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She played with her fingers having no idea of what was going on, the man suddenly looked up and she raised her brow because she couldn't see his face. "Strip." His deep voice said and she frowned. "Excuse me?" "I don't like to repeat myself." "Well, I don't like to strip." She said back and she heard the man scoffed. "I can't believe I wasted my money on a dweeb." "Wait, did you just say waste your money on me? Did you buy me? Did Rufus sell me?" She yelled. ********* "Life can be cruel, life can be hard. You've got to keep fighting don't let down your guard, the battles you have been through make you who you are, learn how to be proud of your scars." Isn't that like a speech? Or more like a motivation? But does that work in every way? Life can be definitely cruel and hard but can you really keep on fighting and learn how to be proud of your scars? That might actually work for some people but not for Skylar Hood. Skylar Hood is a twenty-year-old beautiful girl who lives with her mother on Falkland Island, a place very far away from the main city. Skylar Hood happens to suffer from Photophobia, (sensitivity to light) she doesn't go out at dawn, just at dusk. She lived with her mother and they barely survive, she never knew her father though. She had a best friend named Buster, a dog. Although they barely survive, they lived happily. A tragic incident happened and it lead to the death of her mother and best friend, this tragic incident ended up making her land in the hands of the cruel billionaire in New York City. Lexi Smith. Lexi Smith is well known in New York City for his companies and other achievements, he is also known as the cruel billionaire who doesn't care about anyone but himself. But did that change after Skylar walked into his life? And how was also life for Skylar after going through a tragic incident and meeting the cruel billionaire? After so much drama between them, what will happen?

Chapter 1 Skylar

Skylar smiled happily as she stared out her window at the sunset, every day of her life, she always looked forward to the sunset. It seems to bring her happiness and other positive emotions she couldn't name. "Isn't it beautiful?" She asked as she turned to her best friend, her one and only friend, Buster. A dog. Buster barked in response and she giggled before turning back to the window, she watched the sun till it finally went down and she clapped her hands happily like a child. She turned to her wall clock to make sure it is 7 pm.

She smiled on seeing it was correct before opening her window. "Come on Buster." She called and they both jumped out of the window, she smiled happily as she ran into the woods with her dog, she ran screaming happily and her dog barked at the same time. They got to the base of the mountain and she stopped to catch her breath. Buster barked and she smiled. "Easy there Buster, am a little bit tired." She said catching her breath, she seemed to have regained her strength and she sighed. "Come on Buster, we only have all night." She said and they both started climbing the mountain, they got to the top of the mountain after what seemed like forever and she sighed in relief. She sat on it and Buster also did, she clapped her hands happily as she waited for the moon to come out fully. After a while of waiting, the moon came out and she giggled. "Wow." She muttered and tears clouded her eyes. "It is so amazing." They watched it for a while till she decided it was time to go back, she stood up with a smile and turned to her dog. "Come on Buster, we have to go now." She said but the dog barked and kept watching the moon. "We can watch it again tomorrow, let's go." She said creasing his head and he stood up. They both climbed off the mountain and ran back home. She got home and jumped back into her room through her window, she sighed and fell onto her bed. And that has always been her routine ever since she was five. Skylar Hood is a twenty-year-old beautiful girl who lives with her mother on Falkland Island, a place very far away from the main city. Skylar Hood and her mother live from hand to mouth, they barely survive sometimes but one way or the other, they always get it sorted out. Skylar Hood's favorite time of the day is always at night, she can't go out in the afternoon because she has photophobia (sensitivity to light) She can't go out in the day, only at night and it really made things difficult for her mother. She is twenty years old but she can't just do anything. She couldn't go to school but she was homeschooled by her mother, she couldn't do things other kids did, like go to the park, beach, or summer parks. In short words, life was hard for Skylar Hood but just like she always says. "If you take life so simple, everything will be fine." ********* It was morning again but it still felt like night to Skylar, over fifty percent of people will want to wake up with the ray of sunlight shining into their eyes but Skylar wouldn't. She sat up on her bed and sighed, her dog suddenly jumped on her and she laughed, she fell back on the bed as he licked her face and she giggled. "Good morning to you too Buster." She said and he barked in response. Sometimes Skylar thinks about what her life would look like if Buster wasn't in it. Her mother got him for her on her eighth birthday, her mother knew she was lonely and needed a companion, there is a saying that says a man's best companion is a dog so her mother thought Buster would be the best for her and she was right after all. The door to her room suddenly opened and her mother walked in with a smile. "Mum." She called and carried Buster off her, she smiled as she stood up and hugged her mother. "Good morning Skylar." "Morning mum, are you leaving the house already?" She asked seeing her mother all dressed up. "Yes, I have to go job hunting." "Oh, I really wish I could help." She muttered and her mother smiled. "It is okay baby, I have to go now. I prepared pasta for you and Buster, I will be back before 5 p.m." She said and Skylar nodded, she pecked her mother and she smiled at her before walking out. Skylar sighed and sat on her bed, she stared at her curtains and smiled. Sometimes she wonders if she is going to live this way for the rest of her life. Is that actually possible? Will she forever live in this house? Doing nothing every day till she dies? Does she really want that? Is life so simple after all? Buster suddenly barked jerking her from her thoughts and she turned to him. "Are you hungry?" She asked and he barked in response. She smiled and stood up, she slowly walked out of the room and smiled seeing the house was dark. Her mother closed the windows already, she walked to the kitchen and smiled at seeing the meal. The house they lived in isn't big, it is more like a small cottage, they really had no choice though. They live on an island and they also don't have enough money to buy a house. She opened the food and shared it into two, she put Buster's portion of the food on a plate and covered hers back. "She placed it in front of him and he ate it immediately. "Good boy." She giggled and creased his head. "Wait right here when you are done Buster, I will go get ready for the day." She said happily and head back into her room.

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