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Kiara had always longed to be the crown princess, not only to be the next queen; she had always been in love with the crown prince. As soon as she is a candidate, she can't believe her luck. Although all is not what it seems, that good and kind man becomes everything she always feared: a ruthless being. She falls in love with her brother-in-law, a kind and kind-hearted prince. What will happen?

Chapter 1 1

The deserted corridors echoed with each step of my feet, my sweaty and trembling hands: they held tightly that hardcover notebook. The cool breeze of the wind caressed me sweetly, I closed my eyes just for a moment, when I opened them I could notice the loneliness of the night. I looked around me, only a few lights illuminated the stairs deserted of students.

I sat down on a chair located next to the main door, I had to rehearse my work so I simply placed the sheets of paper on the furniture and continued studying. When the noisy, hesitant sound of a door opening broke my imagination. I turned hastily , grabbed my chest , my heart tried slightly to get out of its position , my breathing became louder as well as my heartbeat .

When my black eyes met those blue , bright and piercing lights . I could not recover , I was shocked . My lips trembled wished to join eternally in that opening that was predisposable in his mouth . My trembling hands threw everything into oblivion , meeting a wet floor . But my body didn't react , until he smiled at me and bent down to reach each lost object .

"This is yours," he smiled at me again, and my cheeks burned".

"Thank you," he hesitated".

" My name is Sheol," he said, took my hand, I felt his cold lips on my skin.

"My name is... " I don't know why I couldn't pronounce my name.

"Your name is? "He looked at me amused.


What was happening to me?

"Nice to meet you, Kiara," and he left without another word.

I took my things, left without looking back, a slight shiver came over me, I hugged myself, taking my notebooks in my arms: the only company in my lonely nights. I could feel a cold tear run down my cheek and die on my lips, I still remembered the terror, I still remembered it day by day.

I reached my room my companion was still resting , I collapsed on my bed and like every night I cried until sleep took over me .

I felt weak , scared in that alley , the lights were low , the lanterns overhead scared me . I was wearing a red dress , tight with very high heels , my steps were difficult . When I saw shadows spread out along the road in front of me. I stepped back as they all formed into one. That strange dark being was watching me, I knew it when I saw his blue eyes

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