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Married To My Twins Father

Married To My Twins Father



Experience the remarkable life of Ashley Summers, The heir to the Summers Family fortune and to her grandfather's legacy until she was viciously persecuted by her aunt and uncle who plotted murder in the shadows. After an unforgettable night, she moves to England and finds out she was pregnant. Her life revolves around raising her twin children, however, the fire to seeks revenge from the Summers Family does not subside. Fleeing for her life and fearing for her safety, she finds love in the arms of a mysterious wealthy benefactor

Chapter 1 A Night To Remember

Outside the window, lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled loudly.

The sky seemed angry and solemn at the same time as raindrops lashed with wind.

In the dark room, the heavy breathing of a man and soft moans of a woman intertwined.

Ashley Summers mind was dizzy, and she couldn't tell what was happening.

The only thing she could sense was pain. It felt like she was bitten by a ferocious shark and forcefully pulled into the abyss of sea. She instinctively wanted to resist the man who was inflicting pain on her, but the hand she stretched out was weak and powerless, making the whole scene look more like she was welcoming him.

She had never felt this weak before, when she realised there was nothing she could do, she decided to voice out to save her life.

"Hurts......" Ashley moaned softly.

"Is it your first time?" The man spoke in a low voice. His voice was cold as he continued, "Be a good girl. it won't hurt too much later".

Soon, everything faded as the man continued to make love to her.

Next Day.

When Ashely woke up, it was still dark. In her muddle-headed state, she felt a strong arm on her waist.

In an Instant, the embarrassing memories from last night flashed in her mind.

Ashley's face instantly became pale and her heart was filled with panic and despair.

She only remembered that last night, when she came to the clubhouse to fetch Nathalia Summers, her sister, to take her home, she drank what was given to her and started to fell dizzy instantly. She remembered how someone handed her a drink, and since she was very thirsty, she gulped it down without thinking what was inside it.

The consequences were before her now.

She had kept her virginity for twenty years but it was taken away by a stranger in a matter of one night.

Feeling his presence beside her, she turned her head to look at her side. she could not see his face clearly since the man had his back to her. She could only see his bare back. He seemed to be really young.

Ashley suddenly felt the urge to cry out but did not dare to. She wanted to scream and lash out but she couldn't. She wished she could go back in time but it was too late now. She slowly got up from the bed, afraid of waking the man up. She quickly picked up her clothes from the front of the bed and put them on. She tiptoed to the corner of the room where the door was and reached out to open it slightly. She was to flustered to think properly. She did not even dare to turn on the light to see what the man who had been with her for the whole night looked like. She hurriedly pushed open the door and rushed out. As she left the room, she wanted to run home as fast as she could.

The cold rain poured over her body, but she couldn't feel it, she was completely numb. She ran as she cried and tears mixed with the rain.

When she ran back to the villa, it was dawn and the sky had just lit up.

However, the mansion of the Summers Family was brightly lit.

It had never before been like this. Ashley felt strange and thought "What happened here?".

She stood at the door and did not go in, knowing that she was in a sorry state at that time. Her clothes were a mess, and her tear and rain stained face looked terrible. Her grandfather would be very worried if he saw her. How would she tell her grandfather about this? She was scared. But she finally mustered the courage and headed towards the main door.

While she was thinking about what to do in this situation, Terry, the butler pushed the door open and was shocked at the sight before him.

"Miss Ash, What happened to you, are you okay?" He exclaimed.

She stared back at him with a blank look on her face.

When Terry walked towards her, she wanted to dodge him but was pulled back, "But......".

Before Terry could finish his statement, his voice trembled and tears flowed down.

Ashley was confused. She had a bad feeling about this, so she asked In a slightly quivering voice, "Terry, what's wrong?".

Terry gave her a very straight-faced look.

"Alpha 1 Is dead" He said as his voice broke down. The employees were not allowed to call their employers and their family by their name. They were referred to through nicknames. Ashley had said she doesn't want anything alpha with a number and had told them to call her Ash, the short form of her name.

"What?" Ashley uttered in complete shock.

Her legs instantly felt weak that she stumbled and almost fell. Her mind was blank, and she mumbled in disbelief, "How could it be, how could gramps leave like this?".

Gerald Summers hadn't been doing well for over six months now. He had undergone cardiovascular resuscitation surgery some times ago. The doctor said that he would be alright after passing the critical period. He had already passed that stage and had been back to his healthy state for sometimes now. it seemed like he would easily live for another eight to ten years , but why did he suddenly die then, what happened to him?.

Terry looked at Ashley's lifeless appearance and couldn't bear to see her like that. he said sadly while patting her gently "Miss Ash, people can't come back to life after they die, so don't be sad!".

"No, Gramps, Don't leave me!" Ashley pushed Terry's hand away, threw her wet and soggy shoes because of the rain, and ran upstairs with all her might. When she got there, she saw that the corridor on the third floor was crowded with people.

The girls in the crowd were the first to notice her. Seeing the favorite granddaughter of the house, they made way for her to come forth, their eyes filled with sympathy.

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