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Entwined Mate With Three Hot Alpha's

Entwined Mate With Three Hot Alpha's



Daniel, Derrick and Dennis, these three brothers were the full definition of playboys and cassanova(s). Especially when they were mated to the same lady, Cassandra who was in quest for luxury and power. She dined and lusted with three hot Alpha triplet until she fell for Dennis, but love wasn't part of the game as the three brothers would never let go of her for another. Cassandra would do anything to own the man she had chosen and still lust with the others till death, she led a life of pleasure and luxury until she became pregnant and couldn't point who the father was.

Chapter 1 1


/Dennis's Point of View/

To the rest of the world, Dennis Wesley is a tall glass of a perfect billionaire. Well, they are correct.

The magazines and tabloids never fail to have some new gossip or rumors about me and my latest playthings. I run one of the most successful companies in the country alongside my two brothers, Derrick and Daniel. If it were up to me, I'd be in a pub somewhere singing my heart away, but after my father's death, we have had to fill in his shoes and take over the company.

The telephone rang, distracting me from the task at hand, which was to finish with the hot supermodel in my office.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath and picked up the call. "What?"

"Where are you?" Derrick's voice came through from the other end of the line.

"I'm busy..." I replied, trying not to breathe too heavily.

There was a brief silence on the other end before Derrick laughed. "Don't tell me you're getting a blow job"

"Idiot! What do you want?" I didn't bother denying it, cause it was the truth.

"Mom organized a party and she wants us to come"

I rolled my eyes. How typical of our mom to make spontaneous decisions yet expect everyone to take part in it. "What time is it?"

"Eight O'Clock". Derrick answered.

"I'll meet you guys there." I hung up before my brother could say something stupid. Derrick was the youngest of us three and he acts like it- although we are triplets and only three minutes apart.

I looked down at the supermodel whose name I can't even remember. "See you some other time".

She looked up at me. "But you haven't-"

"Don't worry about that, you should go," I said in an authoritative voice that the omega obeyed without further questions. She got up, got dressed, and dashed out of my office. I was no longer in the mood, any news about my mother made my belly churn, and such a feeling hardly goes well with sex.

I quickly zipped up my pants and buckled my belt. My eyes darted to my Rolex wristwatch: Six Pm. I had two hours to get ready for whatever shenanigan my mother had planned. I gathered my necessary belongings and headed out of my office, passing my assistant's desk on the way.

"Good night, Mr. Wesley!" She greeted, taking off her focus from the computer in front of her.

"Good night, Karen" I dashed into the empty hallway.


The paparazzi buzzed at our arrival in front of the castle which was the venue for the party. I had on a designer suit similar to Daniel and Derrick's. We were identical in everything, so it was hard for them to set us apart, hence they called us 'The three Wesley brothers.'

We walked into the building, ignoring the group of girls swooning over us. I couldn't help but commend my mom's ability to host an awesome event, though I will never say this to her face. The hall was black and gold themed, nothing less than thirty guests had already arrived. Each table had at least two chairs surrounding it. Smooth music played in the background, creating a warm and groovy ambiance.

Mom emerged from the small cluster of people at the right side of the hall and sauntered to us. She wore a blue dress that matched the color of her eyes. "My wonderful sons". She grinned and kissed each of us on the cheek. "Welcome."

"What is this party for, Mom?" Derrick asked the question on my mind.

She chuckled. "Oh relax a bit, will you? Can't a mother worry about her sons?"

Daniel, Derrick, and I shared a look. What is this woman up to?

"What is going on here?" I asked more firmly.

"Fine. I know that you boys have been taking care of everything and being great leaders of the Red Moon Pack, but a time has to come when you will choose a mate."

"Uh!" All three of us exclaimed at the same time.

"What the heck, Mom? I can't believe you dragged us out here just to say this". Daniel threw his hand in the air in frustration.

She placed her hand on her waist. "Oh, come on... the playboy persona has gone on for far too long now, it's time you boys settle down."

"I told you I don't want a mate, mom!" I argued back.

"And why wouldn't you want one?" She asked with a questioning look in her almond eyes.

"Well, for starters, having a mate didn't end well for Dad, did it?" I retorted.

I could see the light slowly fade in her eyes. She looked down for a second and returned her gaze to me. "It wasn't my fault-"

"You getting romantically involved with another alpha and causing a war that led to my father's death, is not your fault?" I scoffed. "Whatever."

"I know you hate me for that, but please, just mingle with the omegas. They are all from reputable families and packs. Think about your father's legacy at least." After saying this, she walked away.

That was when I realized that the entire guests were made up of females; omegas mostly. They were each beautiful but I don't care. Anything that concerns my mom does not concern me.

"Come on guys, I'm going home," I said to Derrick and Daniel.

"We're coming too". They chorused.

As we were heading for the exit, our eyes caught sight of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The world around me froze and came to a standstill.

Who is this girl, a goddess?

She had the prettiest smile, blonde hair that fell over her shoulders. Her silver dress hugged her beautiful hourglass figure and flowed down to her her heels. Those blue eyes stopped on us as she accessed all three of us.

She walked toward us. In my mind, I prepared the words I was going to say, but as she drew closer, those words seemed to disappear into thin air.

She stopped in front of me: "You're in my way, MOVE!!!"

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