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Moonlit Reunion

Chapter 2 Saying goodbye to Ria

Word Count: 985    |    Released on: 28/04/2024

gh it was still a developing city, it was better than a town right? “Be understan

ends, I meant only two people because they're li

moved to the new neighbourhood, still, our friendship didn't stop. I do visit her and she does visit

say to him, or maybe, it was the fact that he was barely home. But there was something we had in common; we were our dad's favourite, and we loved him just the same. That tragic day when they died, I really fel

ed bread hitting my nostrils, and I held my stomach

bakery ar

en and walked in, heading straight to the block in front of me. Ria was

t since I played the part of beauty in

and she didn't really like it, as she felt it was insultin

hen let out a satisfactory groan as the taste melted into my tongue. This bread was really good. She stretched the soda towards me, and I gr

wards her, but she didn't take it. Instead she got up fiercely “What do you me

ontinue paying for all the expenses". I replied sadly. Someh

round aimlessly, then bac

aid as I got up

on my shoulder, passing through my blue silk dress.

ry". I apologiz

nds gripping both my shoulders firmly. “It'

widened. ”What? So, why are

d.. ”Kinda an impromptu announcement, but I th

ed up". Ria g

d with her. It was

lot of things together. We planned to get married together, go to the same spot for our honeymoon. What about the concert next month we were supposed to attend huh? Gosh, I seriously don't know what to say, cause I k

r? Besides, that'd be a burden on her parents,

ou Em". She said and hugged me

er!". I replied,

e you gone to see Stephen?". She asked.. yeah, she d

ng from here!". I rep

st let him know how you feel. That's the least you cou

final farewell". She

re leaving very early, so would it

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