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Hell has unleashed him

Hell has unleashed him



The story unfolds in the vast magical continent of the medieval West. In this era of expansion and enterprising, money dominates everything, and conspiracies hang over the entire continent like dark clouds. The demon thief uses magic as a means and steals as the goal, but what he steals is not property, but national and group interests. A legendary young man, Ribo, who combines multiple roles such as a liar, a killer, a magician, and a noble, quietly emerged under the layers of haze. He is cold and arrogant but passionate, sharp and resourceful. To his enemies, he is the most terrifying devil; to his ladies, he is the most perfect lover. His mission is to complete a peerless conspiracy that webs the world. Facing a deadly and powerful opponent, how far can he go on this stage directed by the devil?

Capítulo 1 Chapter 1 Be released from prison

Sunlight filtered in between the iron bars, and the morning air slightly washed away some of the musty smell inside the cell overnight. The humid air brought more moisture to the cell walls covered with moss, although the light was not quite sufficient. , the moss on the wall is growing quite well.

The cell in the morning was always filled with sounds.

The prisoners who had slept all day were tapping the iron bars impatiently. The guards were already accustomed to this situation. Except for two good-spirited prisoners, they scolded the noisiest prisoners in the cell and used the long pole in their hands. The baton hit the iron railing twice, and the other guards were chatting there.

The guards who had been working the night shift all night were waiting for the new guard to take their place.

They don't have time to fuss with the prisoners.

The prisoners with handymen in the cells were called out one by one.

The jailer put light shackles on them and set them to work.

These prisoners have relatively minor crimes, are timid, and are easy to manipulate.

Many of these miscellaneous prisoners are not yet adults. They are the youngest group in the prison. If they were younger, they would not be locked up here.

In the most remote and darkest cell in the prison, Brother Faying was the only prisoner still sleeping.

He has no interest at all in the prison food that is like dog food. Today is the day he is released from prison.

Brother Faying, who has fiery red hair, is the only juvenile prisoner in the prison who is underage but does not need to do handymen.

"Dang, Dang, Dang" the jailer knocked on the iron bars of Faying's cell with a deafening sound.

"Boy, get up and pack your things. You can go out." The jailer said.

As he spoke, the jailer took off the bunch of keys hanging from his waist and opened the cell door.

"See you later, kid," said an unkempt prisoner.

"Next time I come in, don't take up my bed," Faying said.

"Hey, don't forget, bring me a blanket next time you come in." Another old prisoner yelled.

"Okay, but first give me the money for the blanket."


Seeing Brother Faying still chatting with the prisoners, the jailer became a little impatient.

He poked Brother Faying on the shoulder with a long wooden pole covered with iron and said: "Quick, what are you talking about? Anyway, you have to come back every few months. If you have anything to say, we will talk next time."

Brother Faying left the quilt and blanket with other prisoners and walked out of the cell.

Along the way, the prisoners in the cages nearby greeted Brother Faying one after another.

"See you next time."

"How soon will you be back?"

"Bring a message home for me..."

"Go and come back quickly."


The jailer was tired of hearing the noise of these prisoners. He hated these prisoners who had been in prison for many years, these rotten scum.

Thinking of this, he once again pushed Brother Faying with the iron-headed wooden pole in his hand and said, "Go quickly, go quickly."

When he arrived at the warden's office, the warden took a look at Brother Faying. This was a guy who used the prison as a hotel and came and went frequently. He had nothing to say to him, and the warden didn't want to waste any words. Malide signed Fa Ying Ge's release certificate.

"You can leave, but I know you will come back soon, right?" the warden said confidently.

"Yes, yes, I hope the food here will be a little better next time I come in." Brother Faying replied with a playful smile.

Hearing this, the warden was not happy. He turned to the jailer and ordered: "Take him out."

After hearing the warden's order, the jailer immediately kicked Brother Faying out of the prison door.

The heavy iron door slammed shut behind Brother Faying.

Brother Faying shrugged his shoulders, dusted himself off, and walked straight to the city center.

Brother Faying is very familiar with every street in the city, but he is in no hurry to return to his nest.

Brother Faying wandered around the street and turned into the clothing store at the south entrance of the street.

There was no one else in the coat shop, so Faying patted the bell in front of the counter.

With a series of crisp bells, the small door in front of the counter opened, and the owner walked out of the low door.

When he saw Brother Faying, he said happily: "Ah, you came out! Today is the day you come out, I even forgot."

"Give me a new set of clothes and tell the old man that I'm out. I'll walk around on the street first." Brother Faying said.

"Hey, it just so happens that I don't have your size on hand. I have one that's a little too big. You can wear it first." As he said this, the shop owner got into the low door behind him and soon brought out a set of 70% new clothes.

"Not bad, not bad, let's make do with it." Brother Faying nodded and said.

Picking up the clothes, Brother Faying walked into the fitting room and came out dressed quickly.

Brother Faying looked very energetic after changing his outfit.

Walking on the streets, Brother Faying looked at the pedestrians around him. After three months in prison, people had taken off their thick winter clothes and put on light and close-fitting spring clothes.

"Brother Faying, is that you?" A voice sounded from behind.

Brother Faying looked back and saw that it was Jayne, the fast player from Beta on Nanjie.

"This trip has been going on for three months, right?" Jayne said with a smile.

"Yeah, I can't even recognize the way back." Brother Faying was worried about the current situation.

"Oh, a new shop has opened in the south of the city. I heard that the goods are good. They are all silk and leather." Jayne said.

"Thanks, I'll go around."

"Have a great time."

Brother Faying got the news and immediately walked to the south of the city. He was very familiar with this city. Just like most stores knew who he was, Brother Faying also knew what each store sold. What kind of person is the shopkeeper, is the waiter alert or not, and what kind of customers come to the door.

Therefore, without Jayne's guidance, Brother Faying quickly knew where the new store was.

As expected, the shopkeeper of the new store didn't recognize him, but two of the waiters were locals.

Brother Faying knew that he had to strike quickly. He took advantage of the two guys not seeing him and found the target as soon as possible.

This store sells high-end goods such as perfume and jewelry. Indeed, as Jayne said, the customers who come in and out are all rich people wearing silk or precious furs.

These people's carriages were parked in front of the store, and they were followed by servants. It was really not easy to kill them.

However, this was not a problem for Brother Faying. When no one was paying attention, Brother Faying slipped into the store and walked around. When he came out, he already had two money bags in his pocket.

Brother Faying was quite satisfied with such a harvest. He ducked into the alley and hid in the alley. He looked around to see if there was no one around. He took out his money bag and counted today's harvest.

As for the two empty money bags, Brother Faying would never put them on him. He threw the empty money bags in the alley.

After patting his pocket full of coins, Brother Faying walked back to his lair with great satisfaction.

As soon as he stepped into the alley in front of his lair, someone immediately noticed him.

"Brother Faying, it's really you."

"welcome back."

"Jayne said you were back, but I didn't believe it at first..."

"How are you lucky today? Jayne said you went to Nancheng."

Hearing this, Brother Faying patted his pocket hard. The crisp and loud sound of the coins colliding was more convincing than anything else.

"If you have the ability, you can open the door on the first day."

"Brother Faying, you have the ability."


Amid the noise of the crowd, Brother Faying was surrounded and returned to his lair.

The lao's nest is a three-story building built in a deep alley. It is no different from other three-story buildings in the city. It is simple and crude as long as it can accommodate people.

Because the alley is too deep, there is not enough sunlight, and the small rooms are extremely cluttered and look no better than a prison cell.

However, in Brother Faying's view, this is his real home.

"Is this Brother Faying?" Following an old questioning voice, a short old man came down from upstairs.

He was slightly bald, with sparse gray hair hanging on both sides of his face, and an equally sparse beard. He was dressed in old black clothes and pants, and the edges of his feet had been worn to a shine.

"Welcome back." The old man said.

"You're not dead yet." Brother Faying said with a smile.

"If I die, no one will hold a welcome party for you." The old man said with the same smile.

"If you die, we will have a welcome meeting every day." Brother Faying said.

"Okay, no more joking, you've got a good harvest today, bring it!" The old man spread his hands.

Brother Faying grabbed a handful of coins and put them in the old man's hand.

"That's not enough. I haven't bought the wine tonight yet." The old man shook his head and said.

"Old vampire." Brother Faying cursed with a smile, took out all the money in his pocket, and at the end, turned his pockets inside out.

"You go take a shower first. Lao Pi has already brought you some clothes that fit you. They are a bit old, but they look really good." The old man said.

Brother Faying smiled and obeyed the old man's arrangement.

Hot baths are the only pleasure that cannot be enjoyed in the prison. In the past three months, Brother Faying can only barely take a shower with warm water that is slightly hotter than cold water. Therefore, as soon as he returns to his lair, the first thing that Brother Faying thinks of is to take a good bath in the bath. Bubbles inside.

This kind of enjoyment made Brother Faying completely forget about time. By the time someone came to call him, the sky was already getting dark.

Brother Faying put on new clothes. The old man was right as he said. The clothes were a bit old but the style was really good. Unfortunately, this set of clothes was only worn for today's occasion. It was too conspicuous when walking on the street.

The neatly dressed Faying walked into the hall. The hall had already been prepared. There was a large bucket on the table in the middle, exuding the aroma of wine.

He hasn't drank alcohol for three months. For Faying, this is the second thing on his list that he needs to enjoy.

As for the food, although it can't be called a luxurious meal, it is quite sumptuous.

Barbecued meat, roasted chicken, large fish, and a pot of stewed mutton are definitely a great temptation for Brother Faying who has been in prison for three months.

However, Brother Faying was not in a hurry. He tasted all the dishes, poured himself a full glass of beer, and then sat at the door and watched the little brothers returning home one after another.

The news that Brother Faying was back had obviously spread among this group of people. Before it was completely dark, the little brothers returned home one by one.

Every time they see Brother Faying sitting at the door drinking beer, they have to come up and say hello.

The lair soon became noisy.

The lair at night is Brother Faying's favorite place. Although Brother Faying is young, he is the foreman of the "gold fingers" in the lair.

The old man's name is Paim, he is the leader here, and he is in charge of this group of "gold fingers".

Brother Faying doesn't know that several new brothers have joined here in the past three months. Now there are at least thirty or forty people in the lair. It seems that it will be like two years ago. The people were divided into a new nest and went to other cities to make a living.

Brother Faying looked at the little brothers who were eager to return home and thought to himself. The old man just told him not to drink too much. He still had something to tell him later.

Does this matter require me to lead a group of brothers and establish my own business?

Brother Faying thought about how he had known the old man since he was six years old, followed him on the street to pick up bags, from an eyeliner, to a bridge hand, and finally to a gold finger. Twelve years had passed before his eyes, and four people in his lair were divided into four. Second-rate.

Those foremen at the time have now been separated. Some of them are quite successful and have established a foothold in the outside world, while some have capsized.

If he were to be separated, what kind of fate would be waiting for him?

Brother Faying was thinking about it.

If they really split their nests, who would be willing to follow them? Where is the right place to open up new territory?

Nangang is the best pier nearby, but the security in Nangang is extremely strict. The second foreman who was sent out capsized the ship there. Brother Faying still remembered the miserable look he saw when he quietly collected the body.

Therthburg has the most wealthy people, but it is the territory of an earl. It is strictly controlled and must be prepared for war.

Piton and Bart were too poor to support anyone.

Thinking about it, Brother Faying frowned secretly. Now is really not a good time to separate.

He could only take one step at a time.

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