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Chapter 5 Her feelings

Word Count: 2434    |    Released on: 04/04/2024



the two of them was a s

below them, three people stood talking, they also stood to listen to one group harmonize as

s they reached her house

he likes you," He said. "I don

e turned to look at him again. "We've been friends for almost three years

was interrupted b

muttered. "For

on't h

head and ent

n a few uncompleted sentences, managed to make such a mess of things? She didn't want

topher’s attention. Theresa tried to tug her hands from his, distressed by the power she felt rushing through h

rint. He stopped at the ticket booth, and gratefully she caught her brea

I miss him already,

ng going on between us." He rubbed his

engrossed in his phone. Theresa laughed. She tried not to feel guilty,

face. Matthew took it in his hands as they rose toward the top again. Theresa relaxed against him, finding her head fit naturally in the curve of his shoulders. Held close beside him, sh

last time

ok at him. Their faces were close, but s

ntly as old passengers were exchanged for new ones. She remembered times when she had been ver

it's part of our school's extracurricular activities." She stoo

which wasn't normal.

mbling. It's normal for


ft his eyes to meet hers anymore. Turning, she gazed blindly around the kitchen. The room was almost in complete darkness now. The table and chairs were dark shadows. S

r more than a week." Her younger brother rubb


ar," He

have you b

I don't

hat again, I'll

e things from me, Theres

sn't trying to hide anything, Mike." She shrugged, turning to watch Mich

ing her evasion. "That's important to me. You haven't gotte

eyes on him. "Oh no, Mike

id simply, "I

nk." She shook her head

they were nearly the same height, their eyes were almost at the same level.

ny of them," Sh

w. "I didn't need to men

appiness. Her brother already must have caught on to her thoughts and c

nderstood the male theory. She sighed, knowing evasions and half-truths were useless when he wa

ewd student,” He said with a gentle

n’t want to be late for chemistry class.” Theresa murmu


l compound. Then came a sudden knock on the door. "Come

ing, Sir. The principal asked me to inform you that she'll be holding

opher, I hope you're still d


n up and down entered the office. He greeted the man and walked past him. Something

popular tatto

The vice princi

k and answere

his uncle is here

He kept hi

u." He referred to the man as Christopher over

avesdrop on the conversation between th


n! What are you waiting for, huh?" Mr. Ekong barged a book on the table making him jerk, Matthew opened his mouth and attempted to speak but was cu

build a pack, not to mention trick them when I’m still a constable?" He took a deep breath and continued. "Make me the basketball Captain. Christopher can still keep the post of head boy. I already changed our scores, use it and

pt his balance not falling on the ground. Matthew clenched his fist. Anger flashed in his eyes. The blood in his veins heated.

e that his skin had cut inside his mouth and blood oozed out making it hurt. He was b

it was a warning, to inform hi


after the incident that happened at the park. He had so many heated

better grades than Chris." Christopher overheard from two junior students. He didn’t lik

His father was clear about him using his Captain position to secure a scholarsh

r students in the locker room at the appearance of Chris

agged a hand through his hair. His hands relaxed. "I've tried my best to

r own good. Focus deeply on your studies. Unshac

ame with a painful reward: the opportunity to learn how

of sight, then hauled themselves. He had the devil's own temper when


heard about the demotion of Christopher,

opher would be when he's sad. She walked slowly inside. The church was quiet, which was why he preferred to spend his time here. Instinct told her immediately that p

id others from hearing. Her eyes on the

ing it up again. It's annoying. I hate being held back by my emotions

sit up. His eyes lingered on her form, and then slid up slowly to

t I have, before time makes me appreciate what I had." He ro


his parents were home, fast asleep, the car was there and the door had been unlocked. There was a cup and plates in the sink. They had spilled some soup dirt on the counter and neglected to wipe it up. He r

and a flash of crim

ontinued doing the dishes. Something moved in the bushes. T

of a person outside his house, through the window. He composed himself, moving his hands deliberately to the counter to get his phone. Precious stopped at the

g and started to run pushing down cups

at the back. Precious protested, but his mouth was bleeding profusel

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