, sat in the corner and kept watch even in the dark as his master loved his woman. Rem had been a beast since he was a pup and had been with him even in battles and had come with him when he fed with his love for their lives.

As they made love, Rem and Hariya knew it would be the last, not just in this cave but in this life. So they give it everything. Rem kissed her like he draws life from her, taking each lip with hunger and pouring his passion into her. Indeed,he draws life from her, she was his life, she gave him another life. She made him see the sun rise again. "My sun" he called in her mouth. Hariya opened to Rem, taking all he could give for it might be the last, as she feared it is.

She prayed this day would never come. She will see and feel this love for the last.She knew this day would come, not that she saw it in a vision even though she was a seeer. But she knew and they knew because their union was forbidden, it wasn't meant to be, but the gods brought them together made their path crossed and had blessed them with love. Love they thought would help them conquer their adversaries. But said adversaries seem here and call for the end of their love.

So they loved, each touch burns, cools and pleasures.Rem had touched her before but not like he is touching her now. He suckled on her breast like a staved child making her moans echo in the cave. He put soft kisses on her belly, as she rose to meet each one and he put on her. They were soft and warm. Rem would never get enough of Harayi, it was the passion for her, for the one that had saved him, that had brought them into this forbidden love. A love he gives up battles, the thrill of winning, wealth ,fame and family to be with her.

He had touched her before, the first man to , for he had taken that which was dedicated to gods, but those times could not be compared to the feeling of her right now. Hariya was a little maiden, fair, pure in body and soul, red hair that glowed in the sun and her eyes were blue like the seventh river, the gods must be crazy to think they could keep such beauty to themselves.

She fit imperfectly into his huge arms, for he was a mighty man of valor, built for war, to conquer kingdoms to the glory of the gods and the honor of his people. When he touched her the first time his heart skipped but as he touched her now he couldn't feel his heart beat, they were taken over by the passion of The love they made. Rem continued his kisses from her belly to the valley below. When he got to the spot, he thought he heard her moan change to a cry. So he stopped, lifted his head to see.

Indeed, she weeps. "My sun, you are crying," he said. Hariya nodded and cried more, for the sweet love he made to her and the possibility it might be the last, she cried. "Hariya, you are my sun, you bring light and not sorrow_ it will take a thousand men to stop me from loving you" he says, comforting her, as he kisses the tears from her years. "Rem, you are my life, my life begins and ends with you, I heal people but I have never known what it is like to receive healing until you, I would always love you.... Don't leave me" "Nay_ I would never leave you" he promised and smiled.

He continues his kiss journey down again, soft kisses. Down her thighs, the left and then the right. On the right he continued to the foot, sucked on each toe and kissed her heel, he turned it to her ankle, where the tattoo of a rising sun rested;a symbol of her priestess hood and consecration to Zen the sun god of war.

He kissed it. "My sun" he declared.

" The earth is flat, I love you; when it goes round I will love you, when it becomes flat again I will love you and even if it take another form_ and when men go to war fall on swords and mighty weapon and if a time comes when men learn to use words and not cut down themselves with swords. when greed is conquered my kindness and world peace is achieved...... I, Rem son of Tar, the swinger of double swords, would love you."

"As I will.. love you forever" she replied tearfully.

"Hariya my sun" he called her, lifting her hips, placing himself in the middle he parted her legs further. "Rem" "In this life and next" he vowed thrusting into her. "In this life and next" she repeat.

Meeting his thrust. They rode, in the sorrow, pleasure and passion, as they loved in the moment, they didn't know when the clouds gathered and the heavens opened. When she called out his name in the climax Rem followed screaming "my sun" thunder and lighting sealed their vows. She took his weight on her like he was nothing but he was almost four times her size. When he eased up she knew it was time.

"I have to go" " You mustn't_please stay" she tries to stop him.

"I must_ if we must survive, I have to go and stop them... if they meet us up as I fear they would I wouldn't be able to do much... I fear what might happen"

" But I fear you won't make it back" " Did you see?"he asked, knowing her gift of visions.

"No, you know I can't see, yours or my future.... If I could, I would have looked"

" Hariya.... I would come back, let me go and take out a few of them, slow them down and I will come back to you"

It doesn't feel right, I know you feel it too_ if only I could look and see, I could give my life if the gods would have it, and in return allow me see, if you would return" "Then what use would it be if you look and saw, then the gods get your life" "No use" she paused. Stared into his brave brown eyes, those eyes that stone her heart and captured her soul. " But I will know," she finished. "Hariya_ I have to go, if not for anything for the child you carry, our child_ it must live and you must live." He placed his hands on her belly and she placed hers on them, protecting their seed. "For the child" she affirmed. "Yes''.

He rose and began to wear his armor, putting his both swords in place. She watched him dress, and the Beast stood up in alert to follow his master,or take instructions.

"for today why don't you use a shield" she suggested when he was through.

"Shields are for men, who want to die_ I don't intend to" he said and kissed her on the forehead.

"Beast you sit and stay, watch over your lady and do as she says"

Beast wiggled and gave a short wale in response. He turned to Hariya, helped her up.

"If I don't return in two days_"

"Please dont_ don't say that, you will return to me, to us" she patted her belly.

"I want to, but if I don't, promise me you will mount on the horse, and ride far away... she is a strong house, she will take you far"

" I want you back," she cried. "Hariya, I need you to"

"I promise" she let out.

"In two days" he repeats.

"I promise"

"I love you, would always, in this life and next"

" In the next life, How will you know it is me?" Hariya asked.

"By the rising of the sun on your ankle" he smiled "And how do I know you?"

"Hariya_ you will always know, for you are Ha-ri-ya" he said and kissed her deeply.

When he broke free, he looked at her one last time, stormed out of the cave, not looking back, even as she wept. That was the last time Hariya saw him, he never came back, and on the third day she mounted the horse and rode into the dark with Beast following behind.

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Other books by O.O. Betha

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“Come over here_ Lilly dear please come, I told you not not to go too far, Lilly dear” she calls again as the pretty little girl ran into her waiting arms. She was her mother's image, the same brunette hair, blue eyes, full lips and well-structured cheekbones. Both mother and child were beautiful as they hugged. Helen’s heart began to beat fast as she watched her husband's mistress with this beautiful child. They were in a busy mall but it was beginning to feel like a lonely hallway. “Oh my god, it can't be, it just can't be” Helen began to pray in her heart. “Come on baby let's go, the mall is no longer safe,” Victoria said, sizing up Helen from her face to her heavy baby bump. “And why is that?” the little angel asked in her most angelic voice. “Because there is a thief in here, who specializes in taking people's man” she informed. “Is this the woman who stole my daddy?” the little girl asked. Helen was hurt and ashamed and wished those passing by would not hear the little girl's question. “My God! What has Ramsey made me do?” Helen muttered as the child's questions confirmed her fears. She stole her father away from here. “Yes,” Victoria answered with a smile. “I hate you” the child announced and ran off. “Lilly! Lilly baby, don't run away from mummy” Victoria called and pursued after the child. Helen wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. It is true. She was married to a monster. A devil who didn't care about anyone including his own child. She was shaking when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. “Mrs. Phil” Brayan, my personal bodyguard, called. I turned to look at him. “We have to go," he said. I nodded and allowed him to take my hand and led me out. Ramsey never loved her , and she didn't think he loved the child she carried in her womb. If he could abandon his child, his own flesh and blood. Then she was nothing to him. It is all about the contract, to have a child from their contract marriage as she came for a family that befits his status. She was such a fool to have started developing feelings for a monster like him. She wept uncontrollably in the back seat as Bryan drove her back to the monster's mansion. Helen Phil. Formerly Helen Tory was forced into a contract marriage to Ramsay Phil, the dreadful Mafia lord because her father couldn't pay back the money he borrowed to save his dying business. The contract comes to an end when she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child. Helen is trapped in Ramsey's mansion. Will she be rescued by a charming prince or will Ramsey become the prince she desires in the face of daring challenges?

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