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The Forgotten Omega

The Forgotten Omega

Ms. Jynx


Omega Nathalia, burdened by a deep-rooted fear of other wolves since her youth, has lived a life overshadowed by unfortunate events that led her and her mother to be labeled as rogues. They were sternly warned to remain unseen and unheard until they could find refuge within the "Arctic Paw Pack," her grandparents' pack. However, as Nathalia embarks on the treacherous journey towards her grandparents' pack, she soon realizes that the path ahead is riddled with unspeakable horrors that test her strength and resilience. Will she possess the fortitude to endure the agonizing pain that awaits her, or will she succumb to overwhelming despair and reunite with her mother once more? Amidst these uncertainties, Nathalia finds herself questioning whether she will forever be forgotten and whether she will be able to triumph where her mother had failed.

Chapter 1 Prologue

My precious daughter Nathalia, our journey has taken an unexpected turn, one that I never could have foreseen. When I discovered that I was carrying you, the pack your father belonged to immediately rejected me. It was a challenging reality for them to accept that you were destined to be a female omega; when what they desperately needed was a male alpha. Since then, we have been constantly on the move, my sole purpose being to protect you from the harsh realities of our situation. I am unsure if your father was aware of our predicament, as he was occupied with pack responsibilities elsewhere.

Unfortunately, I am truly sorry that they have forced us to live in hiding due to the merciless policy towards rogues in this area. It breaks my heart that you, as a female omega, have been burdened with this life. I wish I could have returned to the pack with you to seek the answers we both yearned for, but unfortunately, we were not given that opportunity or choice. Despite being considered a rogue, please know that my love for you knows no bounds and your worth surpasses anything they could ever comprehend. You are strong and resilient, and I am grateful to have you by my side. Let us continue to navigate this difficult path together and never forget that you are loved and valued.

I understand that you may be feeling frustrated or confused about why I haven't shared certain information with you. However, please know that my actions are motivated by a deep concern for your safety. As we have been on the run, it has been necessary for us to keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention to ourselves. This includes not mentioning your father's name or pack, as I fear that this information could be used to track us down. Additionally, I want to assure you that I have taken steps to ensure that our situation is known to others who can help us. I have sent a letter to my parents' pack, the 'Arctic Paw Pack,' informing them of my pregnancy and the danger that we are in.

It pains me to think that I won't be there to witness your triumphs and offer my unwavering support. But please understand that my absence does not diminish the love and pride I feel for you. As you navigate through life, remember that you possess an incredible strength within you. You are capable of achieving greatness, and I have no doubt that you will surpass all expectations. Embrace your inner omega, for it is a force to be reckoned with. Although I cannot physically guide you, know that my spirit will forever be intertwined with yours. I will be there in the gentle whispers of the wind, in the warmth of the sun's rays, and in the moments of quiet reflection. Seek solace in the knowledge that my love for you knows no bounds and transcends the limitations of the physical world. Harnessing your power may seem daunting, but trust in yourself and your abilities. Embrace the challenges that come your way, for they are opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Remember that true strength lies not in the absence of fear, but in the courage to face it head-on. Mastering your power will require patience, perseverance, and a profound understanding of yourself.

Explore the depths of your being, uncover your passions, and nurture your talents. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them, for it is through these experiences that you will truly come into your own. Though I may not be physically present, know that I am always watching over you, cheering you on from afar. I believe in you, my dear Nathalia, and I have faith that you will forge your own path and leave an indelible mark on the world. So, as you read these words, remember that my love for you is eternal. Embrace the strength within you, and let it guide you towards a future filled with endless possibilities. You are capable of greatness, and I am honored to have been a part of your journey, even if only for a fleeting moment.

Please bear in mind the significance of concealing the clover birthmark on your left shoulder. It is absolutely vital that you refrain from revealing this mark to anyone, as there is a possibility that they might misuse your extraordinary ability for malevolent purposes rather than benevolent ones. Have faith in your own capabilities, and trust that I wholeheartedly believe in you.

Love always,


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