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Did the description of the woman as a cat refer to the trait of treachery? This adjective is unfairly attached to it. Or for the softness of the cat? Or for the speed of her reaction without thinking? Or to her stubbornness and do what she likes? Or for its beauty and softness? Or perhaps for another reason, yes there is another reason, Mao is a free and rebellious female, and she will not submit to any man, even if he is the chief.

Chapter 1 sexy girl

She was moving about in bed in a weak attempt to fall asleep, and when she failed, she rose with a graceful movement and then sat on the bed, her eyes gleaming in the dark, she sighed as she spoke to herself in a low voice :

"Calm down Marilyn, Control your desires, girl."Marilyn felt that her body was getting hotter. This body was in constant conflict with her, asking her to surrender to her extraordinary nature, take off the mask of the quiet girl and act freely.

Marilyn shook her head trying to get these perverted thoughts out of her head and decided to take a shower maybe to calm down a bit, and when she finished bathing she didn't feel like going back to sleep, she was bored and said to herself : "There's no harm in messing outside a little as she used to when You feel frustrated."

She put on her most flattering clothes and came out of her simple apartment, on her way to the nightclub, she heard a faint sound nearby, she sniffed the air and could easily identify the nature of this voice, she turned towards the weak sound and saw A beautiful little kitten came to her confidently, and the cat began to brush her fur At Marilyn's feet.

She smiled and squatted down on the ground and gently clicked the cat's head and said to her: Going out at this time of the night is dangerous for you girl, you are still a little young for nocturnal adventures, go to your home.

The cat liked Marilyn's touches on her and then the cat left and ran into the street in the dark alleys in front of her, she knew her way and what she wanted. Marilyn watched the cat disappear into the dark street with her eyes shining in the dark, then gracefully stood up from the ground and arranged her clothes.

A few meters away from her was the nightclub where she wanted to go, its dazzling lights shining in the dark.

Multi-colored lights flashed so brightly that if a normal human looked at her he would go blind, Marilyn saw with her sharp eyes everyone crowded in front of him to enter, a "very special club" that only a few elite and privileged were allowed to enter. But she's not just anyone, it's Mao, the confident girl who when she wants something she does without hesitation.

Merlin walked quickly through the corridor, easily bypassing the crowd, her shoes audibly banging on the pavement, and at this moment she was feeling very thirsty.

Most of the time, during the day or at night, you are always thirsty and other things you want to bury the things you are ashamed of, and you want to rebel and disobey.

As she stood before the gate, many eyes were looking at her, both men and women, everyone who saw her was fascinated by her beauty. The eyes of men were focused on her, wandering in the rare beauty of her face.

She did not care about the admiring glances cast upon her and was content only with a vain smile that decorated her plump and appetizing lips.

Marilyn smiled seductively as she looked at the guard She stepped forward and passed him without saying a word. When I walked in, another large-bodied guard was standing in front of the door to the main discotheque, the impenetrable barrier, Marilyn looked at him and raised her left eyebrow.

The guard looked at Marilyn Like a hypnotist, he moved his hands, letting her pass, to the dismay of some of the men and women swarming in the hall.

Marilyn did not care about the look of hatred and jealousy directed at her from other women, because she was not very popular among the group of women, for several reasons, the first of which was her attractive and sexy beauty.

She entered the club and the music was playing and the lights were strong around her. She remained motionless for a minute.

With sharp eyes and a great ability to see and hear, she seemed focused, staring at her new environment and breathing strongly in the surrounding air around her, and through the air emitted by her, She was able to easily identify other creatures, She was able to readily identify other creatures, so if she wanted to save her life for a long time, She shouldn't ever get close to them.

The noise was loud and some were dancing and body swinging to the loud music, some were drinking their favorite drinks with great pleasure, and some were sitting down to eat their favorite kinds of food.

She smiled and looked around with pleasure, and with a seductive motion, she took off her thick coat to show what she was wearing under it, and then made her way gracefully to the pub, the eyes of the men not leaving her for a moment were eager and lustful glances of this pulsating body.

As for the woman's looks at her, they were jealous. Every woman in the club realized that she was very dangerous because if she wanted any man she could easily get him.

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