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Enamoring the alpha king

Enamoring the alpha king

Giss Dominguez


Naomi is kidnapped on her wedding day by King Alpha. She was still in love with her former fiancé, whom she sees every day. Will the Alpha be able to conquer her heart?

Chapter 1 1

Naomi finds one night: a stranger wandering through her territory. Confused, she decides to face him, but what makes her go in his direction is his smell.

A mixture of vanilla and forest, floods her nostrils.

What it does is to attract her more and more to him.

Until he realizes, that his she"wolf claims him as her mate, eventually. He denies wanting her, and says she is a mere Omega unfit to be his mate.

She is betrothed to a pack leader.

Will Naomi keep her mate?

The wedding, it was hushed.

Everyone present was waiting for only one answer, mine.

"I repeat again, do you accept Mr. Francisco here present as your husband?"


I don't know why, my tongue could not move. No matter how much I opened my mouth, no words came out of it.

With my head down, I looked to the side. And suddenly, no more words were needed.

Someone took me by the hand and led me away from the altar. I opened my eyes in surprise, unable to understand what had happened.

Someone had kidnapped me on my wedding day?

I couldn't believe it, I saw myself in the arms of someone else, someone I couldn't recognize at first glance.

I was running so fast; in less than a minute we were already inside a cabin, which seemed somewhat familiar to me.

I looked curiously at every corner, and remembered.

I didn't say anything, I just sat on the chair, waiting for the person who came to kidnap me to tell me something. "I wouldn't let you marry him and you know it," he muttered, the husky voice of that person and for some reason I had been attracted to him from the first moment.

"You can't come and kidnap the bride," I claimed and he started laughing.

"Well, I already did, I kidnapped you and now you are mine."

"You said before that I was a weak omega. I'm not yours, and I want to get out of here."

"You won't leave," he commented simply. And he added: "From now on, you will live with me, and not only that, we will be husbands.

"Husband and wife? We're not even married yet," I said, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms."

He turned around for a moment just to look at me, raised his lips in a half smile and said:

"No problem with that, soon a priest will arrive, and we will be judicially married. You'll be my wife, I'll keep you here."

"You want to lock me up here? No!" I shouted at him, completely angry, I couldn't believe that the idiot had kidnapped me.

" Siempre me has mirado... Aquí está la excepción. Yo te salvé, sé que tú... tú no lo querías; tú me deseabas.

"Eso no es cierto", respondí.

"Él es mío, él es mío..."

Comentó mi lobo interior.


"Mi compañero, él es mi compañero".

"Te equivocas, no voy a ser..."

"¿Ahora me vas a decir, que no me amas, que todo lo que ha pasado...? No es verdad. La verdad es que me decepcionas, pensé que serías feliz. Ya te secuestré..."

"No, tu estas equivocado."

Se acercó peligrosamente a mí, apoyó ambas manos sobre la mesa y alejó su rostro unos centímetros de mí.

Podía sentir su fresco aroma llegando a mis fosas nasales, y tenía tantas ganas de suspirar, pero no lo hice.

"¿Eres realmente inmune a mis efectos? "Quería saber con una media sonrisa.

Lo cual solo me hizo perder los sentidos.

"N" no", tartamudeé y él sonrió.

"Me tengo que ir, y confío en que estarás aquí, porque sé que en el fondo me amas".

Mientras decía esas palabras mientras desaparecía por la puerta e hice una mueca recordando el momento en que lo conocí.

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