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The Bestman

story of greed and lust

Chapter 1 The Bestman


When my fiancée introduced Harold his best man to me on our wedding night, how could he have known he was setting me up with my future husband?

My name is Anna and this is my story. I was from a poor background, so after my secondary school education in the village, i moved to the city to seek greener pasture.

I lived with my mother's sister and her husband who weren't finding life easy either so i had to do some hot jobs to fend for myself and also save up for my tertiary education.

The burden from my siblings and even parents in the village was unbelievable as i suddenly seem to be on top of the food chain as they would always contact me with different problems that required financial assistance thereby making it impossible to have savings.

I was working in an exquisite bar, the pay was fair and the tips weren't so bad especially since i was quite beautiful and i did some hook ups to support.

I had closed from work for the night when i noticed a man sitting at an extreme end of the bar in an akimbo position like he had suffered the worst defeat in life, i met him and tried to notify him we were closing but he just stared at me in an awkward manner and continued in his thought. I sttod for a while an beckoned on him for the second time and then he tried to stand but his legs seem to weak to carry him.

I helped him to his car, and as he made to leave, he handed me some ward of cash, it was quite much that i was scared to put it in my pocket in a hurry thinking it might have been a mistake. Thoughts kept running through my head that it was impossible for me to sleep that night. I had to keep the money untouched.

I didn't see the man until four days later, he was in a rather more livid more even though he had visibly lost some weight. My heart skipped a bit but i summoned courage to walk up to him in a rather polite but terrified manner. As i greeted him, he answered in a happy tone appreciating me for my gesture the other night as he really appreciated it. So all that much money is mine i thought in my heart as i went about my duty.

He called my attention and ordered our most expensive wine on the shelf, all eyes was on me as i took the wine over to his table. He asked me to join him but i told him it was against our policy so he just smiled.

After he had drank, he requested his bill which i handed him and he paid with alot more change remaining. He handed me his complementary card and requested i call him.

Who would refuse such offer from a money bag?

I called him at the close of work and he asked when i would be free which i told him i was always free until 2 pm when i resumed work at the bar, so he asked me to join him for lunch by 12 pm at an exquisite restaurant in town.

When i arrived the restaurant, he was already seated over a plate of salad and juice with turkey wings s0 he asked me to make my order but i was too shy not to make a f00l of myself so i just requested a soft drink.

He asked me so many questions about myself which i was as sincere to him as best as i could and after much of his questions, he told me he was asking all the questions because he liked me, he narrated how his heart was broken by a girl he loved so much and wanted me to take her place.

I requested for some time to think about it, but right in my heart i already had my answer, who would spit out sugar?

I gave him a positive answer after two days and the first thing he requested was i quit working at the bar. It was quite scary at first for that job was the best around town, he afterwards enrolled me for adult lesson, he met my aunt and her family and introduced himself and soon became a regular visitor.

His wealth affected everyone in my family, i soon moved into his home. He saw me through my tertiary education before he finally proposed marriage.

Even though Jude had being so nice to me and my family, i never liked him genuinely, he is quite, rich, calm and a definition of a Mr perfect but somehow, somewhere in my heart, i still didn't like him.

But since there hadn't been a better offer coming my way, i decided to settle with Jude with the missing affection.

It was the bachelors eve, alot of guests are being expected amongst whom is Harold, Jude's best friend. Jude always spoke much of him and was so fond of him. We had talked many times on the phone but never had we met.

He stayed quite a distance off with his family and the few times Jude had visited when his wife gave birth, i was writing one exam or another.

The moment i set my eyes on Harold, i felt hypnotised. Never had i love anyone this way, he was not really much different from Jude but i loved this version of Jude better. They are both of similar height and built, their colour, built and dress sense are thesame but then why would i love this man better than the one i have?

I though it would go away with time, i tried to avoid eye contact with Harold but the harder i tried the more difficult it was for me. Harold soon began to notice as he was becoming uncomfiotable around me while i was in flames as the desires in me seem to be on flames.

It was time for the party, even when my bridal train had requested we go for my bridal shower as planned, i found a way to avoid it with the excuse that i wanted to watch my man. I sat there with the boys and when they were drunk, the began to dance dirty and i joined in, it was the perfect opportunity to come very close to Harold.

I danced some dirty dance with him which made him uncomfortable while Jude stood there alcohol wasted and cheering me on.

It was finally time to retire to bed, everyone had gone to their rooms but Jude was already deep asleep. We tried to wake him up to no avail so Harold and i decided to guard him to his room. As we reached, Harold placed Jude neatly on the bed and tried to loosen some of his tight fittings such as shoes, belt, wrist watch and ring. As he got up to leave, there i was, Portiphar's wife. I was totally uncladed stripped from head to toe and staring at Harold.

What is the meaning of this he asked but i quietly took some steps to wards him in a seductive manner but he just shoved me off and made to leave but i had perfected my plans, the door was secured and the key i had hidden.

I would scream and wake everyone up Harold threatened. And what would happen? Jude would believe you and cancel the wedding which i never wanted in the first place or believe me and cut ties with you for life which would be bad for you. So go ahead and scream....................... i told him.

Please don't do this Anna, Jude won't survive the trauma if either options happened or what you ask of me would be the biggest betrayal not just to Jude my friend but also to my wife he pleaded. I can't do what you are asking.

Just this once i promise, the flames of love for you in me needs to be quenched, i am not in my right senses anymore, do this and let me be a happy bride tomorrow i pleaded but Harold was having none of it.

He tried to become hostile but i was prepared. I would scream r@pe and you would need to explain what you are doing here this late for indeed, we had been in this circle of back and forth bargain for about an hour now.

When Harold saw my resilience and his desire to save his friend from disaster, he agreed to my desire and we had it right there beside my fiancée.

There was really nothing special about him afterall, Jude could perform better than him, i don't know if it was the duress, but definitely there was really nothing special about him except for the fulfilment i felt under his weight. I wished it never ended but i had the perfect plan to make this continue as i desired.

After the romp, Harold left for his room while i layed there beside Jude in fulfilment. It suddenly struck me that i had the bridal train waiting for me at the presidential suit so i just ran out to meet them, they were all asleep but i woke them up, i was so happy that they wondered the reason behind my happiness.

Ash@wo they teased, you couldn't spare even this night, you still had to go stress the innocent man, he sure gave you the right dosage another said and on and on they said thinking it was my fiancée that was behind my mood.

We had our shower and when it was morning, we hurried out to the registry to take our vows. I couldn't help but notice the gloomy face Harold wore but that was definitely none of my business, i was more than excited for i got what i wanted and that's all that mattered most.

Harold left in such a hurry after the wedding reception that Jude got so worried, they had lots of plans billed for the week which made Jude quite angry but Harold apologised greatly for the disappointment while i just stood and watch like i lacked knowledge for his sudden behaviour.

After Harold left, i tried severally to reach him but he never pick my calls, on social media i was blocked and if i tried to reach him on my husband's phone, the moment he heard my voice, he always ended the calls. The few time i was able to talk to him was when i compelled my husband to call him and after they talked, he would hand me the phone to greet him but i was limited from talking much.

Two weeks after the wedding, i got pregnant, Jude was all joy, he lavished so much on me, got the baby needs even till the fourth year. He got me three domestic staffs to ensure i didn't do any strenuous work, my life equated that of a Queen.

Jude would always discuss the cold attitude of his bestfriend Harold towards him since he got wedded, could it be that the is jealous or didn't mean well for him? He would always ask. I suggested we both paid him a visit since he was like family to us now and they could discuss man to man all weekend and iron out their differences.

It sounded like a good idea to my husband as he obviously bought it when he praised me as being a good wife who had the interest of his loved ones at heart. But i had my plans.

As planned, My husband and i set out to pay his friend Harold and family a surprise on a beautiful Friday with the intentions to return on Monday. On our arrival, the surprise on Harold could cause a surge in one's bl00d pressure but i just walked past the boys into the house as i made to go familiarise with Ginika, Harold's wife.

Little wonder he said he didn't want to betray his wife, he sure had a beautiful family out here. Ginika apologised so much for not being able to make it to the wedding, her work didn't permit and she had since planned a makeup visit but her husband wouldn't agree she complained. No problem madam, men would always be men i replied.

Harold and Ginika had 3 boys already, so strong and healthy like their father with a look alike of their father. I familiarised so much with Ginika, she seem to like me as we fitted in perfectly.

While Ginika and i were at it, the boys were busy discussing and laughing and catching up, Harold felt uneasy but he could not push us out especially me Portiphar's wife.

Harold suggested we go lodge in a hotel as the bill would be on him since his home wasn't comfortable to accommodate us but Jude simply sought my opinion and i said we were fine, we came to spend the weekend with them and whatever they could offer was perfect. Harold obviously wasn't pleased by my response but his wife, Kids and Jude were so impressed. We got the children room and the children had to go sleep in their parent's room.

That beautiful Saturday morning, Harold's wife left for work, my husband asked us to go visit some relatives of his in town to which i agreed but immediately i got dressed, i complained of headache and needed to rest to which Jude accepted and since someone needed to babysit the children, Harold needed to stay back. I went into my room and lay down while my husband went out.

Little had he left when i got out from bed and in a commando style confronted Harold accusing him of impregnating me and abandoning me. He had to drag me into the children's room for a private talk locking the door behind him.

What did i just hear you say he asked? You heard me right i responded, i am pregnant for you and this evening, i intend to spill the milk infront of your wife and Jude and the children. I can't have another man's child for another man when the father of the child is alive.

Strength left Harold, he was suddenly too weak to utter a word. Finally he broke his silence, Anna, please don't do this to me. Don't put me through this ocean of shame. What do you want from me? Anything, mention and i would do but please save me from this embarrassment. Anything you said? I asked. Yes anything.

Sleep with me, and you must do it anytime i want it. I already have my life planned out, i have saved enough to save me from poverty so leaving Jude means nothing to me but i won't lose you for anything in the world, i would rather k!ll or d!e so make love to me or i talk i threatened.

Harold just sat there looking, time is running out i threatened, someone might be back soonest. At this he obviously seem to be under pressure of time and reluctantly, we did it. We had it for the second time and it felt even good for i made sure i got two rounds and i had also gotten some v@gina sweetner to boost my hold on Harold.

Through our stay, i tried to get a second chance but there was no opportunity as Harold's wife was a bone in the neck, she was every where i was and her husband also was always with Jude. On Monday morning, we packed our bags and returned home. I don't know if the threat worked or it was the sweetner but Harold began to communicate with me. He became somewhat caring and we soon began to fix engagements half way to both our homes.

He would leave home like he was going to work while i would also leave once my husband had gone out and we would meet in a hotel in the middle of the distance apart. I did this six times before i finally had my baby, it was a boy, a bouncing one at that and guess what? He was a replica of Harold. Jude would always deceive himself that the baby looked like him and i would cheer him on but onlookers were so blunt to confirm the baby looked like Harold.

Harold and his wife came to visit two weeks after i delivered, they came with so much gifts, my husband was away at work and i was supposed to call him to return as he had instructed but i wanted some personal time with Harold and as luck would have it, Ginika noticed some jaundice on the baby and since she wasn't a first time mother, she recommended some medications. I pleaded with her to let the driver take her to the pharmacy to get the medicine and immediately she left, i sent the domestic staffs all out and had a quick make out with my love, Harold.

I afterwards called Jude to notify him of Harold and his wife's arrival and before he got back, Ginika and the driver were back. Ginika had stopped at the kids world and gotten my baby so much gifts but i just told her she shouldn't have bothered for i already had the very best of gifts by their presence.

I was all Joy as Harold and his wife made to leave but that was it, i didn't get to hang out with Harold much anymore, for i couldn't travel but once the baby turned 8 months, our midpoint engagements resumed most of which i always had to go with the baby. I was really living my happy life.

This continued until one day when Harold said we needed to stop all this for it was so unfair to Jude who had been too nice to the both of us, i can't do this anymore Anna he said and made to leave but i flared in anger calling him a liar. You can't leave me now i screamed after impregnating me for the second time i said.

What! Screamed Harold, What are you doing Anna? You are complicating all of our lives, please stop this i beg you he said as he sat at the edge of the gin sized bed with his hand on his head, i just stood there looking at him like a confessed witch. You must stick to me forever else i would let the cat out of the bag and believe me when i say everyone is going to get hurt i said in a mean tone as i got dressed and left him in the room.

Our flirtatious lifestyle continued with Harold satisfying his husbandly role except i was the one bankrolling him even when i knew he didn't need my financial assistance since he had a good job and so also was his wife but i don't want my man to lack anything i always thought to myself.

I had my second baby and it was a girl, the only girl child you have i always boasted to Harold, you need to come claim her so you can atleast experience the joy of being paid marital benefits and not you paying all the time i would always say to Harold but he always had a way of avoiding the topic.

Five years into the secret affair, Harold and i had just finished our kerewawa as Zule zoo call it and were catching our breath when suddenly he asked, Anna what is the future in this? That was to me like a marriage proposal, it sounded like would you marry me. My heart leapt for joy as i tried to explain the possible option to a happy ending for us.

Well i said, We could get married in secret, get married in secret how? Harold interrupted especially when you contracted a marriage under the act, you definitely would be needing an affidavit to show that you are a spinster he said. Well, as for that it is settled, Harold and i have been settled except Harold doesn't know. How? He asked again. I got some divorce papers from a lawyer and got Harold drunk and made him sign the paper without him knowing and the agreement included me having 50% of his life worth. You are a devil said Harold while i just made a face and continued with my explanation.

After we get married in secret, i could allow you keep your family since you obviously love them while i k!ll Jude. All his property would be willed to our son and since you are his friend, you would with his final benefits buy a hotel and would always visit us in the guise of helping me with the management. I was so engrossed in my explanation that i wasn't taking note of Harold who had been so mute.

I turned to know why he was quiet but met the bl00d stained eyes on his look, it was the scariest i had ever seen on any living being especially my heart rob Harold that my heart skipped a bit.

Now listen and listen good you Jazebel. I am going on with this your little threat not because of my wife for i know i could explain to her at any point in time and seek her forgiveness and get it but i have been playing this sick game of yours because of my friend turned brother Jude. He is such an emotional being that the news of this could end his life. The day he d!es would be the end of this relationship and i would with my last breath seek justice and as for that divorce paper of yours, burn it for i will never get married to you, not in this life, not in the next. At this, he got dressed and left. I was too scared to confront him so i just sat there and watched him leave.

We didn't talk for two weeks, i was too scared to even think about him until my heart had become weakened from missing him. I had to summon courage to call him but he didn't pick my call, i kept calling until i was blocked, so i sent him a message on social media apologising for what i said saying i didn't mean it. Even though i had sent it, i wasn't expecting a response for Harold had warned me severally not to ever message him for it was a quick means for his wife to find us out. I continued messaging him telling him about how are two kids miss him and how we should meet at our usual spot to make amends. He soon responded with have you burnt the divorce papers and i was quick to lie as i responded affirmative. We got talking and Harold was busy explaining the tale of how he and Jude had been childhood friends and more but that wasn't what i needed. He concluded by saying we needed to put a stop to what we were having, i thought you would grow out of this your obsession but you need help. He said. I am calling Jude right away, i can't continue this anymore, i am telling him about us and how i want to leave this marriage i replied. Little had i sent the message when my phone began to ring, it was Harold. He pleaded with me not to do that. I was at this point in tears so i asked him crying if he still wanted the relationship and he said yes. We fixed a date for the next day and it was like a makeup date as i got satisfaction for all the lost days.

People would always talk you know, this your son looks so much like your friend but my husband always defended it with you know we are brothers from separate mothers he always replied.

I was home one morning seeing a movie when my phone rang, it was Harold, it was so unusual for Harold to call me for we had a call plan and this wasn't part of it. As i picked to know why he was calling, Harold was in great panic, there is trouble he said, my wife read our chat the other day, i tried to explain the situation to her but she got angry and is on her way to your home right now. She said she was coming to tell your husband about us and alsoto advice your husband toconduct a DNA test on the kids.

At this, i knew there was trouble. i sprang up from the chair i laid and checking the time, i knew i had approximately 7 hours to do whatever i could to save myself, I called my husband to come home as soon as he could for i was missing him, It took him about 5 hours to return, which left me with about 2 hours to do whatever i needed to do. I led him to the bedroom were we made out intensively, then had some chats which lasted about 1 hour 30 minutes and with just 30 minutes left, i went into the fridge to get him a glass of juice laced with a slow reacting p0ison which i handed him and as expected, he drank.

Now we wait i thought. 24 minutes into the expected time, Ginika arrived, Ginika was banging at the gate as expected so the gateman let her in and as Jude was leaving to see what it was, i could notice he was already clinging to the left part of his lower abdomen so i just turned and pretended to be sleeping. Ginika entered and was a bit rash but Jude was able to convince her to sit and narrated all that had happened, which she did but to her surprise, Jude wasn't responding much, she made to confront Jude by giving him a slight push but Jude fell to the ground and began to jerk and soon foam was coming from his mouth and bl00d began to gush out while terrified Ginika knelt down beside him trying to be helpful but it was too late, Jude had d!ed. , she made to run away but it was then i came out from the room and began to accuse Ginika of murdering my husband and threatened to call the police on her. On her knees she kept trying to plead innocence to which after much plea, i decided to help her, i told her to run away and never tell anyone what had happened there, not even her husband Harold and as she made to leave, i pointed the cctv camera to her to confirm to her that she was caught on camera. She was so scared but i told her to leave if she didn't want to spend the rest of her life in jail and remain quiet and i would handle the mess which she did without looking back.

She was choiceless as she ran out frightened. It wasn't until morning she got home for her husband called me to enquire what happened at my home that since his wife returned she had been mopping and acting frightened, i said his wife had k!lled my husband by strangling him but Harold knew it was a lie so i just told him that was the story if he didn't play his end well, his wife would end up in jail as i had a video evidence.

Soon the news of Jude's death was everywhere, i had sent message to his family that Jude had developed a heart attack when the news of a scam on him by an online fraudster hit him for he invested over 350 million which he had borrowed for the investment. His family were so supportive, they took care of the entire funeral rites and contributed some money for my upkeep with the kids.

Harold didn't show up at the burial and all through my mourning period he kept his distance but immediately i was free to live again, i called him to come and even when he was reluctant, he had no choice but to succumb. Does he want his beloved wife locked away?

We picked up from where we stopped, he spent most of his weekends warming my bed. Finally i felt my plans had worked out perfectly. Jude's final benefits were paid to me, I told Harold about our plans to buy an hotel to generate a sustainable income which he agreed, I gave him all the final benefits of Jude to look for a good hotel with but it was difficult for no one was willing to sell and the only one he saw was too expensive.

Due to Harold's search for the property, he was now at my place more than before, this definitely infuriated Ginika as she called to warn me to refrain from her husband else face her wrath, i tried to remind her of the blackmail but it seem to have no effect on her anymore, so i sent her a video of the day of my husband's death which had been well doctored by a professional. Jude was seen sitting on his own while Ginika continuously punched him until he fell to the ground and she began to strangle him until foam and bl00d began to come from his mouth. It was a professional piece. This scared Ginika to the bones and on top of that, i sent her Jude's autopsy which showed death by strangulation.

Ginika stayed off my track and i did with Harold as i wish. Jude requested i sold Jude's house as the house was becoming tormenting to him as it brings memories of Jude to him which i did not object, the property was placed on sale and since it was in a strategic location, buyers came for it in no time. We sold the house for 47million and got a period of 6 months to quit so Harold's task became two which included buying a house and buying the hotel. All the monies were in his care while i acted the role of the good wife to him just as i had always wanted my life to be.

Harold had left for home that beautiful week so he could go to work just as every other weeks against my advice that he should quit when news reached me that he had taken his family out for an outing and didn't return. His entire family were said to had perish in a ghastly motor accident. I didn't want to believe it so i paid a bank manager to help me track the funds in Harold's account but i was shocked when i heard Harold had converted all the cash in his account into pounds and paid it into a foreign account.

This was the proof i needed that Harold wasn't dead but was playing a trick on me, so i hired a private investigator to smoke him out. It didn't come cheap as it cost me heavily. The investigation was so intense that i believe Harold who must have been watching must have noticed from his hideout as he sent me various voice notes of me planning on how to k!ll my husband and also some of our s3x tapes and it all ended with the inscription, you are not the only one good at the game of blackmail. I tried to contact the number but it was off and off till date. Most of my life's worth had drained out so fast, yet there was no sign of Harold or my money. I concluded to report him to the Interpol but was scared he had too much evidence on him.

I remained mute, I became poor with my kids but Jude's family were really helpful, they always contributed to my upkeep and the children. Three years after Harold had disappeared and i was accepting the ugly form my life had taken, Jude's family called me for a family meeting, and right there, i was told to come swear that i know nothing about Jude's death that since Jude died, his sister had always seen him in her dreams in tears pointing at me who was always in a corner smiling and counting lots of money.

I denied it sternly that i knew nothing about Jude's death, so i was asked to swear to a deity that had been placed in the centre of the house to which i bluntly refused.

My two kids were taken from me and i was ostracised from the family, the news spread out so fast that i killed my husband that soon no one was willing to associate with me.

Now here i am in my father's house not a girl and not a woman, my life have returned far worst than it was when i met Jude

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