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Chapter 2 The new student

Word Count: 954    |    Released on: 04/04/2024



d feel the cold emitting from the air conditioner mat with h

cold… s

hole body. He tried moving his legs, but the force of pains brought it back down to the floor. He lifted up his head- he saw that a man was standing before h

on the shoulder. It didn’t even in

up his body, the boy set his eyes on him. He had black and gr

d I’ll let you go, Matthe

straight. “And do what?

re with us,” he stroked his beards. “Get re

d the mission. He nodded his head but

ouldn’t be enough to tune down the sounds spiking through his skull crescendoed. He coul

and the sun is already

tomach is p

n the sandy ground. This was one of the powers a wolf

e dusty ground. He had a sculpted figure which screamed of an athlete. His soft a

in a weak voice. It was torture upon tort

den. And fangs shot

ketball captain, Christopher grin. A round of applause followed a

een Christopher and the doorway. "We have heard what the Captain just said. Gree

ew sat down, but before he could s

Chris, let the

" Matthew said quietly, whil

athway high school," Coach interjected. "His


the details. "I liked the team and the school." The oth

entminded student, Christopher. Matthew hadn’t grown accustomed to the school. His eyes skirted over Christopher. He was alread

scent from Christopher. Everyone had a scent, both werewolves

e too uneasy for him. He found his steps faltering, som

s unease, he quickly tried

t see his past… lik


that something drastic had happened. His aura was cold and domineering. The sunlight reflected a scary scar on the

ies, knelt down in front of him, the

caught, kill them." ordered Mr. Ekong. The fiercenes

is men repli

te building and entered a whi

Philip," He said to his a


and walked straight to his ringing phone on the desk

your plan works out." Mr. Ekong hung up. He smiled at those on

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