In quiet corners of jace's life, music had once reigned supreme, filling his days with melodies and dreams. However, a series of unfortunate events had led him to relinquish his passion. He put away his instruments, locked his compositions in a dusty old drawer, and vowed never to return to the world of music. Jace had thought he'd given up on music forever, but thanks to Dorah, the lady he met online. His unexpected encounter with Dorah sparked a remarkable connection that unearthed the musical talent Jace had buried deep within himself, leaving him with a life-altering decision to make. "It's MY DESTINY," embarks on a journey into the mosaic of human connections, exploring the profound impact that one individual can wield over the trajectory of another's.
Dorah was at school when her friends, Miranda, prudence, and Emma, came to her during break. They were all in the same class except Miranda who was a year ahead of them. "What's up, dorah?" Emma greeted as she sat on Dorah's locker. "I'm fine and you?" Dorah asked. "We're all fine" Miranda answered. "Guys, I'm hungry" Emma said rubbing her stomach. "I know from the start that you're a foodie" Prudence said as they laughed at Emma while she frowned. "Guys" Emma grunts as she folded her arms on her chest. They stopped laughing seeing her seriousness.v"okay guys, let's go" Miranda said.
"Don't you think you should get a boyfriend?" Emma asked Miranda. "I don't want any" Miranda answered as they got out of their class. "Why?" Emma asked "Emma"Prudence called shutting her a glare. "Hey, what are friends for? She just wants to know my reasons" Miranda said. "I wonder" Emma said. "Well, dear Emma, the same reason you didn't have a boyfriend is also the same reason I'm single" Miranda said making them burst into laughter. "Why have you guys been against me since morning?" Emma asked rolling her eyes. Just then they heard noise as they're approaching the cafeteria. "The flower boys" Emma exclaimed. "Oh my gosh, God please let Jason follow them this time around" Prudence said with her palms together. Dorah grunt while Miranda just keep a smiling face. As expected the flower boys appeared. The four made way for them but the stopped on getting to them. "Hi " Max, one of the flower boys, greeted as everywhere went silent, probably, they all are interested in what they wants to talk about. "Hello" Others greeted except Emma who kept on beaming. "Dorah, can we talk? I mean privately" Max said. "Well, no. I have things to do"She said. "Dorah please"Ronald pleaded.
(Well, a perfect introduction of the flower boys, some refer them to as YOUNG STARS. They're three in total and they're mostly called the FLOWER BOYS. Max, Ronald, and Jason. Max, he's really considered as the oldest among them. He's always with a serious a serious expression except he's only with the rest. Jason, he's the most quiet among them. He keeps a non serious and non smiley expression and only that alone makes lots of girls falls. Ronald, the son of the owner of the school. He's a flirt and sometimes playful. They're all together as a music band and friends. They've got so many teenage awards and they're intelligent. They're considered the star of the school.)
"Your weakness" Prudence whispered making dorah glared at her. "Okay, but hope you won't take much of my time?" Dorah asked "Not at all" Max said. "Okay, we'll be waiting for you in the cafeteria" Miranda said as they walked away. The flower boys and Dorah walked to the young star studio because it's the closest. "So, what now, seniors?"Dorah asked with a bow. "Well, still want to talk to you about the band" Max said as Ronald and Jason went to sit down while he stood before Dorah. "Well, I don't want to be disrespectful but I thought we already talked about this" Dorah said. "But we still need someone like you" Max said. "But I already told you that, that day was a mistake. What else did you want to hear?" Dorah asked. "Dorah......." "I'm sorry sir. I'll take my leave. My friends are waiting for me" Dorah said. "Am I permitted?"She asked. "Yes, you can go" Ronald answered and Dorah left. "Ronald" Max and Jason groaned. "Can't you guys see she's uncomfortable being around us. Just let her be, we'll get another person" Ronald said. "Fuck. I'm never giving up" Max said as Mr Alfred entered. "Wish you guys good luck" Ronald said. "Did I miss anything ? What are you guys talking about?" Mr Alfred asked as he sat on a nearby deckchair. "Nothing" Max said as he ran his hair through his head. " They're talking about dorah so I just tell them to give" Ronald said making Max scoffed.
On getting home that day, as usual, Dorah didn't met anyone at home . Her mum has not return from work. As she changed into something comfortable, after eating she did her homework, then, decided to go online. The first message she saw was that of a guy, Jace, whom she has been chatting with for days now . They talked and through that the guy started asking her out.
Dorah: you can't tell me you didn't have a girlfriend
Jace: I do but it's only online dating. We haven't met before.
They continued chatting and she later discovered the girlfriend's name . They exchanged contacts and she even messaged the so called girlfriend on Facebook .
"Good morning" Their homeroom teacher greeted as he entered with a new students. "Morning, sir" they all chorused. "Today we have a new student admist us. Introduce yourself" Mr Edward said smiling at the new girl. "Hi, guys. My name is Helena Allan. It's nice meeting you all and I'll be happy if you treat me like a friend and not a stranger" Helena said smiling. "You're welcome" "you're so cute" "you slay" "we got you" they all gave different replies. "Order. Class president" Mr Edward called. "Not in school" "Assistant" "Yes, sir" Dorah answered standing up. "Welcome Helena . It's nice to have you in our school and class. My name is Dorah Howard. You can just call me Dorah" Dorah said smiling. Helena keeps wondering where she has seen Dorah before. She looks so familiar to her. "You can take a sit beside Dorah" Mr Edward said to Helena. Dorah gave her a smile as she sat beside her.
It was really a nice day for Helena, she told her mother about her first experience in school. She even made a new friend, dorah. Her mother was actually happy that her daughter gets along pretty well with those in her new school. After her mother left she messaged her boyfriend and told him about her new school.
"Why does it seems like I know this Helena?" Dorah mumbled as she changed from her school uniform. She grunts as she try so hard to look back in her memory of figured out where she ever met Helena. "Why's it so hard remembering her?" She said rolling her eyes. "Maybe she's not that important" She added checking herself in the mirror before going out of her room. She paused as she got to her door. "Wait! Helena Allan! What's she doing here" she exclaimed.
Chapter 1 Arrival of Helena Allan
Chapter 2 Melodies by the lake
Chapter 3 Melodies of faith
Chapter 4 Unexpected connection
Chapter 5 Echoes of choice
Chapter 6 Whispers of the heart
Chapter 7 Bittersweet melodies
Chapter 8 Notes of destiny
Chapter 9 Strains of destiny
Chapter 10 Harmonies of heart
Chapter 11 Crossroads of Friendship and Love
Chapter 12 Reunion
Chapter 13 Longing for him
Chapter 14 Betrothed
Chapter 15 Love you still
Chapter 16 If love was a crime
Chapter 17 Confusion
Chapter 18 He has a daughter
Chapter 19 Untold feelings
Chapter 20 Symphony of emotions
Chapter 21 Unforgotten history
Chapter 22 Unforgotten history 2
Chapter 23 Matchmaking
Chapter 24 Matchmaking 2
Chapter 25 Back in time
Chapter 26 Love is a risk
Chapter 27 Feeling the chemistry all over again
Chapter 28 It's just as it was
Chapter 29 Setting them up
Chapter 30 Trying to make up
Chapter 31 Feeling the guilt
Chapter 32 Busted
Chapter 33 Not your fault
Chapter 34 The incident
Chapter 35 Just happened
Chapter 36 She's mine
Chapter 37 Hidden scars
Chapter 38 Fault
Chapter 39 Forever bond of friendship
Chapter 40 The worst feeling is when you smile to hide your true feeling
Other books by heart strings