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Benjamin Black is the alpha, leader of the Montana pack. When his mate is kidnapped, his wolf takes charge, ready to rip the heads off those responsible. Because Benja has a secret, he and his wolf Onix are not just one; both beings coexist, sharing mind and body. Claire welcomes this new world filled with dangerous creatures, where her mate reigns with an iron fist.

Capítulo 1 A Leader Beyond Appearances 1

Pack of Montana

Nicolas was seated on a rock, gazing at the entire pack. There were things about to change, and he felt prepared to face whatever came his way with determination. He was an ancient wolf, regarded as an elder among his kind, despite not appearing older than thirty years. He had been present during the reign of the former alpha and his mate, but now his allegiance lay with Augustus Black's son.

Benjamin had been leading the pack for nearly twenty years. He governed with firmness, but he was one of the few alphas who valued the diverse opinions of each pack member, which made him a good leader. His people thrived under his rule. However, despite being known for his calm and fair nature, shadows resided within his soul. As the leader of a strong and prosperous pack, Benjamin needed to maintain balance, and lately, he struggled to do so.

His wolf, Onix, was restless and anxious, making his duties within the pack more challenging. Nicolas knew that Benjamin preferred to govern with a gentle hand, although there were times when he had to act in dark and ruthless ways. Those who betrayed the alpha's mandates were taken to an abandoned area where they were tortured to death. In the pack, it was assumed that Nicolas was responsible for everything, unaware that Benjamin assisted him on some occasions.

Nicolas was the enforcer of the pack and the only one who knew about Benjamin's dark nature, and he was fine with it. His father, Augustus Black, had a similar way of doing things, and it never caused Nicolas any concern. A man like Benjamin, a direct descendant of one of the strongest alphas, couldn't be any different from his father. This was in stark contrast to his sister, Alina, who possessed the sweetness of the ancient moon of the pack. However, in recent days, Nicolas began to sense how close Onix was to the surface, and it was not a good sign. The elders in the pack believed that a leader with a wolf that remained an individual being was a risk.

While it was not a common occurrence, this very thing had cost Augustus Black his life.

The elders executed him, considering him dangerous. When Benjamin felt that his wolf was becoming the same, he kept silent and forced himself to subdue it.

When the alpha and his mate died, Benja was twenty years old, and Nicolas took charge of looking after him and preparing him for his role as alpha. Generally, wolves were a single entity with their host, a spirit merged with the human. But in Benjamin's case, there were two minds in one, which is why seeing his alpha unable to dominate Onix worried him.

No one could challenge him and defeat him, no. Benja's strength surpassed all limits, rarely-if ever-had Nicolas encountered an alpha with such power. What concerned him was his friend; he knew how crucial it was for Benjamin to lead the pack peacefully, and he was uncertain whether, at some point, Onix would overshadow him.

That's why he hoped that all of this truly stemmed from the proximity of the pack's future Luna. Otherwise, they could be witnessing the decline of the human and the dominance of the wolf.

Benjamin was in command of one of the country's strongest packs, but without a mate, the power would be difficult to control, and his inner beast was barely hanging on.

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