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Leer My Mate's Babies libro PDF gratis en línea

2024-07-08 16:16:34 Manobook.com 12

Leer My Mate's Babies libro PDF gratis en línea

"My Mate's Babies" es una historia de amor sobre hombres lobo que sigue a Sophia, quien, tras experiencias dolorosas con su alfa Chase, se ve enfrentada a desafíos mayores al descubrir que está embarazada y años más tarde alcanza la fama como cantante mientras lidia con revelaciones inesperadas.

Sophia hasn't had the best life so far. In fact, that would be an understatement. However, it seems like rainbows and bunnies compared to what her alpha mate, Chase, does to her.

After making love to her, he leaves her for his girlfriend and head cheerleader, Nicole, who doesn't go a day without taunting and bullying Sophia is some way or another.

Not being able to bear the pain of it all, she leaves. Later, she finds out some life-changing news.

. . .She's pregnant.

Determined to make a good life for her children, she gets a job in the local cafe where she sings and plays the guitar.

Skip a few years and Sophia is one of the most famous singers of all time as well as one of the richest and sexiest woment alive after Alex Williams, son of the biggest record producer, discovers her amazing talents. Her life is finally going smoothly for once.

However, things don't last long because at her first concert, she meets Ryan, her older brother, who explains to her that her mother is in critical condition.

So what happens when Sophia returns back home and sees Chase? What happens when Chase finds out that he is the father of four year old twins? And what happens when Chase wants her back?

Will she be his or will she choose someone else. . .?

parte 1: la historia de My Mate's Babies

parte 2: personajes principales de My Mate's Babies

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de My Mate's Babies

parte 1: la historia de My Mate's Babies

En el libro "My Mate's Babies", nos sumergimos en la vida de Sophia, una mujer que ha enfrentado duras adversidades. A pesar de todo, lo que ha vivido parece ser un pálido reflejo de la crueldad que su pareja alfa, Chase, le inflige.

Tras consumar su amor, él la abandona por su novia y porrista principal, Nicole, quien no pierde oportunidad para hostigar y maltratar a Sophia de maneras inimaginables. Incapaz de soportar tanto dolor, decide marcharse. Más tarde, recibe noticias que cambiarán su vida para siempre... está embarazada.

Determinada a construir un buen futuro para sus hijos, consigue trabajo en el café local donde canta y toca la guitarra. Con el tiempo, Sophia se convierte en una de las cantantes más famosas y ricas del mundo tras ser descubierta por Alex Williams, hijo del mayor productor musical.

A pesar de su éxito, su vida da un giro inesperado cuando regresa a casa debido a la crítica salud de su madre y se encuentra con Chase. ¿Qué sucederá cuando Chase descubra que es padre de gemelos de cuatro años? ¿Y qué ocurrirá cuando Chase quiera recuperarla?

¿Elegirá Sophia a Chase o se decidirá por otra persona en este intrincado entramado de emociones y decisiones cruciales?

parte 2: personajes principales de My Mate's Babies

Hombre: Chase

El alfa compañero de Sophia, que la abandona después de estar juntos para regresar con su novia y capitana de animadoras, Nicole. Chase representa una fuente de dolor y angustia en la vida de Sophia, y años más tarde descubre que es el padre de los gemelos de cuatro años, lo que provoca un giro significativo en la historia.

Mujer: Sophia

La protagonista principal, cuya vida ha estado marcada por experiencias difíciles, incluido el abandono y la crueldad emocional de Chase. Después de enterarse de su embarazo, se esfuerza por construir un futuro mejor para sus hijos. Su talento musical la lleva a la fama y la riqueza, pero nuevos desafíos emergen con la reaparición de su hermano y la presencia persistente de Chase, planteando interrogantes sobre su futuro amoroso y familiar.

parte 3: el capítulo más popular de My Mate's Babies

My Mate

My Mate's Babies

autor: WildChilddd

My Mate's Babies.Chapter One.

For the first time in my life, I felt a bit excited to be coming into school. To be honest, I didn't know why. I felt a warmth envelope my body as I went to my first class, English.

That was weird considering, I've just been to hell and back. My brother, Ryan and some of his friends came around our house this morning, which wasn't unusual considering they're there most of the time anyways. Although, the Alpha- my brother's best friend wasn't there. And let me tell you, they weren't the kindest people out there.

As I entered the class, I noticed that it was half-empty, with some students talking to their friends. They laughed and smiled and chatted with their friends. Times like this when I wished I had friends.

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My Mate's Babies.Chapter Two.

Chapter 2.

[ Ryan- Sophia's older brother ]

Laughing at Drake's joke, we all entered my house. My friends and I always hang out at mine after school and before. Sometimes they like to tease me about Sophia being my sister. But I always end up using my Beta voice to tell them to be quiet and shut up.

Sophia and I used to be close. But then, I shifted and she still hasn't, which automatically makes her the lowest of the pack. Which is why she gets bullied: because she's too weak. And I knew that if I did stand up for her, I would be bullied as well, and I wouldn't be Beta, which dad would be furious about. I truly do love her (even though I would never admit it to anyone), but I can't stand up for her, I just have to go along with the crowd. But I always do feel guilty after humiliating her, those words porbably hurt me more then her.

I entered the kitchen and found that there was no food anywhere. Normally, Sophia would cook for us as our parents were hardly ever at home. I told her to get food ready for us.

Si deseas leer la novela completa, puedes descargar la aplicación Manobook de forma gratuita en Google Play Store o en App Store.

My Mate's Babies.Chapter Three.

Chapter 3.

After driving out of the territory, I let out a shaky breath. My wolf was protesting, wanting to go back to her mate, but me: that is a completely different story.

I hated him now. More than ever.

He took my innocence and left me to be. He didn't even reject me properly, which meant that that our bond wasn't broken yet.

I continued driving, tears silently falling down my cheeks, until a pain struck me in my lower abdomen. I bit my lips so that I wouldn't start screaming out, because the pain was excrutiating.

I parked my park on the side of a quite road before stumbling into the forest nearby. I walked deep into the forest before screaming, with tears running down my cheeks.

I cried louder as the pain got worse.

After about half an hour of pain, I got feel myself falling into darkness, but before it got fully engulf me, I heard a voice near next to me, telling me to hold on.

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