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Chapter 1 One

Anna had just been fired from her job as s waiter because she had stood up for her self.

Earlier a customer had tried to make advances towards her, she knew that most if not all the other waitresses did sleep with some of the customers for extra income but she wasn't about to do that though, so when this particular customer made advances she politely refused.

This angered the customer and he caused a scene causing the restaurant manager to rush to the scene and shamelessly the man reported how Anna had refused his advances towards her and her manager being more shameless did something she had call "The expected"

Shockingly her manager had sided with the man, though it was expecting. She knew he had hated her since she refused to be one of his s*x mates like some of her female colleagues were.

He immediately took the chance and fired her at the spot. Shocked she walked out of the VIP room and into the back office. She changed her cloth uh uhes and walked out the her restaurant through the back doors. She could hear low mumblings at her back.

Everything was like a dream she had lost her only source of income and she had bills to pay for. She could as well go live under a bridge.

Tiredly she walked to the road and flagged down a cab.

"District G pls" she said

"That would be 50"

Anna checked her bag and she had less than that.

She discharged the man and decided to walk instead.

Anna kept on thinking about how to keep paying her bills and how to find a new job. Lost in thought she walked far without realizing it.

After a minutes a car sped passed her splashing water on her

"Hey you bastard how dare you" she screamed.

She walked for about a mile and half before the rain started.

"Argh how worse could this day get" she thought while running towards shelter and standing beside a man who looked who was answering a call at a corner.

"Hey have you found one yet" she heard the man beside her say.

"What do you mean" he continued he looked like he was about to snap, he was already looking red and angry

Anna listened closely now, even trying to lean closer to the man

"We need to find a nanny as soon as possible"

"Wow a job vacancy" Anna thought, her mind running back and forth, this could be her chance she thought to herself

"I need a reply before the next thirty minutes" the man continued panting heavily after all that shouting.

Anna thought about it, she had no idea about taking care of anyone plus she didn't even know the person's age and personality, this could be a new type of scam acting like there was some job vacancy and kidnapping anybody that showed interest.

Gathering up courage she said " I don't know if it matters but I am a professional nanny" she had just lied through her teeth.

"Really that's perfect" he said

"Do you have experience " he inquired

"Well....I have worked...with different families and I have a lot of.....um a lot of experience with kids, even elderly people, yeah.

"Wow that's great your hired."

"Really" Anna couldn't believe her eyes. This was the fastest job she had gotten all her life.

"But, you start now. Is it possible?." He said

"Start now!" She had no one to go home to but it was too sudden.

"Can you do it. If you can't no problem I will look for another person." He continued

"No, it's alright" Anna said quickly

"I just need to get a few things for my self" she said politely

"You will be provided with a uniform so clothing won't be a problem and you will be given toiletries too." The man said

"Okay sir." Anna replied

"We leave now". He told her.

"Okay" she said while he made another call.

Anna looked at the man before her. She was barking orders into his phone. Cursing and swearing at a point, listening at another, he reminded her of father before he passed. Anna's thought were broken when she heard the man saying he was waiting for a car to arrive.

Anna looked out and realized that the rain had stopped

After the call a car pulled up in front of Anna and the unknown man Anna had trusted looked at her

"Get in" he said while motioning her to the car door.

"Yes sir" she got into the car, she knew that this could be a terrible decision but she was desperate to find a job fast than thinking about the pros and cons of her present condition.

After minutes of driving, they arrived a big house. It was really large with a lot of windows. It felt as if they occupants had no privacy at all which brought chills to Anna's bones in an extremely weird way.

Luckily the house was well hid and had lots of green lush trees giving the house a nice and dark scenery.

Anna tagged behind the man and walked into the house, the interior of the house was as good as the exterior just looked empty of emotions in general it lacked a homely feeling and unnecessarily too large in her opinion but who was she to judge.

"Stand here" the man said and started walking up the stairs reaching the top and disappearing at the turn.

Anna stood there looking around the house thinking about her own home and how to pay off her bills if she got the job.

She was worried she might not reach the requirements and go back to the past life.

"Anna" she looked up and there stood the most handsome man she had ever seen stand there with a little boy who looked exactly like him.

"Is she the one?." The handsome man said looking at her harshly

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