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The Gambler

when a man is willing to go all out to make wealth gambling

Chapter 1 How it began

Addiction comes in various forms. To some, its d7ugs while to others it is women, alcohol, stealing and what have you. Mine was a totally different ball game, i was an addicted gambler. I could gamble with the last breath in me. Even when obviously gambling wasn't in my favour, i didn't give up. I had lost my entire life's worth to gambling. My journey of gambling dates way back to when i was in secondary school, i had met a group of boys who did nothing for free, a price must be attached before the any game can be set rolling. Be it football, quiz, group revision just name it.

After graduation, i had imbibed the spirit of gambling, i became a regular guest at sporting bet shops, i would bet till my last money was usurped. Bit by bit, i ran down the provision business my father had opened for me after graduation as i await a good paying job after my tertiary education, I graduated by luck for several times i had exhausted my school fees on bets. The store my father opened for me was huge that my pride wouldn't let me dare return to my father for help after i ran it down, so i visited a witch doctor. My mission was simple, i wanted to know the outcome of things before they actually did. This i believe would help in my predictions of matches before they are played. The herbalist after critically examining my palm like satan did to Jesus at the pinnacle showed me the luxury i stand to gain if i could go through with his terms. Desperate as i was, i needed no further counsel for my mind was made up. The witch doctor was kind enough to spell out the terms and conditions, A few items were required for the sacrifice before i was told my life would be required of me. You will have all you asked for and more the witch doctor said, but at the end of 20 years, you would d!e. 20 years? That's alot of time i thought, People my age d!e daily in penury how much more me living a life of affluence for 20 years before i leave planet earth. I grabbed the offer and like the renowned Dr. Faustus, I sold my soul to the devil.

The ritual was conducted at the shrine of the witch doctor after which i was asked to go to any junction where 4 paths met by 12AM. I would see a man in white, i was to follow him without uttering any word. With gratitude i left in joy for my expectations were quite overwhelming. I did as i was told and just as i was instructed, a sickly looking man awaited me at the junction and on seeing me come close to him turned around and began to walk towards the thick forest as i followed him behind. He led me to a lonely grave in the thick forest where finally in a weak voice asked me to lie down on a mat which was laid beside the grave. Without an iota of fear, i laid as i was instructed facing hope and a joyful heart. So this is the path from poverty i kept reminiscing in my heart.

Things began to take a new twist when with the wave of hands from the sickly man, my hands and foot were bound in such a manner that i could barely shake. The tomb opened with white smokes gushing out and i was shocked to see it was hollow. Suddenly, a creature flew out of the tomb, it was the devil himself. I needed no formal introduction for he had the appearance depicted by religious articles. At this point, i wish i could turn around but it was too late. He looked at me with a mean look, the sickly man was now bowed with his face fully facing the ground and uttered no more words. After a long glance, the devil burst out into a heavily laugh for a while before making an abrupt stop. He began to make some facial expressions, at this i began to feel myself rip apart before finally i saw myself looking at myself. The me standing was in tears and unbounded. Still in a state of shock and fear, The standing copy of me entered the tomb and it was shut. The devil then laid on me, and entered my body. Immediately, the ropes disappeared. I got up and the sickly man wasn't around anymore and so was the mat. Everything just seem like i was dreaming except i was in the bush. I tried to trace my way through the thick forest but was having some difficulties so i wished i was home and kabush! I found myself right in the middle of my room.

This thing seem to be working i thought, i picked my phone to check the recent fixtures, The predictions were easy fizzy, i was able to predict with a level of certainty the games that were unplayed. With a stake of 1k, i won 150Billion. It was the biggest win ever. Like the renowned Senator Osakwe, The bet company had to contact me to be a shareholder in their company since they can't afford to pay me. I became the king of wealth within 24hours, being the highest shareholder in the company came with some complementary benefits. I got 2 ford SUVs, i moved into the company's mansion, i got guars and a shopping card woth 100million.

It was really unbelievable how things changed for me in such a short time. I visited my parents and my mother's joy was incomprehendable as i broke the news of how my life changed except of course, i didn't tell her of my romance with the devil. As i narrated, my father maintained this look of disappointment and after i had completed all i had to say, he only responded, My son! What have you done to yourself? I was shocked but managed to remain calm. What do you mean sir, i asked? Can't you smell the evil oozing out all around you? No sir, the news of my victory is on the news and all social media handles, its trending globally i interrupted. Be quiet my son, I birthed you and i watched you grow, i know you more than you know. I read the news in the papers after a deep thought, i narrowed it all to evil. I really can't place it right now but the desperation you always had as a child remains with you. Go and undo whatsoever you have done for the end would be bitter. These were his last words before the peace in the house was upturned by my mother. She screamed the roof down. My son is not evil, how can you see things differently from the entire world? The quarrel was so much that i spent the whole day at my parents. I got out all the gift items but my father who had been quiet all through my mother's ranting warned that should those items enter his house, someone would d!e. My mother must have been scared for my father was a mean man, a disciplinarian and a retired naval officer. After thinking for a while, she asked me to help her drive it to my store at the market. I did and as i drove into the market, the market was torn apart, everyone came out to welcome me. My mother's joy was immeasurable.

Finally i left for home, i wanted to place a bet and to my surprise, all the betting companies had set a limit on wins. The maximum win had been reduced to 15million. I placed my stake on 10 betting companies and they all returned with wins. My account was jubilating. My worth had increased. Within a month, there was nothing materially i ever want. I had properties in all my choice locations. I flew the world like it cost nothing. My father still did not accept my wealth, this tore the family apart as my mother wanted to impose the wealth as blessing to the family but my father refused which ended their 37 years of marriage.

Lacking nothing, the wealth became meaningless to me, the publicity i got everywhere i went became inconveniencing and after 3 years, i wanted my old life back for even though i was poor, i was in hope that one day, i would be successful and i was at peace, the kind of peace which i didn't have even in my wealth.

There was nothing i didn't do with my wealth, i changed women as i choose but not for once did any take in for me, even when the women seem desperate for they wanted to cajole me into marrying them with pregnancy.

Like a flash, 10 years was gone and my wealth, powers and all remained valueless. Divorced, My father's health had deteriorated from lack of care but the man's stubbornness did not allow him make peace with my mother. He died and my mother and two siblings were now all i had, i ensured they lack nothing but the more i gave my siblings, the more useless they became. My mother a devout Christian had now become a chief sugar mummy in town. All the young men wanted a taste of her cake for it came with complementary wealth. The wealth seem to be destroying everyone i cared about. MY mother i knew would be worried sick that at 47 i was yet to have a child but this version of her only cared about money, money and more money. If i ever dared to draw her attention on the need for her to slow down on her atrocities meant war. I kept mute and brood in silence.

Soon it was 15 years. How time flies. No meaningful achievement to myself, i tried to raise a heir to all i had acquired, every effort ;proved abortive. Not even an IVF could help, neither did surrogacy. I adopted many children, i was charitable but all did not bring me happiness. I can't die like this i always said to myself. Finally, i decided to pay a visit to the witch doctor who introduced me to this regrettable lifestyle.

On my arrival, the witch doctor bowed down and began to call me master, he asked for what he could do for me. After telling him what i wanted, i wanted a child i said and i don't want to die. Leave immediately he shouted. Having a child means elongation of your generation which is not possible at this point for you have signed it all away the day the ritual was done.

I went sorrowfully away thinking of the next line of action, i visited dozens of spiritual homes looking for help but some where either scared of me or fraudsters who wanted their share of my wealth but i cared less for all i truly wanted was help

Finally, the 20years came and i could see the angel of de@th hovering around me. I just wished the 20 years could be a hoax and i never get to die for the last days had become interesting. I had accepted things as they are and became drunk in corruptible passion but the day finally came. As i was being lowered into my tomb, in a flash i saw all my wealth being sold and squandered by my mother and siblings and within 2 years they were back to poverty while on the second vision, i saw myself aged with kids, grandchildren and great grand children. I was definitely wealthy for the environment i saw myself in the vision conots wealth. As dust poured on me, i saw the devil open the tomb and drag my replica out, he was bounded in chains and being leg like a sheep to the slaughter. Tears of regret dropped from my eyes. If only i had known.

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