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Being The Doctor

Chapter 5 The Agreement

Word Count: 2443    |    Released on: 04/01/2024


fore answering. "I'm g

ng well but there's a part of us that was wanting to visi

tand. You should take car

or! I thought there was a doctor patient confidentiality. "But don't worry son. Doctor Jarren explained it very well to us and we already agr

Mom. And thank you for

honey." I bet she's

itone voice suddenly


here?" He asked

ne here

y, tell daddy if you don't want to be there. I can tell Doctor Jarren to transfe

, dad but don't worry, I can manage being here. Besides, I can s

ling that mom just forced her to support me in my deci

nk it's dangerous f

t he will not agree if it would send me in danger. Let's trust him, o

ourself too much and also be a good patient. Doc Jarren has many patient

ht. Whate

s not to him, you are no lon

good patient to him." I said and rolled my ey

hang up now for you to

lease say goodnight to mo

the call ends. I killed the call myself because I know my

room. It's refreshing but I have to get used


is fine. I don't know why but I can't rest until I get home

ably asleep by now. That won't wait for

room, I saw him

didn't wa

rd her snore. Damn!

here to get blood samples. Since it's what she requested.

ket and sat next to him. I checked my phone for emails and messages and as usual it has a lot. I just put the phone aside

rat stubborn woman. Well, all I know right now is that I badly needed rest. My body was drained and my energy was low.


comfortable in my whole sleep. My left foot was still resting on his leg

e. One of my legs rested on Ridge's leg while my arms wrapped around his

this position? Shit! This can't be happening! It's so emba

opened so I rolled to the other side of my bed

d him ask so I stood up from the fall. I saw hi

ing!" I sneaked in and

He asked using his bedroom voice.

you want." I answered while sec

sure you'

! Just

e staring at

?! I

to me that's why you stare a

!" I just

ve it to you bec

brow. He just laughed in return. "A

e's int

uck I

rief with my signat

're disg

n't be shy. I know t

his man anymore! The wind! "You're a pain in the ass, Ridge

ce could hardly be painted. He chuckled before closing his eyes again. "I'

" I rolle

like a robot that o

secretly mumbled w

ting with both arms crossed. Is he that tired to sleep that fast? Is h

his head since the only thing he used to lean his head against was the wall. The pillow will not fall in case he moves

! Why am I even doing this? It's like I've become his

. I am aware that I am really artistic and have an at

hen, bathroom and a veranda in a hospital room like this, it's because it's presidential. Like a suit, they re

here are also instructions. I hope my cooking is successful. Because last time I cooked, it

. He's happy with her therefore you should be happy for him t

felt an extreme pain in my head. I leaned

felt like any minute I would pass because of the extreme pain in my head. "Damn! It hvrts! Please


I lose control of my balance, Ridge catches me. "Hey, I'm here. Your doctor is here. Don't p

I utter as tears st

ded me the two pills. "Dexamethasone and oxycodone." He informed me while giving me the medicine that I would be taki

v-vomit any m-minute now."

p you sleep so that the pain in your head will decr

now. I can't explain. My strength is also slowly disappearing. Is this Glioblastoma symptoms?

ast words I heard before

things that I will be sending to you through me

right now but it seems like th

ptoms are starting to get w

lives. I glanced at Ely again and a sad smile plastered on my face. In case

ur hands. He will not disappear. Think of the people waiting for his recovery. They

sent are here." I heard N

eck her HR and BP. I would be running some test t

nswered before d

ed. "And can I have a favor, Freyja?" It turned to me with surprise but then nodded too. "I don't want an

n count." He answ



turning my back. I went to the mini kitchen and put awa

help you." Fr

n do it. Are you do


pdate her medical records an

tility to help you there?" T

an't or shouldn'

, doc!

s fi

holding her things. I just nodded a

anting for breakfast. I prepared her milk too. I

esulting for me to smile. I miss this. Cooking food is my hab

water and fruits. I add a pancake knife and a fork then put some tab

almost two hours since he fell asleep and I know the


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