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The Lycan Alpha’s Claim: Lust Beneath the Full Moon

The Lycan Alpha's Claim: Lust Beneath the Full Moon

Xylia Aurora


Scarlet Smith was in a 5 year long relationship with a beautiful man who made sweet soft loving to her leaving her aching for more , still she knows she shouldn't complain, but when she changes jobs and meets Zane Carter her mean sexy assed new boss who leaves her soaking wet and begging for more with just a look, she finds herself wanting more--dirty, filthy earth shattering inside turning mush sex-- Zane Carter not only turns her insides out, he turns her world too... Settling in this company the sharp contract between the model like staff and the normies isn't all that alerts her to the mysteries untold, Will scarlet be able to accept the world of impossible magic she's being "thrust" into? Or will she settle for sweet soft, plain?

Chapter 1 Day One

Scarlet Smith's POV

I checked my hair one more time in the mirror. It looked just the same as it did two minutes ago - as frizzy and unmanageable as usual. Giving up on it, I got out and hurried toward the huge office building. I didn't want to be late on my first day.

The elevator took me right up to the top. Lycan Investments owned a building in one of the nicest parts of town. Zane Carter, their CE0, was a legend in the business world.

I still couldn't believe that I landed a job as his assistant. I stepped into the office, staring around nervously. I got to the reception desk.

"Hello, I'm Scarlet Smith. It's my first day here."

The receptionist gave me a sparkling smile.

"Hey, Scarlet! I'm Tasha. I've been expecting you. Your desk is this way."

I followed her, looking around. I haven't been there before. I haven't even met Mr. Carter yet. My interview was conducted on Skype by one of Zane's top employees, Victoria Nicholas.

It seemed odd at the time, but as I looked around, I started to realize that my interview wasn't the only unusual thing about the company.

There were tall glass windows, but all of them were covered by thick curtains. The inside of the office was lit by a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling

The people, too, weren't what I expected. A lot of them are normal-looking, like Tasha and me. Some of the others, though... I could only describe them as supermodels.

They were tall and pale and moved with a grace that was usually reserved for cats. Their eyes seemed to see everything. They looked at everyone else as though they knew exactly what they were thinking.

Get a grip, Scarlet. They're just people. You're nervous, that's all.

"You'll be sitting here. For now, you can start sorting Mr. Carter's emails. Take out the advertisements and prioritize the rest in order of urgency."

I could do that. I did something similar at my old job.

"Thanks, Tasha. When do I meet Mr.Carter? I assume he has instructions for me?"

Tasha laughed lightly, "You don't go to Mr.Carter - he calls you in. He is aware that you'll be here today. He'll call for you when he needs you."

I was hoping to meet him right off, but I was sure I would see him soon enough.

"Thanks, I'll get started."

I spent an hour sorting through emails. It was mostly the usual nonsense. I quickly organized them into different folders for Mr.Carter's attention.

I had questions for him about how he wanted certain things handled, but I didn't want to make a bad impression by barging into his office when I wasn't needed.

"Scarlet?" Victoria came over, her arms full of papers, "Mr. Carter will see you now."

I tried now to show my nerves as I walked to the clearly labeled office.

I knocked, and a voice called for me to enter.

When I did, my feet came to a halt. I couldn't help but stare at Mr. Carter.

He had this unusually handsome face that made me forget what I had wanted to say.

I felt like fanning myself because, at that time, my face was hot and red.

He was younger than I had expected. Gosh, I was never into brunettes, especially a bearded one like Mr. Carter.

His voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Scarlet. Coffee, please, black, no sugar. Get it at the stand down the street." He said, in brief and concise words. It showed he was going to be a man of few words.

"Yes, Mr. Carter. I just want to say that it's such an honor to be working-" I was speaking when he interrupted me.

"Yes, yes. Just make sure the coffee is hot," he said and took his eyes off me to continue what he was doing.

He dismissed me with a flick of his hand without even looking at me. It was at that moment I knew we weren't going to get along. Anger began to boil up in my stomach.

I may just be his assistant, but he can at least be polite?!

"Yes, sir," I said, managing to be careful to keep a cheerful tone and leave, closing the door quietly behind me.

Why does someone so hot have to be so mean? I thought to myself. I supposed nobody could be so perfect. He had to lack a good personality and have good looks.

I hurried down to the coffee stand I saw on my way in. I double-checked the order, making sure to get it right. Mr. Carter didn't seem to be someone who tolerated people who made mistakes. On my way back, I stood impatiently behind five people at the lift, which didn't seem to be moving.

"What's going on?" I asked a woman next to me.

"The lift is stuck. Mr. Carter is going to go berserk. He had it replaced two months ago," she replied. My heart sank.

"Do we have an ETA on the repairs yet?"

"I'm not sure, but if it's not within twenty minutes, someone is getting fired," she said with a panicky voice.

The coffee in my hand was hot and burning my palm, but I wasn't worried about the burn but the fact it wasn't going stay hot for twenty minutes - if the lift can be fixed that quickly. I bit my bottom lip and made a groan as I walked quickly to take the stairs.

I had thought I was relatively fit. I found out I wasn't fit at all.

By the time I dragged myself up to the fifteenth story, I felt like I was dying. I was sure my face was bright red, and it began to feel like I had daggers lodged in my lungs.

The coffee in my hand was still warm, though not piping hot, but warm enough. Smiling in triumph, I wiped the sweat off my face and paused for a moment, composing myself as I got to the door of Mr. Carter's office.

When I knocked on Mr. Carter's door, he retorted "Enter!" almost immediately.

"Your coffee, Mr. Carter," I said with a smile of satisfaction.

"What took you so long?" He said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, it was-" I said before he cut me short.

"Never mind, just give it to me," he said and stretched his hand to collect it.

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