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A Billion Desires

A Billion Desires



Starting from a small incident that happened to Barbara, Anna Asmita was invited to dinner by Jake Batara Luciano. Unfortunately, when Anna came home, she was followed by Milo Durran - her ex-boyfriend - who accused her of having a rich boyfriend. Anna agrees to let Milo go. But Milo forced Anna to give him a wad of money. Rejecting firmly, Anna was beaten and almost fucked. Trying to escape, Anna caught Jake's figure standing before the pub. Urged by the situation, Anna approached Jake and kissed him. So, will the kiss be a passionate love story or a disaster?

Chapter 1 One

"I'm tired," complained Anna while stirring coffee in the ICU pantry. She yawned widely like a buffalo and was not embarrassed that her partner was sitting before her. Forcing her legs, which felt sore in the calves, she sat beside the curly-haired woman named Shanon.

For a few moments, Anna smelled the Arabica beans deeply, filling her chest cavity; at least, this was the way to go despite how busy the activities that had to be done were.

"Cheer up, Annie," said Shanon, calling Anna's name Annie because it reminded her of her cousin who had died many years ago. "In a few hours, you will be free from your contract, her neck, at least, this was the way to relax, and I... feel sad." Shanon's tone sounded unwilling.

"Oh, Shanon..." Anna leaned her head on Shanon's shoulder, touched by the excellent relationship developed during the three months of working at Fairfield Hospital. "I'm not going straight back to Indonesia. So, we can hang out like you planned last week. Dance like crazy at No Lights No Lycra or laugh until your stomach hurts at Comedy Nights?"

"Both of them!" Shanon exclaimed enthusiastically. I was cupping and patting Anna's chubby cheeks with joy. "Don't forget Black Star Pastry's watermelon cake. We have to come early because they will be having a summer sale. I don't want to run out again."

"Good. I can't wait to raise my sugar levels after all the hard days we've been through," said Anna, remembering that the last weeks in the ICU had been tough.

She sipped her coffee again while occasionally massaging the nape of her neck, which felt stiff from almost twelve hours of continuous standby. On the other hand, doing short-term work like now is profitable. Anna collected nearly four thousand dollars weekly during three months of working in the intensive care unit. Well... although sometimes, a glass of caffeine doesn't work to keep you from feeling sleepy while on guard duty. Just look at the dark circles under her eyes that look terrible if they aren't covered with foundation. Maybe soon, people will compare her to the panda at the zoo.

"I know," said Shanon, patting Anna's hand and holding her. "Where are you going on an adventure after this?"

After her work contract finished the following day, Anna was silent, reviewing the list of things she wanted to do. In silence, Anna's dark brown eyes studied the pantry ceiling as if an answer was being dug up there until Shanon followed the sweet girl's gaze. Anna wanted to rest for at least three days before returning home or taking a new work contract in another Australian state.

"Are you imagining someone until you're drooling, Annie?" whispered Shanon, squinting her big eyes. "I'm curious."

Suddenly, Anna hit Shanon's arm, firmly dodging what her friend said while laughing out loud. Anna didn't have time to think about men if they could only hurt her. Parasitic man! At least it was perfectly imprinted in Anna's head from her sad story last time. Moreover, when she thought about it again, she felt that women could explore their lives more freely and happier than when they were with a man who only used words of affection. Moreover, many women have decided to achieve their dreams and advance their careers so they don't just fall into the arms of cheap men.

"Maybe I'll take a leave of absence," said Anna, interrupting Shanon's wild imagination. "My mother needs me, Shanon."

"I see," said Shanon, curling her lips sourly. "You're a hard worker, Annie. Keep breathing, and don't forget about a vacation to keep your life balanced."

"Thanks." Anna drank her coffee until there was nothing left. Her heart was touched by Shanon's words, who cared about her like an older sister. Suddenly, Anna wanted to know what it was like to have a sibling willing to lean on her. She took a deep breath, shaking off the mirage in her head that couldn't possibly come true. "I can't wait for us to go on holiday together," she continued, changing the topic.

"And looking for a man," continued Shanon, rolling her eyes. "It's time to feast my eyes on sightseeing, get to know a hot guy, and have fun enjoying life as a single."

"Hot man? Ah... that's not a good idea," Anna joked, taking another sip of her cold coffee. "Unless they are Ian Somerhalder."


The Bondi Scout Hall community hall at night is filled with people dancing freely to the passionate music of the Spice Girls from the speakers. They move swiftly without specific rules, following their instincts to relieve fatigue after being busy with a lot of work. Armed with a beam of green light pouring from the end of the entrance, reflecting the shadows of the piles of chairs surrounding the hall, everyone danced without any obstacles, including the influence of alcohol.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends!" shouted Anna and Shanon simultaneously.

They lost themselves in the lyrics of Wannabe, the main song on No Lights No Lycra tonight. They were simultaneously shaking their shoulders, facing each other, then turning their bodies, nudging each other's buttocks even though Shanon's body was more significant than Anna's.

Anna raised both hands in the air, prancing more and more energetically, following verse after verse sung by the vocal group from England. She was not paying attention to the sweat dripping down her skin and through her clothes-even the crevices of the bra. For Anna, participating in this activity is like exercising at the gym. The difference is that he doesn't need to lift weights or run on a treadmill. Just stand, sing, and dance with people without fear of being in the dark.

Satisfied with draining his sweat, she rushed out of the hall with Shanon to fill their stomach, which was roaring for their turn to be filled. Their throats also felt dry, as if they were in a barren field, waving and needing water after they screamed non-stop. They laughed and thought such events suited people who wanted to go wild without embarrassment.

"Never mind dancing in the dark, maybe even making love there. They won't be embarrassed," Shanon joked in response to Anna's pinch on the arm. "Argh, that hurts a bit."

"Because you said it innocently," replied Anna. "Where do we rest?"

"Courthouse Hotel," answered Shanon, pointing to the sign at the end of the road.

The two-story building is painted a pale and worn yellow, while in some parts, it is colored dark green. This place has been a haven for people to relax for decades and has been nicknamed the Newtown icon. It didn't take long to reach it; Shanon and Anna were greeted by long wooden tables and chairs adorning every corner of the bar, while old trees shaded visitors during the day to make them feel comfortable and relaxed. Meanwhile, the black-painted lampposts will emit a soft and subtle yellow light at night, providing romantic effects if you invite your partner.

They almost ran out of seats if a man covered in tattoos on both arms hadn't waved to offer them a place. Shanon responded to the 'unknown' man's invitation while dragging Anna to join in and ignoring his cynical gaze.

"G'day mate!" said the fierce man with a friendly smile. "I'll be done in a moment."

"Oops, sorry," replied Shanon uncomfortably, then stretched out one hand. "I'm Shannon."

"Just call me Benjamin or Ben. It's up to you," said Benjamin, shaking Shanon's hand. "And you?" he asked Anna.

"Anna," answered Anna kindly.

"You're not like the people here," said Benjamin when Shanon raised his hand to ask the waiter for a menu.

"Yes, I'm from Indonesia, and I'm just here to work and have fun," explained Anna.

"Good on ya, that's interesting," said Benjamin, looking at his cell phone screen. "Ah, sorry. I have to go to meet my friend. Enjoy your day!" he said goodbye as he approached the two girls with the casually dressed waiter.

"Fucking hot," Shanon whispered in reply while watching Benjamin's footsteps until he disappeared from view and was met by Anna's elbow in the arm. She turned to the man who had brought a food and drink menu, "A bottle of Lagom Premium red wine, beef nachos, and my friend--"

"Just the same," said Anna.

"Additional?" asked the waiter, sounding friendly.

"Salad, thank you," said Shanon with a wink.

"Wow, we're going to be drunk all day, Shanon," said Anna after the maid left.

"This is your farewell, Annie," replied Shanon, assuring her friend that this night would not happen again when Anna returned to her home country. "Before you return to Indonesia, I want us to party until we can't walk anymore. Besides, I want to enjoy myself with Lagom after our long night in the ICU. Don't you know my favorite wine, huh?"

Anna shook her head while curling her lips. "As far as I know, all the wine in your eyes tastes delicious."

"That's not all, Mate." Shanon put her arm around Anna's shoulders, looked thoughtfully into the girl's brown eyes, and said, "Lagom's pleasure is just like the charm of his owner. He is on the list of the sexiest men I have ever seen. Sexy, Anna, damn, so sexy that you want to kneel in front of him ."

"Not in the world?" Anna teased, gazing at the waiter who had come with her order. "You're too much, Mate." Anna was drawn to the black bottle labeled Lagom, which was coated in gold, giving the impression of being expensive and luxurious. It says 2018, the year the grapes were picked, has reached five years, which people say is enough to get the perfect taste.

Anna is not a big fan of wine like Shanon, who is still enthusiastic about talking about the achievements of Lagom, whose company is headquartered in Tuscany. Occasionally, he buys them for certain occasions, especially when celebrating his birthday or experiencing heartbreak.

"That means he's still less charming than Ian Somerhalder," replied Anna in reply to Shanon's sentence, who adored the man who owned Lagom.

"Tsk!" Shanon snorted in annoyance as she let the waiter show him the brand and year of the drink she ordered. Then, the man opened the wine bottle using a corkscrew and placed two glasses on the table. "Thanks!"

Shanon hastily poured the drink into a tall-legged tulip glass and handed it to Anna. She has to prove that this drink is as sexy as Lagom's. The owners went crazy over the past few years when they promoted it to Sydney.

"Try it, Annie. Take a deep breath and feel the aroma of grapes mixed with mint, cherries, and blackberries teasing your nose. You will imagine a shirtless, muscular man sitting on the balcony waiting for you to do something naughty," explained Shanon, excitedly imagining a burly man. A descendant of the Greek Gods stopped by his balcony wearing only a thin silk cloth.


Anna gaped until she unconsciously revealed her characteristics as an Indonesian citizen. Shanon laughed but still told her friend to do as asked. She poured herself some wine and then shook the leg of the wine glass to reveal the aromas of the drink before sniffing to feel the sensation of her all-time favorite wine.

Anna imitated, sticking her nose into the glass, just looking for an answer to her curiosity about why Shanon was so crazy about Lagom. She knew that drinking red wine like this made one feel like she was in a place with high-class people. Don't forget the classical music accompanying it, not the pop-rock music now playing throughout the bar area. Completely the opposite!

Once she smelled it, Anna confirmed that there were aroma characteristics she couldn't describe. It is a kind of combination of herbal and fruity fragrances in one. Reminds him of a famous perfume brand. Victoria's Secret? Anna tasted a little, letting the drink sit in her mouth so that it spread on her tongue and penetrated every taste bud.

A moment later, she was stunned when a light and smooth layer of silk appeared on the roof of her mouth. From blackcurrant, cherry develops into cocoa, black pepper, and a hint of oak on the palate. When swallowing and going down the esophagus, another sensation comes like harmony. The sweet taste is quite dominant, followed by acidity, which is not too high, and ends with a bitter taste, which is not too strong.

"What do you think?" Shanon asked, raising and lowering her thick eyebrows, already able to guess Anna's amazed expression. "Can you imagine a hot, sexy man welcoming you to make love until you faint?"

"Shanon, come on..." Anna blushed but didn't deny Shanon's wild opinion. "This drinking has nothing to do with romance."

"There is. You're just too old-fashioned!" Shanon blurted out irritably.

"Damn!" Anna exclaimed, hitting her friend's arm in exasperation. "So, how does the owner of Lagom look like and put him on your list of hot men in your life?"

"Not much information; I mean, he doesn't want to be exposed by the media. So, most of the internet is talking about his family and his fiancé." Shanon opened his cellphone and the Instagram application where the JL001 account with hundreds of thousands of followers was displayed. "See? He only shows off the view, a damn hot back shot, and curls that I would love to run my fingers through if there were a chance for ONS. Never once does he show off how handsome the human is. So, I always shadow him like Apollo."

"Jeez, you're crazy!" taunted Anna.

"I'm right. He's nicknamed the Sexyback, back man, or sexy ass. His butt, Annie, you can see how dense it is under those pants," Shanon pointed out as if he was drooling.

"Where does he live anyway?" Anna asked curiously.

"You didn't know?" Shanon widened her eyes. "Jesus! Open your eyes, Annie. He lives in Bali. He might be your neighbor in the same country as you, province, or city! God, why is my friend so blind to Your masterpiece?"

"I don't have time to think about hot men like the ones in your head, Shanon," said Anna, sipping her drink again. Damn, Lagom wine is delicious, Anna thought; she would add this brand to her list of favorite drinks.

"You're too self-protective, Annie. If you meet a guy with these characteristics, let me know. OK?" Shanon asked, rounding her pupils like a puppy asking for mercy.

"I'm not sure. You're going crazy like this," Anna sneered, sticking out her tongue, and then gulped down the red wine until it was finished. On the other hand, I'm curious about this JL001.

Who's he?

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