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The Professor

Chapter 5 Worried Parents

Word Count: 1649    |    Released on: 14/11/2023

e jok

's question, choosing instead to take

citement, "you do you're fucked right? i mean throwing your profe

maya grumbled under her breath but didn't bother to f

propping her elbow on it and resting her chin on her hand. "Jason wouldn'

from her friend. She took another sip of her smoothie. "He's... attractive. In a conventional

without talking about the man, it was obvious he still held a grudge against her and she worried it'd already marred his imp

cting to hear," Gabrielle muttered, sta

a tongue at the dark-skinned girl who glared

rse from where it was hanging at the back of her cha

sappointment, "Do

before rising to her feet. "Don't miss me much."


kiss at Maya before slipping out of th

ength of the coffee shop and noted that it was less busy than usual. A quick check of her phone told her it was j

and then there was the essay she needed to submit by tonig

he couldn't. That meant she'd been forced to spend hours on it alone, which was bad enough. But that wasn't even touching on the fact that she hadn't slept much the previous night because of the s

ely she stepped out, the warm breeze instantly hit her face as she crossed the sidewalk. The trek to her car was quic

insert the key into t

d the driver's seat, sliding inside and slamming the door shut before the heat could melt away some of the

tarted up the car, "Alright, Charlie," S

e, but it felt fitting. The car was old and beat up but Charlie was nothing short of pure energy and had taken May

dial and turned it on. It was a slow song she loved and sh

familiar number glared at her through the screen and a warm smile stretched her lip


she chuckled again, leaning back into the comfortab

y before giving a small sigh, "Jus

fled reply and Maya rolled h

e, "Call me 'mom' again and I'll make sure to stuff las patatas

mother's voice, "Lo siento, mama, but that'

ere negatively influencing her', Maya was about to tell her it wa

about what to name her. Her father wanted to name her Mae after his deceased mother but his wife was pretty insistent on Maya. They'd argued for so long about the name and fin

ly, except when he publicly

he playfully purred and winked,

brought a warm fe

has me on." She heard the sound of sm

told me you l

wife in his large arms, "Just kidding, honey." Then he whispered

ere like two peas in a pod, she was certain they were meant for each other and she

riveway and carefully parked. Maya killed the engine

faking a serious tome, "I can literally f

her. She heard a drawn-out sigh and knew it was from her mom, "

pushed the door open and stepped out, maneuvering her bag, her keys

about her and Gabrielle. At first, she found it endearing and adorable; she always knew how m

ting herself in. As soon as she kicked off her shoes she walked directly int

ontents of the refrigerator. She dropped the items in her hold on the counter and grab

mija. If y

played with the plastic bottle in her hold, "I d

atisfaction, "Esta bien. Take

oo ma

er left ear had begun to hurt from pressing the dev

onnected before she could say another word. Maya placed her phone back o

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