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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1078    |    Released on: 05/05/2024

cing myself?" He quirked dark, questioning brows

y, with an undertone of dark and sensual. The sort of voice

ely she was totally immune to conceited men like Simo

r attention seemed to have recognised that he was a man to beware of—if for different reasons than Sara's— and had now drifted off

is brow arched

he way you acted yesterday when we ran into each other,

red gown through narrowed lids as he det

the perfect nose, the full and sensuous lips above a pointed chin. Her alabaster skin had t

ingly outlined against the silky material, the perfect fit of the gown over the fullness of her hips surely only allowe

gave a throb of response just at the thought of his seeing this



easing. "Just S

nclination of her

really starting to irritate—and arouse!—the hell out of

o a chiding smile. "Shouldn’t you get to kn

you’re…. A very… Outspoken

dened, revealing white,

k a beautiful woman a lot longer than two minutes’ acquaintance to decide he might be dan

said instead, not wanting to let her cling to

on of her head. "Well, good for you.

l, so far I’ve realized that it t

xecutive assistant for her brother. Well, until she had found out their truth about her ex, Bruce Bennet and why he'd gotten into a relationship with her. The break up had been

ve to appreciate the fact that you can buy a decen

"I’ve found that the percolator in my apartment

acquaintance before inviting me back to your apartment." She went on dryly at

the sharp edge of derision that seemed to underlie every word

full and creamy swell of her breasts above the neckline of the silky red

at sort of man

as just a piece of the iceberg. You don't apologize even when you are wrong. Probably the kind of man who is so lethally

umor fading in the face of her

im here, there was no doubting that he was a force to be reckoned with in New York—both professionally and socially. The fact that he now appeared every inch the powerful and arrogant billionair

d by his marked attention, let alone falling for his seductive and no doubt practiced—charm

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