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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1094    |    Released on: 05/05/2024

ng. "And do you always form your own opinion of

e woman who doesn't pay atte

o ignore the fact that Simon Hamilton's vo

o decide that there is n

turn his lethal charm on a woman. "Not exactly," she dismissed dryly.

to distrust me, just because something unfortunate had

e than that! "I know enough

. "You are not prepared to giv

hat w

pened yesterday w

," she answered w

’s a


clination of his head. "I trust I did not

ying it much even before you

n has added to that

let it bother you, Simon; it

ments in regard to me to have been v

n was quietly, chillingly angry—as the tightness of his jaw and the angry glitter of those green eyes t

I just thought I would save you wasting an

it be w

y," Sara confir

I will relieve you of the necessity of

ce of her scathing dismissal of him? Surely it couldn’t be—n

he finally replied derisively. "I’m sure all the other

tension from his

you are,

is blue gaze was curious as he turned to smile at Simon, his teeth ve

's waist. This was ridiculous of him, when Sara had made it so obvious that she had no interest in him. Perhaps the other man’s propri

t her waist before making the introductions. "Simon

n?" Mark prompted warmly a

as so obviously bowled over by meeting him. Admittedly the man was rich, but he was too handsome

ent to beautiful architect

world, owning a private jet, as well as properties all over the world. In that, she did have to agree with Mark. Standing at least eighty floors high, and built of a pal

that he believed that he could do no wrong and could never apo

ding blocking the view, Mark

than annoyed by her comment. "But I

ed. "I believe it’s time

llen. "But we onl

e man who had accompanied her here this evening. If she was in a serious relationship, it wasn’t with Mark Forbes, and Simon couldn’t see how a man

as ‘Just Sara’ couldn’t have made her complete lack of interest in him any

nd the over-abundance of beautiful women vying for his attention this past week, was turning hi

d be more than happy to escort Sara to her home if you

of color brightened those pale alabaster cheeks. "If Mark wishes to stay, I’m perfec

her. "There’s no need when

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