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The Omega's bully (sassy omega series)

The Omega's bully (sassy omega series)

Luciana rielle


In the town of Silverwood, two souls collide in a clash of hatred and longing. Killian, the formidable Alpha of the Silverwood pack, is a man of pride, strength, and arrogance, haunted by a past he cannot escape. Aurora, a spirited young woman with a heart of gold, finds herself entangled in his world of darkness. Their relationship is a filled with tension and desire, fueled by both animosity and concealed yearning. But when tragedy strikes and Aurora leaves, leaving Killian broken and lost, he transforms into a tyrant ruling with an iron grip and a frozen heart, his soul shattered and his spirit crushed. Several years passes and Killian becomes the Supreme Alpha, his dominance unchallenged and he is filled with hate. However, a chance encounter with a familiar face compels him to confront his past demons and the truth of his destiny. As secrets are revealed and old wounds resurface, Killian realizes that Aurora's departure was not the end, but merely the beginning of a journey that will test his strength, his courage, and his ability to love once more.

Chapter 1 Why me Killian

Aurora's POV

I stand in front of my locker, the metal door chilling my shaking hands. The hallway bustles with noise and movement, but it's like there's an invisible force field around me, keeping everyone at bay.

As I grab my textbooks, a chill washes over me, signaling his presence. Killian.

"Well, look who's playing student today," Killian sneers, his voice dripping with sarcasm, sending a chill down my spine. I keep my eyes glued to the floor, avoiding his gaze.

"Just getting my stuff, Killian. I'll be gone soon," I mumble, barely audible.

"Pathetic little pup" he mocks, his words laced with venom. "You know nobody here thinks you belong, right? You're just a burden, Aurora. A useless omega."

As Killian walks away, I feel the weight of his words. Am I really just a pawn in his game, a useless omega in his eyes?

I sigh as I pack up my things and shut my locker. It's a daily battle, but I won't let Killian's insults define me. I may not belong here, but I won't let that stop me from being strong.

With determination in my eyes, I walk down the hallway. I may not have the same privilege as others, but I won't let that hold me back.

I step into the classroom, my heart racing with nervousness as I search for an empty seat. I spot one near the front, right in front of Killian. It's no coincidence; he planned this just to bother me.

Ignoring the sinking feeling in my stomach, I take my seat and try to pay attention to the teacher's lecture. But it's impossible with Killian behind me, his presence weighing heavily on my shoulders.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up," Killian's voice drips with disdain, a cruel reminder of my position in his twisted game.

"Just leave me alone, Killian," I mutter, hoping he'll get the message and leave me alone.

But he's not finished with me yet. "Oh, I don't think so, pup. You're mine to play with, remember?" His husky tone sends a shiver down my spine, a mix of fear and discomfort coursing through me.

I try to block out his words and focus on the teacher's lecture. However, without warning, he pulls on my hair, a painful reminder of his control over me.

"Ow! Stop it," I hiss through gritted teeth, tears welling up in my eyes.

He chuckles darkly, his fingers tightening around my throat as he leans in closer. "You enjoy that, don't you? You're such a pathetic omega, always begging for more."

"Please, just leave me alone," I plead, struggling to catch my breath.

But he doesn't let up, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispers vile words that send chills down my spine. "You belong to me, Aurora. I can do whatever I want with you, you are mine to break."

I feel his teeth sink into my neck, leaving behind a burning sensation and bruises. His grip tightens around my waist, marking me as his possession for everyone to see.

In that moment, as I fight back tears, I make a silent promise to myself. No matter what he does to me, no matter how hard he tries to break me, I will never let him win.

Killian's fingers tighten around me, the classroom fading away as his cruel touch and menacing laughter fill my senses. Fear grips me, amplified by the familiar scent of his dominance as an Alpha heir.

Struggling for air, his grasp suffocates me, the walls closing in on his torment.

"Stop it! Leave her be!" The teacher's voice breaks through the tension, bringing a moment of relief. She stands strong, unwavering in her gaze.

Killian's laughter cuts through the air, cruel and mocking. "What's wrong, teach? Can't handle a little fun?" he sneers, dripping with contempt.

The teacher's eyes flicker between us, a silent warning of the danger he poses as an Alpha heir. She knows the risks but stands her ground.

"This is serious, Mr. Reynolds. Let Miss Thompson go now," she commands, firm yet tinged with fear.

Killian's smirk wavers, a hint of defiance in his eyes. With a shrug, he releases me and retreats to his seat.

I exhale, trembling from his touch. The classroom buzzes with whispers, sharp in the silence.

As the teacher continues her lesson, I brace myself for what's to come, determined not to let the darkness win.

The teacher's voice fades away as I struggle to compose myself, my heart still pounding from the encounter with Killian. I can sense his intense gaze on the back of my head, his presence weighing me down.

I try to concentrate on the lesson, but every sound and movement sends a surge of anxiety through me. The whispers of my classmates feel like accusing glares, as if they can see the inner turmoil I'm experiencing.

Amidst the chaos, there is only silence, a suffocating emptiness that threatens to engulf me. I feel completely alone, surrounded by faces that view me as nothing more than a target for Killian's torment.

As time passes, the tension in the classroom gradually subsides, replaced by the monotony of the lesson. I find myself drifting into a daze, my mind consumed by the morning's events.

But then, just as I begin to relax, I feel it, a sharp pain in my neck, followed by a burning sensation spreading through my veins. Instinctively, I touched the spot where Killian had bitten me, tracing the angry marks left behind.

I glance up and meet Killian's gaze from across the room. There's a coldness in his eyes, a deliberate indifference that sends a chill down my spine. He's observing me, waiting for my reaction, relishing in the power he holds over me.

However, I refuse to give him the satisfaction. With unwavering determination, I turn away, channeling all my energy into the task at hand. Though I may be bruised and battered, I won't allow Killian to break me. I will endure, I will survive, and one day, I will break free from his grip.

As the final bell rings, signaling the end of class, I gather my belongings and hastily leave, eager to escape the suffocating confines of the classroom. Yet, even as I walk away, I can still feel Killian's presence lingering like a shadow, a constant reminder of the battles that lie ahead.

But I'm not afraid, okay I am scared a little but there is a fire burning inside me, I know that I can face any challenges that come my way. The road ahead may be long and filled with obstacles, but I am determined to overcome them.

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