"My woman" he called out as he started moving towards me. I started moving backwards,trying to avoid what was coming for me. "I waited all my life to have you to myself. I always knew I wanted you. Now you're mine." He said, still progressing towards me. "I don't care what Clara told you, you're going to do my biddings regardless " he added. He reached me and held my waist. He stroked my hair. I can't bring myself to have sex with the one man who forcefully deflowered me. "Let me be" I cried shouting at the top of my voice as I struggled to break free from his hold. He didn't bulge, he held me firmly instead. He carried me and dropped me on the bed. He came at me, kissing life out of my body. ........ He looked up at me and gave a smile. Finally, he locked his lips in mine and kissed me for the longest time. Peter kissed me deeply, making sure to suck off all the hidden vitamins on my lips, and I reciprocated this act by holding on to him firmly. I kissed him back deeply like I wanted it, or I miss being kissed. We had sex. Something in me changed after that. I can't pick it out, but my heart got softer for him after that. Will she end up giving up her revenge plan? Would Peter learn to love her better?
"I take you Lila to be my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in..." Peter read out loud to the hearing of the entire congregation.
I never wanted to marry him. So why should I be the one to marry him?
Peter doesn't love anyone. Everything he does is for his selfish ambition and I can prove that.
"Lila" The priest called out.
"It's time to say your vows" he added with a dry smile.
The irritation I felt that morning couldn't be suppressed.
I can't believe I'm getting married to the man I swore to punish.
My misery started that fateful day I got back from work.
Walking down the passage way of our three bedroom apartment, I overheard my parents arguing.
I had the urge to stop by their room to find out what the problem was, but on a second thought, I decided not to.
Days later, I found out what the whole argument was about.
"No way dad!" I exclaimed with hot tears running down my cheeks.
"I can't marry Peter. Why me? Why not Shayla? After all she likes him. What about Missy? She's had a crush on him since forever." I cried as I yelled at my dad.
"Calm down hunny" my mom said, bringing me into her embrace.
"Your father is sick, and we don't have the money the doctors are demanding. Peter is willing to help,but at a cost" my mom said with pity written all over her wrinkled face.
I felt sad and disappointed at the same time. I get that my dad needs a huge sum of money for his treatment plan, but why am I the sacrificial lamb here?
I'm the least qualified. I'm the last child and I'm just 24 years. My sisters are more mature,sophisticated and experienced, so why not them?
I love my dad, and hard as it may be for me, I have to marry Peter to save his life.
I lost my pinky finger years ago because of Peter, and that has been the foundation of my anger towards him.
How could I forget?? I was only 15 when this happened.
Peter used to crash over at our house after school, because his parents were too busy at work to be home with him.
He became the brother I never had, or so I was made to believe by my mom, as she would always say:
" Hunny Peter is your brother, and I want you to see him as one"
I believed that lie, and took Peter as my brother. He was so mischievous for most of his stay with us. He taught us weird and nasty things.
Missy was his age mate, and she really liked and jumped on every idea he brought up.
She has had a crush on him since they were 18, and sometimes I wonder why.
Shayla on the other hand just liked to see him around, and was always willing to hop on any challenge he suggested.
"Missy don't you think Peter is being too nasty and bad for us??" I asked Missy one evening as Peter was leaving.
As we stared at him walk away through the window pane, Missy was all smiles, stroking her hair and biting her lips.
"Did you hear me?" I shouted as I snapped my fingers at her face.
"No! He's our brother remember?" She replied with a mischievous smile plastered on her face before storming out of the room.
I just didn't like it when he was there. My sisters seem to admire him so much and I got irritated.
He on the other hand would always throw glances at me in the middle of games, with a weird smile that I interpreted to be "I'm coming for you smile".
One Friday afternoon after school, my sisters were no where to be found,so I walked home alone scared but still composed.
As I reached the front door of our apartment,I heard sounds. I was confused; at first I thought someone had broken into our home, but then as I paced around the front door thinking of what to do? I heard a clearer sound.
"No way!" I exclaimed, immediately covering my mouth with my palms.
Those were not just any ordinary sounds. Those sounds were from my sisters and supposed brother.
I really hoped and prayed it wasn't what I was thinking, but I guess that was one unlucky day for me.
I stormed into the house and saw them in the act, right on the couch in the living room.
I screamed for them to stop. It was so irritating to see my sisters stark naked on Peter's body, so I turned around and asked them to put on their clothes.
I stayed in that position for about 5 minutes before asking:
"Are you..." before I completed that statement, I felt a strong push from behind me.
Peter was dragging me to himself, and my sisters giggled as they stared at me.
"Let me go please" I pleaded with Peter with a remorseful look in my eyes.
He was staring with me with a weird smile on his face, that I interpreted as "I got you smile".
At that moment I prayed that my sisters would stop him, as he was moving so fast on me, unbuttoning my skirt.
I guess it wasn't my lucky day. Missy got up to bolt the door, while Shayla stayed back smiling and biting her lips.
I lost my virginity to Peter, my high md mighty brother that day. There's no way I'm forgetting that.
As I cleaned up myself in the bathroom, Shayla walked in
"Hey, mom and dad cannot know about this, okay?" She asked me with a serious look in her eyes.
I could sense her fear, but I said nothing in response.
She walked out after waiting in vain for me to reply.
I cried heavily that day, and never left my room even after my parents got back.
The next day, I feigned sickness in order to escape school. It worked so I stayed home.
At the close of school,my siblings came home all happy and chatty. I refused to leave my room, but that wasn't going to happen.
Peter came for me , took me out of the room and asked me to join them in their "truth or dare" game.
I lost my pinky finger while playing that game.
Peter sliced off my fingers with his clear eyes; yes he wasn't drunk.
Missy was dared to cut off my fingers,but she couldn't, and so Peter did her the honours and cut it off.
The blood was all over the table and just then, the doorbell rang.
As they scurried to clean up, the door opened.
What?! That was the last thing I heard before I fainted.