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Moonlit Reunion

Chapter 4 Confessions

Word Count: 1174    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

one that ran

y. Look at how you're questioning her". Mr

gaze remained glued on me. I shifted my eyes as I wat

make omelettes". She said

o, but I rubbed it against my sides before m

red me a glance while saying this,

I heard her say, as she clutched o

though it warmed my heart a bit. I was feeling g

der to end the banter, I quickly said, “It

o her dissatisfaction. He walked briskly to me and pulled me along. ”Yo

so hung on the wall, and I smiled at the fact that he hadn't taken it down. He looked at me, then followed my gaze.

ave my picture huh? Why don'

Instead, he took off his shir

'm uh.. Emilia and you?". I asked. I just wanted a formal i

. It didn't make sense to me. She was his girlfriend, and I was just his best friend who would never get

't understand. I'm onl

s, a pillow flew towards me, and

tephen was in the bathroom, so I couldn't even go in and w

o move away, but she grabbed my legs, and slid, making me fall on my face, and my mouth hit the floor — hard. I bit my tongue, and I wa

?". Stephen shouted

lped me up, but once I was back on

er. I wasn't going to speak, and he could tell I would

't ready for the nonsense, her shoulders fell as she confessed “You were giving her too much att

lf-yelled. She flinched, looking at him with puppy eyes, hoping he'd reverse his words, but he wasn't even lo

t aid kit out, then hurried back to where I

while blowing on it softly. “Its just a graze. It'll be gone by tomorrow". I tried my hardest not

me like that?". It cam

iped my nose. Although I originally wanted to take it from him

he was crouching in front of me. ”Why did you br

He replied, and I realised he

their girlfriend becau

s hand moved up and down m

u do that bec

n't bear to s


aid kit back, then walked past me. “Let's go downst

n to cry. Tears fell from my eyes. As Steph

e you c

ears away, but they didn

. His voic


into mine, but I broke

e it when you act as if you care about me, and you deeply understand me, when you don't. You're really qu

?". He pressed

at him, and his expression was one I couldn'

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