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Being The Doctor

Chapter 2 The ruthless CEO

Word Count: 2453    |    Released on: 04/01/2024


e." My introduction. Here

ted while artfully sitti

ioblastoma (GBM) remains the most common and most aggressive primary brain tumor, with a median survival of

, Dr. Salvatero." She said a

e. I'm serious. "Look, I'm here to help you.


p being stubborn. You ba

be treated! I'm g

yet been lo

survive 3-4 months without treatment and 12 months with surgery. I will still die.

finding a cur

nowadays are willing to do everything just for the sake of th

tor has nothing

ecting me to bu

g about your life here. That's why I don't h

What a

not a


Maybe you're not aware but I'm the owner of the land and structure that your stepping of. Even if I squander millions every day it's s

cause you'll benefit too! When you heal me, you'll

t she be

ween us. "I can't force you to heal because it's your own body and it's not my concern anymore. The only thing that matters to me is whether you can just discard all the suffering of your parents and just heal yourself. You are important to them , Ms. Houston. Very, very important. They want to be with you for

rse greeted me. I just sm

the emergency room. Ma

emergency room, some

ave me! Fight!" And t

s place. "What happened?" I asked as

her seat. She assists the other patient

ut 100 to 120 compressions a minute. I repeat what I do until I hear the sound of the device. It was a straight line. I immediately took the defib

my wife? I thought you we

heard a series of sounds from the device that served as an estimator of his life. His hea

move the patient to his room." I ordered and th

're useless doctor! I entrusted you with my son's life! He's too young t

ra's fault." I said but the boy's

s of no value to you! The only thing that matter

ping me, you're the one saying things! You're belittling me too much! Is it my fault that your son

d earlier. She is Mara's mother and naturally it is painful for her to accept that. Besides,

one who yelled and screamed and then said I'm not a good doctor? It's so hard to become a doct

d weakly. "Yo


him even more. I just laughed at he

e rounds with my patients early. "Hi Grandma! How are you?" I ask

led. "It's good

gh she can't remember me. "It's

ring from S

! Doc Jarren! It's you! You're

ay?" I said smiling to Grandma Nida. He nodde

? You still haven't fo

randma, my wife w

y! I raised him well. I don't understan

Iho, I know you are sad right now. Just forgive my son. I hop

eep. Your nurse will wake yo

f my son. I know you're still not giving up on finding him. Foghting! Feghting? Ahh, it's just a fight. You'l

Grandma, go to slee


again before hea

y I have a wife? God! And really left me! It looks lik

and I'm used to it. Because I h

blood and medicine. I took off my doctor's coat and revealed my white polo underwear. I am currently opening the door of the rooftop when I sudde

ay?! I only have a few months left, I'm going to kill myself? I'm not that stupid

u even stepped on the back ce

ld him but he sat down. "It was windy here. I love the view. At least I can experience this in the

eally nice. Perfect time and perfect place to stand

people walking. They look like little ants. We're curren

You'll live long." I said w

y life." This is

s were just staring at the

nds do if it's really time for your patient to die?

ftly. "You'r

my body will be buried six feet underneath th

you be

"Tangina's life. The villain in my best friend's love story, there's more to it and there's only days left. It's

ur plan?" I as

and swayed her

looking away. "Treat me. Make my lif

ow turned." I sa

this for my parents. They sacrificed a lot for me

rstand you but how about your m

or shoot and then go home here in hospital. Geezz, I don't want t

out your serum? Remove the

at, right? I'm imm

while you are shooting? Who will help and

e! Also, why do you have so many what i

use you're my patie

d stared at the sky again. "The sk

just sit here while l

re red and her nose was cute and perfect. She has these gray eyes that have curly thick eyelashes. I w

of her bitchy and

ring at m

her direction. Geez, that was embarras

im. "What did

ed eyebrows. "Why? Do you have

hat name! Call me, Dr.

it's common for Jarren. Ridge, af

eally like

ave any choi

lling me

t teased a

gave up. It's up to him

en I'll call yo


ird name. Gross." She said

" I'm stil

make a n

oices, Ely." I imitate

that she didn't protest anymore. She just stare at me and smile

y it is."


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