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The Husband Misstres

Chapter 4 I really miss him

Word Count: 2401    |    Released on: 08/10/2023


ks later.

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ding me? I went to that immediately in just three weeks? That's why the result, my bod

was holding and sighed. I feel

ane for a month.

eep well? Doesn't he get sick

ng my mind but I can't answer any of them

way tears and s

ma's gonna find yo


me to her!" I shouted at the m

lly miss her. I wan

too. Besides, your dad is here" he s

ly want her!" I scre

gh and was about

daddy! I want my mama back!" I screamed and ran to

om!" I


the spoon in my mouth but I just looked

r strength" it snapped and put the sp

I was sad and my tears fell again. Luke w

et stronger so we

's name made m

him for a month. And in th

to see Kiane but nothing. Until now, I

and you will be with him too. Just trust Vic. J

uke" I begg


me. I need time to think"

here later" he sai

but they still didn't stop.

0 in the

g r

from my side table a

I answe

ere! They are back her

told me. I pinched my arm to know if

Are you st

u very much! I'll treat you someday!"

sed and fixed myself b

e to his mansion. I hope he will allow

his gate again. The guard who was guarding

ted here but no

a moment!" I begged and my tears flowed again. Manong

kept begging Kione t

own in front of their gate

hundered and

he guard and ran to the guar

ere as long as the importan

miss my son so much! Please!" I screamed but I doubt that

y tears cont

Even if it storms here, I won't leave

hich means, I spent almost four hours kneeling her

9:00 but the sky is st

er and I'm getting weak but I'm still not leaving

owing and I could o

because of the

eps approaching me. He pointed his flashlight at

ing to get sick ma'am" the guard said worriedly a

im" I said weakly. I don't know if th

tsteps runn

hter. I hope Kione will talk t


by a series of kn

the door and my eyes glazed over to se

you want a massage?" I shouted angrily

you up but someone wants

He's disturbing" I said and he was

ven take shelter when it rained heavily earlier," he

now or else I'll fire you" I s

and later, I heard c


another day" I heard the

right Ma'am, you might get sick" I immediate

What is she s

im please" she pleaded while

ed into my chest, especially w

y room and went

the guard. He immediately

still crying. I suddenly softened

and seemed surprised, but his face

t me see K-Kiane" he said and wiped his tears. I couldn't d

tened and imme

he happily excla

but immediately nervous when my

led but no o

ed at it and it looked like he had passed out. I immed

wel" I ordered one of my assist

and left

urned down the air condit

ir blocking his

nd towel on the side table and then on the tray that anoth

and dipped it in the basin. I heard the

sound asleep. I can't fe

shole for lett

I mumbled and kis

ext d

d, I opened my eyes and looked evilly at

n angrily but he didn't listen to me. Inste

because I didn

got up and p

d you come here to cause troubl

e no right to be with my nephew and even more so you hav

ped lip and was about to pu

repeat the past. Your still my brother, I care about you but you are doing it wrong.

ed by what

k to my senses when I he

roached it and to

id. I was about to get up to take

our hands an

d sat next to him "When you get better. I promise you will see o

then lay bac

ain to ge

eared on my face but

uch a


r. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I still feel bad. I f

artled by someone

accepted it without hesita

to go out of the bathroom when my eyes

right behind me so he

eard him say it and I was

silenced me. I just looked at his che

on the headboard for me to lean on. He took the sou

red and was about to grab th

or the stupid thing I did before. But please, let me make it up to you

asy to trust someone who

e put the spoon

my mouth and ate the s

d up the soup again and

it take c


ned. I stretched out and made my bed

't want to be next to me. Why? Well, as "Vi

ately when I suddenly felt dizzy. I rubbed my forehead. just sh!t! Why do I s

!" He sho

there!" I shouted back and p

d went straight to the kitchen but I

said ok t

ed at me and

. I hope my tears don't fall. I don'

tonight" I heard the woman say

and continued c

leeding finger. Tsk..tsk..tsk.


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