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My Chosen, My Destiny: The Alpha's Voodoo

My Chosen, My Destiny: The Alpha's Voodoo



Meet Ashley, a female werewolf who likes dressing up as male wolf. She loves hunting. Her family and friends all tried to change her but to no avail. Her fate changes when she encounters the ruthless Alpha Aegon who has a bad reputation of taking mateless females forcefully. And no one knows what happens to them after Ashley was taken to his palace after she tried to escape when he raided her pack.

Chapter 1 Beginning

Chapter one

Ashley POV's

I emerged from the woods, a bow slung over my shoulder and a wild animal slung over the other. My clothes were tattered and covered in dirt, my hair wild and unkempt. But my eyes were bright and sharp; I carried myself with an air of confidence and competence.

"Who wouldn't be confident?" I mentally asked myself, it wasn't easy hunting for animals since morning while orders were busy sleeping.

I looked around and was startled to see two familiar faces. It was my friends. My eyes widened in surprise as soon as I saw them.

"Sharon, Bella. What are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes and they scoffed.

"We were worried about you okay? Your parents said you left home at dawn, and it's evening already," Sharon hissed, while Bella stared down at me with a look of disgust.

"Yeah I was already used to that," I mentally rolled my eyes.

"When are you going to stop wearing this?" Bella asked while folding her arms.

"There's nothing bad if I wear a man's clothing, besides it suits me best, I'm comfortable in them," I retorted.

"You're 22 years old Ashley, go find your mate and stop this nonsense you're doing here. Can't you see Sharon? She's with her mate, same with me. Why is yours different huh? Okay fine you don't have a mate, but why do you beat up every man who approaches you?" Bella said, raising her voice a bit.

"Don't be like my mum Bella, you're becoming irritating," I replied and I walked out on them and they trailed after me.

"Don't be annoyed Ash, she's just looking out for you. I mean when do you plan to stop this celibate decision of yours?" Sharon stated and this was becoming increasingly annoying to me.

"You know what? Why don't you force a man on me then? Since you guys have decided to be just like my parents. How about you stop being friends with me just how my parents neglected me huh?" I barked and they both flinched.

"Yeah that's how it should be. Silence!" I yelled, and everywhere became incredibly quiet, just what I needed.

Few hours later, we were still in the bush walking for what seemed like forever, just until Sharon broke the silence.

"We can't just keep on walking without talking right? That's sick," She mumbled, but her words were loud enough for me to hear.

"Girls!" Bella suddenly screamed and we all stared at her in amusement.

"What's wrong with you?" I was agitated by her uncalled-for behavior.

"Sorry for yelling but I just recalled something which is very important. And it's mainly for ladies who haven't found their mates," She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you said ladies. So I'm cool," I replied nonchalantly.

"You're a girl Ash, stop fooling yourself with this manly attitude of yours. You're still a lady and would eventually get mated by a man," Sharon said and she muttered. "I can't believe I'm having to deal with this right now." She threw her hands up in the air in a gesture of frustration, and then let them fall to her sides, as if she didn't have the energy to continue the fight.

"Go on with what you're saying Bella, seems you're the only sensible person here," I said glaring at Sharon who rolled her eyes.

"Do you guys know tomorrow is actually the day the Alpha King comes to take ladies who don't have mates to his palace? He...."

"I heard most of the ladies he took last year didn't come back, they ended up becoming maids in his palace. No one actually heard of them, it was as if they disappeared into thin air," Sharon immediately interrupted her.

"So to clear this shit. You're trying to say I'm in danger because I'm mate less? That's insane. Alpha King or whoever doesn't have the right to take young ladies because he's in power," I stated, pissed off by what I heard.

"That sick lame bastard," I mumbled. It happened last year but I wasn't picked because I was mistaken for a man. This time I'd just do what I know best.

"I'm just saying we all need to be careful, this time we don't know who they'll take. Even if I already have a mate. I'm still scared," Bella stated but I wasn't even scared a bit.

"Finally," I said the moment I got into my compound. "You can go back to your houses now and stop filling my head with negativity," I said and I walked into my room without waiting for their response.

I needed to get some sleep because I've been pretty exhausted. The moment I got into my room, I didn't even bother to freshen up. I immediately jumped into my bed, and I fell asleep.

[At Midnight]

"Ash! Ashley! Wake up!" My eyes snapped open, roused from sleep by the sound of my mother's panicked voice. My mother was standing in the doorway, a look of terror on her face.

"What's wrong mum? What!" I asked but I was cut short. From my bedroom window, I heard a commotion rising from the street below. The sound of wolves growling and banging on doors reached my ears, and I felt a prickle of unease at the back of my neck. I rushed to the window, and peered out, trying to make sense of the chaos below. I saw neighbors running around in a panic, and a few of them were carrying torches.

"What was going on? Are they under attack? Are we safe?" My heart started racing, and I felt a wave of fear wash over me.

"You need to run Ashley. I know we've never seen eye to eye. But I won't let the Alpha King take you away. He's here, you need to run!" She said and my eyes almost budget out of its socket.

"What!" I half yelled, but mother quickly rushed to me, she grabbed my hand and she pushed me outside and she banged the door.

"Run now Ash, your survival depends on you," She said and without further delay, I quickly took off. But it didn't take minutes before I heard a cold manly voice.

"After her!" Immediately I knew I was done for.

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