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The Professor

Chapter 4 Alexander Grey

Word Count: 1349    |    Released on: 14/11/2023

hall while the others who stayed behind, were talking amongst themselves, some had plugged in their earphones and were bobbing

s first day of class?" Derek's voice

his body leaning against the c

ll quiet, the chatter died down and everyone stopped their mo

ew she was staring, but there was no denying the fact that she couldn't stop, and judging by

ound him and it wasn't because of his muscular stature or the way his stubbled jaw ticked ever so slightly as he scanned the room, but the fact that he was currently wearing a bl

of her favorite type of coffee, she was sure one look from those orbs would send you

lectern that had been set up in the center of th

" His deep voice reverberated

Maya that this man

e bridge of his glasses further up his nose, looking at each student in turn. "We o

t of him, eyes flitting across the screen and the projector on the other end. The professor began explaining the outline for th

her ear, "Do you think it's ille

yes turned towards her, including the p

ction remind h

at I just explained?" The profe

d out, watching a

gh in my class again, Miss-" He p


ater is that way." Half the class chuckle

ment ignoring Jason's apology and

ctern, "I'm aware that this is half the students that registered for this course and I

net searches or anything of the sort. Trust me, I'll know." Almost everyone, including Jason, gro

r hand and he gave

ot familiar with the area given to us?" She cleared her throa

the halls and Maya found her

deep thought, "Alright, you can do that but


r faces, on seeing the unenthusiastic looks shared, he ad

ercent was too much for an assignment that required them to use their brains for once, well

ntence, Professor." A girl from the front row pointed

references," He said and leaned forward, "yet y

nd he smirked, Maya could've swo

some of the students nodded and murmured in approv

nodding to himself. "You can com

do I have a feeling that

helor," Jas

ya grumbled and rose from her seat, Jaso

r heart raced the closer she got to the professor. A redhead p

view, Maya noticed the scowl

fended by her a

first two steps and was about to climb the third when she tripped over the ceramic tile.

but it never came, hands shout out to grab her carefully, one wa

epths of the professor's eyes, even with the glasses on, the

nd she heard eac

ping people over, Miss Gre

ant when it suddenly hit her. Maya's memories fr

and she could see his eyes

he'd obviously not forgiven her for what she

psychology professor for the rest of the semester hit her


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1 Chapter 1 The Encounter 2 Chapter 2 Hangover and Classes3 Chapter 3 Waning Patience 4 Chapter 4 Alexander Grey5 Chapter 5 Worried Parents 6 Chapter 6 Secret Stalker7 Chapter 7 At the Supermarket 8 Chapter 8 On Monday 9 Chapter 9 Shared Gazes10 Chapter 10 A tedious assignment 11 Chapter 11 To Unwind12 Chapter 12 Predator and Prey13 Chapter 13 Her Hero14 Chapter 14 Nothing at all15 Chapter 15 Derek And His Muse16 Chapter 16 Look at me 17 Chapter 17 Mortification 18 Chapter 18 Regret 19 Chapter 19 The Uninvited Guest20 Chapter 20 The Game21 Chapter 21 The Confrontation 22 Chapter 22 The Apology23 Chapter 23 The Convention 24 Chapter 24 Dark and Dangerous 25 Chapter 25 Three Rules 26 Chapter 26 Freezing Skin and 27 Chapter 27 His Bedroom 28 Chapter 28 Definitely Not 29 Chapter 29 Secret Rendezvous 30 Chapter 30 A Saint31 Chapter 31 Dinner Date 32 Chapter 32 Help You33 Chapter 33 Punishment 34 Chapter 34 Lo Siento 35 Chapter 35 Foxy36 Chapter 36 Reconciliation 37 Chapter 37 Texting 38 Chapter 38 Burger Problems 39 Chapter 39 A Long Ride40 Chapter 40 Partner41 Chapter 41 I Promise 42 Chapter 42 Office Rendezvous 43 Chapter 43 Blue eyes44 Chapter 44 The Date45 Chapter 45 Stood up46 Chapter 46 The Surprise Visit47 Chapter 47 Goodbye 48 Chapter 48 A Surprise 49 Chapter 49 Disappointed 50 Chapter 50 Dangerous Smile51 Chapter 51 Help Me 52 Chapter 52 Cold Shower 53 Chapter 53 Please54 Chapter 54 Screwed55 Chapter 55 Wrong Choices 56 Chapter 56 His Secrets57 Chapter 57 The Beauty and The Jealous 58 Chapter 58 Come In59 Chapter 59 Second Chances 60 Chapter 60 His Home61 Chapter 61 His Family 62 Chapter 62 I Know63 Chapter 63 Love64 Chapter 64 Aroused65 Chapter 65 Hallway Rendezvous 66 Chapter 66 Temporal 67 Chapter 67 Complications 68 Chapter 68 The Limo69 Chapter 69 The Birthday Party 70 Chapter 70 Who You Are 71 Chapter 71 Different 72 Chapter 72 Birthday Planning and Surprises73 Chapter 73 Pick74 Chapter 74 Birthday Surprises and Kisses75 Chapter 75 Take My Hand76 Chapter 76 The Amusement Park 77 Chapter 77 Smart78 Chapter 78 Brutal Realization 79 Chapter 79 Swim80 Chapter 80 The End 81 Chapter 81 All Of You82 Chapter 82 Exposed83 Chapter 83 A Surprise Visit84 Chapter 84 The Apology85 Chapter 85 The Rude Waiter 86 Chapter 86 Reunion 87 Chapter 87 Fools In Love88 Chapter 88 Epilogue