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Miss Gangsta

Miss Gangsta

Xia Xia


Amora (Athena) Followhill, the fierce and enigmatic leader of Arcillia's most powerful mafia clan, has always stood apart. As the first female head in a world dominated by men, she is everything the women in her country are not-bold, fiery, intimidating, and unyieldingly brave. But beneath her tough exterior lies a secret, a craving for the forbidden, and a penchant for the wild and kinky. Her number one priority is finding Cario Santiago, the man who betrayed her and ruthlessly killed her grandfather. She has vowed to hunt him down and make him pay with his life. Nothing will stop her from fulfilling this promise. Amora's world takes an unexpected turn when she meets Vincent, a man whose devastating looks and magnetic charm make women lose their minds. For Amora, a night with a stranger is nothing new, just another fleeting thrill. But Vincent is different. He wants more than just a night. When she reveals her true identity, expecting him to back off in fear, Vincent only becomes more determined. He is relentless, his pursuit unwavering, and he makes it clear he will stop at nothing to win her heart. Amora is used to being the one in control, but Vincent's persistence shakes her to the core. As time goes on, Amora finds herself slowly falling for him, an emotion beyond her control. However, what will happen when she discovers that the man to whom she has given her heart holds a secret that could destroy her world? In a game where surrender is not an option, the stakes have never been higher.

Chapter 1 Leader of Valerian Clan

In the dimly lit chamber, the air hung heavy with the scent of blood and fear. Shadows danced across the stone walls, cast by flickering torches mounted in iron sconces. The room, deep within the bowels of a foreboding fortress, was designed to instill dread in all who entered. Rough-hewn stone pillars supported a high, vaulted ceiling, from which hung ominous chains and shackles, remnants of countless previous interrogations.

Amora, adorned in regal attire, sat upon her ornate throne, her expression a mask of cold indifference as she watched the man before her writhe in agony. His screams echoed off the stone walls, a symphony of pain that served as a chilling backdrop to the scene.

The man's name was lost to the shadows, just another pawn in the game of power and dominance that Amora played so expertly. He was bound to a crude wooden chair, his body contorted in agony as her subordinates worked tirelessly to extract information from him. They twisted his limbs, applied searing hot irons to his flesh, anything to break his resolve.

"Where is Cario?" Amora's voice cut through the room like a whip crack, sharp and commanding. Cario, her sworn enemy, the one thorn in her side that she was determined to eradicate once and for all.

The man spat blood onto the cold stone floor, defiance burning in his eyes. "I'll never tell you," he growled, his voice barely a whisper amidst his torment.

Amore's lips curled into a cruel smile, a predator reveling in the hunt. "Very well," she said, her tone chillingly calm. "Continue."

Her subordinate nodded, a silent signal to intensify the torture. The man's screams reached a crescendo, a desperate plea for mercy that fell upon deaf ears. Amora watched with detached interest, her gaze unwavering as the man's resistance slowly crumbled under the relentless onslaught.

But even as his body withered, his spirit remained unbroken. He refused to betray Cario, even in the face of such agony. It was a testament to his loyalty, one that both impressed and infuriated Amora in equal measure.

"Enough," she declared, her voice cutting through the chaos. "Finish him."

With a swift motion, Santos, her subordinate drew a gleaming blade from his belt, its edge glinting in the dim light. The man's eyes widened in terror as he realized what was about to happen, but it was too late. With a single, decisive stroke, the blade descended, severing flesh from bone in a spray of crimson.

Amora watched dispassionately as the life drained from the man's eyes, his final breaths nothing more than a pitiful gasp. His body slumped forward, a lifeless husk devoid of the fire that had once burned within.

"Dispose of the remains," Amora ordered, her voice betraying no emotion. "And feed what's left to my dog."

Santos nodded, moving to carry out her command with ruthless efficiency.

Amora rose from her throne with a fluid grace, her attire rustling softly as she moved. The dim light from the chamber's torches played upon the rich fabric of her dark gown, making it shimmer like hell fire. Her emerald eyes, cold and calculating, briefly surveyed the scene of torment before she turned and walked towards the exit. Her heels clicked against the stone floor, echoing in the silence that followed the man's final, pitiful gasps.

As she stepped into the corridor, the oppressive atmosphere of the chamber gave way to the more refined austerity of the fortress halls. The walls here were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of past conquests, battles where Amora's enemies fell before her might. Ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their candles casting a warm glow that contrasted with the harsh, unyielding stone of the fortress.

Cynthia, her ever-diligent secretary, approached briskly. Dressed in a tailored white suit, Cynthia was the picture of efficiency, her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She held a tablet in her hand, the screen glowing with the details of Amora's tight schedule.

"Your flight is in ten minutes, Madam," Cynthia informed her, her voice steady and professional. "The car is waiting outside."

Amora nodded, her expression remaining impassive. "Let's not waste any time, then," she replied, her voice carrying a note of finality.

They moved quickly through the labyrinthine corridors of the fortress, passing by guards who snapped to attention as Amora strode past. Her presence commanded respect and fear in equal measure, a testament to her iron-fisted rule.

As the leader of the Valerian clan, a notorious mafia dynasty that had ruled the underworld for decades, Amora's authority was unparalleled. She was the first woman to head the clan, shattering traditions and proving her ruthlessness and cunning time and again. Her reign had solidified the Valerians' power, making them both feared and respected in the criminal world.

The fortress, with its maze of passageways and hidden rooms, was a fortress not just in structure but in the aura of invincibility that surrounded its mistress.

Outside, the evening air was cool and crisp, a welcome contrast to the stifling heat of the interrogation chamber. The sky above was a deep, inky black, with only the faintest hint of starlight piercing through the heavy clouds. The fortress courtyard was illuminated by strategically placed floodlights, casting stark shadows across the cobblestone ground.

Waiting for them was a sleek, black luxury car, its polished surface reflecting the lights like a dark mirror. The vehicle exuded power and wealth, a perfect match for its formidable passenger. The driver, dressed in a sharp uniform, stood at attention beside the open door.

Amora and Cynthia slipped into the back seat, the plush leather interior enveloping them in comfort. The door closed with a solid, reassuring thud, sealing them off from the outside world. The car's engine purred to life, and they were soon gliding smoothly down the winding road that led away from the fortress.

As they drove, the world outside the tinted windows was a blur of dark shapes and fleeting lights. Amora's gaze drifted to the people on the roadside, a mix of happy couples strolling arm in arm and bickering ones engaged in heated arguments. She couldn't help but wonder about the stark differences in their lives compared to hers, their mundane struggles seeming almost quaint in comparison to the cutthroat world she inhabited.

Cynthia's voice interrupted her thoughts, drawing her attention back to the present. "Madam," she began, her tone as composed as ever, "I wanted to brief you on the upcoming meeting in Warlow Country with the Rovarian Empire."

Amora nodded, her eyes still fixed on the passing scenery outside. "Go on," she said, her voice a low murmur.

"The meeting is scheduled for today at three in the evening," Cynthia continued, her fingers flying across the tablet as she pulled up the relevant information. "The meeting is pivotal. All shareholders will gather to give their opinions and votes for the new chairman."

Amora absorbed the information, her thoughts already strategizing the best approach to ensure the outcome favored the Valerian clan's interests.

Amora's lips curved into a knowing smile at Cynthia's words. "Ah, this meeting will be an interesting one," she remarked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Cynthia glanced up from her tablet, meeting Amora's gaze with a knowing look of her own. "Indeed, Madam," she replied, her tone betraying a hint of excitement. "With so much at stake, it promises to be quite the spectacle."

As they approached the private airstrip, the sleek silhouette of Amore's jet came into view, bathed in the soft glow of the runway lights.

The car slowed to a stop, and the driver stepped out to open the door for them.

Amora emerged from the car, her gaze sweeping over the waiting aircraft with a sense of quiet satisfaction. The jet was a testament to her wealth and influence, a symbol of her status as one of the most powerful figures in the criminal underworld.

With Cynthia at her side, Amora ascended the steps to the jet's entrance, the hum of the engines drowning out the sounds of the world below. As they stepped inside, the interior was a study in luxury, with plush leather seats and polished wood accents.

Settling into her seat, Amora allowed herself a moment of quiet reflection. The meeting with the Rovarian Empire would be a crucial opportunity to strengthen their alliance and further her own ambitions. It was a delicate dance, one that required careful negotiation and strategic maneuvering.

Cynthia took her seat opposite Amora, her tablet at the ready as she prepared to assist with any last-minute preparations. "Is there anything else you need, Madam?" she asked, her gaze unwavering.

Amora met Cynthia's steady gaze with a faint smile, admiring her efficiency even as a pang of longing tugged at her heart. She couldn't help but wish for a deeper connection, a friendship beyond the confines of their professional relationship. But Cynthia remained as stoic and focused as ever, her dedication to her duties unwavering.

"Nothing more for now, my love," Amora replied, her voice soft with affection. She knew it was futile to expect anything more from Cynthia, but the endearment slipped from her lips nonetheless.

Cynthia nodded in acknowledgment, her expression betraying no hint of emotion as she turned her attention back to her tablet. Amora watched her for a moment, a flicker of disappointment fleeting across her features before she pushed it aside. There were more pressing matters at hand.

"Tell me, my love," Amora began, her tone casual, "who holds the highest shares as of recent? And are all the shareholders confirmed to attend the meeting?"

Cynthia's fingers danced across the screen of her tablet, swiftly retrieving the requested information. "The highest shares are currently held by Reynold Poirier," she answered, her voice devoid of any inflection. "Hayden Poirier, his son, 30 years old, holds the second highest shares."

Amora chuckled softly at the revelation, a knowing gleam in her emerald eyes. "Ah, young Hayden," she mused, her mind already piecing together the intricate web of deceit and ambition that surrounded the Poirier family. "His shares seem to have grown quite substantially in just three months, haven't they?"

Cynthia nodded, her gaze fixed on the tablet screen. "Indeed, Madam," she confirmed. "It appears that Hayden has been quite proactive in securing his position within the company."

Amora nodded thoughtfully, her mind already connecting the dots. "Hayden's methods are as predictable as they are ruthless," she remarked, a flicker of admiration in her eyes for his audacity.

Cynthia raised an eyebrow, her expression unreadable. "He's certainly not afraid to play dirty," she observed, her tone tinged with disapproval.

Amora chuckled softly, a sly grin playing at the corners of her lips. "Indeed, my love. But in the game of power, one must be willing to get their hands dirty if they wish to rise to the top."

Cynthia's lips twitched in agreement, though whether it was in approval or resignation, Amora couldn't quite tell. "And it seems Hayden is more than willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his ambitions," she added, her voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

Amore's smile widened. She was well aware of the secrets and malice that lurked beneath the surface of the corporate world, and she relished the opportunity to exploit them to her advantage.

As she sipped her white wine, her thoughts swirling with possibilities, Amora found herself finishing two bottle with surprising ease. With a playful glint in her eye, she reached for another, only to have Cynthia intercept her with a gentle shake of her head.

"Sorry, Madam," Cynthia said, her tone firm yet tinged with amusement, "but I can't allow you to have another bottle. You'll be drunk before the meeting, and that would be highly unprofessional."

Amora pouted playfully, her disappointment evident. "Oh, come on, Cynthia," she protested, her voice laced with mock indignation. "Where's your sense of fun?"

Cynthia couldn't help but smile at Amora's antics, though she remained resolute. "I'm sorry, Madam," she reiterated, her tone unwavering, "but I must insist. We have a meeting to attend, and it wouldn't do for you to be anything less than composed."

Amora sighed dramatically, though there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Fine, fine," she relented, her tone conceding defeat. "But only because you asked so nicely."

With a playful smirk, she settled back into her seat, her mind already shifting back to the task at hand.

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