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The Husband Misstres

The Husband Misstres



My hand was shaking as I left the bathroom. I hid the Pregnancy Test in the pocket of my pants before leaving the room. As usual, I'm the only one here in our huge house. I sat on the sofa and stopped the sobs that I had been holding in for a while. I took the pt out of my pocket and two red lines were revealed to me. I immediately turned to face the door as it opened violently. My husband entered as if a woman was there. Nothing but its attachment. But in this household, I look like a fixture. "Ahh Ki-Kione. you're here" I said and stood up. He just stared at me blankly and he moved his eyes to the girl with him. "Let's go babe. We're just wasting time her" he said coldly and led the girl into his room. I immediately smiled brightly and wiped my runaway tears. I went to the garage and got into my car. I immediately turned it on and I just drove by drive. I want to go away especially now that we have children. I know he doesn't care about it. He despises me a lot. And I cannot bare to see my soon to be child being miserable because his/her dad hates his/her mom a lot. I don't want to hurt it. I'm a bitch, just don't let him.

Chapter 1 Our company's

Chapter 1

Victoria's POV

"Vic! Good news! Our company's sales have increased because of your new designs "Of course! Miss Collins is good!"

"Asus, you flattered me. Oh, Kev, I'm going home" I said goodbye to them and left Cortwar Inc.

I immediately got in the car and went to the condo where my son and I were staying.

Yes, I gave birth. 4 years ago. A healthy cute little boy named Kiane Victor Collins. Don't ask, even though Kione is worthless, I still followed my son's name to his name.

Anyways, let's not talk about my past. More important, now because I'm happy and satisfied with what I have.

When I entered our condo,


I immediately ran to the kitchen and saw Kiane there and in front of her was a broken glass and spilled milk.

"Baby! Are you okay?" I asked as I got close to it and picked it up. I examined its entire body and worriedly looked at every angle of its body.

"I'm okay mom. Please don't worry" he said and squeezed both my cheeks and kissed them.

I squeezed his hands and put them on the table and put the broken glass away.

"Where's Naya Melinda your mom?" I asked here while wiping the spilled milk with a mop.

"She left because her baby is sick" she answered me while still swaying her feet. I sighed and looked at my phone.

20 missed calls from nanny Melinda

32 messages from nanny Melinda

I grabbed my senses and picked up Kiane. I felt bad. Because of too much work I neglected Kiane. I hate myself.

"Baby, stay here, mom will cook" I said and put it on the sofa. He nodded and moved the t.v channel until it stopped at the Gravity Falls show on Cartoon Network.

I just went to the kitchen and started putting the ingredients in what I was going to cook.


I stopped cutting the eggplant when my phone suddenly rang. I put the knife on the table first and answered the call.

"Hello? Kevin? Why were you summoned?"

"Vic! Our other business partners have left! "Why?! Why did they leave the bathroom!" I shouted and took my bag from the room.

"I'll tell you when you get here. We need to talk to other board members" I reluctantly nodded and hung up.

I stopped getting dressed when I realized that Kiane was not with me.

"Baby, we're leaving! Get dressed!" I shouted at him. I heard small footsteps and the door to our room opened.

I immediately dressed Kiane and we went to Cortwar Inc.

"Kev! What happened?" I asked as soon as I entered the conference room. I made Kiane sit next to my chair while I talked to Kevin.

"Our other Investors are pulling their investments here in the company. If this continues, the company may collapse Vic" Brother said and pulled his hair in frustration. I frowned.

What's happening?

"What are we going to do miss Collins! If our other investors don't come back, this company will go bankrupt!"

"Yes, didn't you just come out with new clothes designs? Why is it like this?"

"Aren't you neglecting this company Miss Collins?"

Ah! So it's to blame?

"Stop it! Stop it! It's not Victoria's fault" Brother Kevin stopped and slammed his hand on the table.

"But Mr. Cortwar, the company is slowly falling because we lost a lot of investors!" Groin of one of the board members. I got hold of my senses. Instead of helping us with this sudden problem, they even admit to blaming everyone.

Do we hold the brains of those investors???

"We should elect a new president who will run this company. It's wrong that your father chose you," is said. I hit the table as soon as I heard that.

"What's this? Election? Just change the owner and operator of this company? Brother Kevin put blood and sweat into this!" I shouted full of fury.

"But that's not enough Miss Collins!"

"And who are you going to replace him with? You? You didn't even do anything for this in the company Mr. Suarez other than to get caught up!" I couldn't hold back my annoyance. brother Kevin held my shoulder to calm me down.

"Not him Miss Collins. It's Mr-" and before Mr. finished his sentence. Santos, the door opened immediately and it spat out the man I should never see again.

I stopped and seemed to be frozen in place and looked at the door in disbelief.

I immediately looked at Kiane but she was no longer in her seat.

"Meet Mr. Caleb Kione Cortwar. He is the one we will replace with Mr. Kevin Cortwar" I heard Mr. Santos but my attention was on him rather than on my seat.

I don't know what to feel. Am I happy because Kione didn't see my son or nervous because he is missing?

"Nice to meet you all" I looked at Kione who was seriously standing at the door while being greeted by our other board members.

He looked at me and smiled. I immediately got bored and left the conference room and slammed the door shut.

After I left the conference room, I immediately went straight to my office on the last floor. I have an idea where Kiane is.

Either Mae kidnapped it, (my secretary who has a crush on my son) or Brother Kevin's daughter, Khiara, invited it.


The elevator has opened here on the last floor. I went out and made my way to my office.

"Kiane! Don't be silly!" I heard my secretary Mae scream. It looks like he kidnapped my son again.

"Victor! Victor is more beautiful! Kiane is a girl!" It was Khiara's voice. It's like both. They both kidnapped my son.

I opened my office door. My very messy office was revealed to me.

Khiara was playing with the dolls she brought while Kiane was standing at my table and then Mae was just sitting on the sofa in front.

"Mommy!" Kiane shouted and tried to get down from my table. I laughed softly and approached him then I kissed his cheeks.

"Ma'am, how was the meeting?" Mae asked me and stood up.

"It's not good. I think they are planning to elect a new president in this company. And what's worse, Brother Kevin is his brother" I said and placed Kiane on the floor then sat on my swivel chair.

"You mean Caleb Kione? The father of-"

"Ma!" I'm threatening here. His eyes immediately widened and he covered his mouth then looked at Kiane who was currently playing with Khiara.

"Sorry Ma'am! My mouth doesn't have a brake!" It said. I just sighed and took my sketch pad and pencil. When I get frustrated like this, I just take it out on the sketch pad.

I was busy drawing when suddenly someone called on the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ma'am, the new President of this Company and the CEO of KV Inc is on the way." Said the person on the other line.

I immediately got nervous and looked at Kiane who was still busy playing.

I immediately looked at Mae and it looks like she gets what I mean.

"Baby crush, baby Khiara, let's eat the foods you like first?" Mae asked them. The two looked at each other and smiled widely then the three of them left my office.

I picked up Khiara's dolls and Kiane's cars then hid them in my drawer then sat on my swivel chair and looked at the papers piled up here.


"Come in" I said boredly and signed the other papers.

My office door opened and a crowd of people entered. None other than Kione.

"What do you want Mr. Cortwar?" I asked still not facing him.

"Is that the new way to great your new president Miss Victoria Bellatrix Collins?" This is a question. I looked at her with a frown while she was smiling.

"I don't care" I said and looked back at the papers in front of me. My forehead is still wrinkled. I'm pissed. I'm very pissed because of him.

"Your hurting Trix" it said. I looked again and gritted my teeth.

Trix huh?

"I don't care Caleb" I answered back. He looked at me and clenched his fists. He hates calling him Caleb cause this is what his Mama used to call him who has left him now. And I hate calling me Trix cause that's my nickname. That's what Mama, Papa and him call me. I despise that name cause it just reminds me of my painful past.

Okay, enough with that.

"What do you want Kione? I know you're not after money here. You have a lot of company to manage so why did you accept the offer to run this company. It's important to Brother Kevin because it's his blood and sweat. he is here to prevent the collapse of this company. Plus it reminds him of your father" I said and leaned on the chair then I folded my arms on my chest.

His face darkened even more because of what I said but it was immediately replaced by a smile.

"Your right Miss Collins, I don't need money because I have it already" he said and stepped closer to my table.

"Then, what do you want?" I asked here and it raised an eyebrow.

What's the matter with this man? His presence really irritates me.

"I will return the company to Kevin on one condition" he said and came even closer to my table while still smiling.

I frowned and stood up from my seat.

"Name it" I said confidently.

"I will return the company to Kevin if you agree to return it to me," he said. I was a little surprised then laughed mixed with sarcasm.

"Me? You want me back? Hahaha enough with those stupid jokes Mr. Cortwar. I'm not stupid. What do you really want" I said here and hit my hand on the table.

"You" is my serious answer. My fist was clenched and my vision was slowly getting darker.

I would have punched the person in front of me if someone hadn't called me.

"Mommy!" I immediately turned to the door and was surprised to see Kiane and Khiara standing there.

I looked at Kione and he was looking at the door.

"ah Ki- Victor. Where's Mae?" I will ask.He pointed behind him where Mae was running towards.

"What are you doing baby Crush. Are you going to kill your beautiful future wife from exhaustion?" Mae gasped and breathlessly approached Kiane and Khiara.

It immediately looked at us and widened when it saw Kione and then it looked at me.

I gave her a look saying help me and she immediately got it.

"Baby Crush, let's go to your mom and dad's" he said and pulled Kione and Khiara away. I looked in front of me and bit my lip. I hope he gets bitten.

He turned his gaze to me and grinned.

"I'll wait for your answer Miss Collins" he said and left me inside the office.

After Kione left, I immediately left the office and looked for my son.

"Mae, we're going home. Please tell Kuya Kevin" I said and picked up my son "Okay ma'am" Mae replied smiling and picked up Khiara.

"Bye baby crush! Come back here!" He said goodbye to Kiane and left as Khiara got up.

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Yes baby. Mama is just tired" I answered and walked into the elevator.

Kiane's head rested on my shoulder and fell asleep.

I just smiled and hugged my son even tighter.

It was almost like that earlier. I cannot bare to lose my child.

I know it may sound so cliche because honestly, I'm really afraid that once Kione finds out that we have a child, he might take Kiane from me. That's the truth. That's what single moms who are left by their husbands fear the most. When their child disappears from their company.

Suddenly, the elevator opened on the tenth floor and a woman with a pale face entered.

"Oh! Victoria! How nice to see yoy" it greeted me then smirked. He entered the elevator and sat next to me.

"Oh! Your son?" He asked but I just made him suffer.

"Aww.. don't be like that Vic. We still have something in common anyway"

He was babbling but I only responded with effort.

I looked at it and noticed that its stomach was a bit bulging. Wait? don't tell me

"Oh! Did you notice? Yup! I'm pregnant! This is our first ever baby" was her teasing invitation.

The elevator opened on the ground floor so he went down.

"Bye Vic. I hope to see you again" she said with a witty smile plastered on her face Once more, I tormented him then the elevator closed.

After we got off the elevator, I immediately went to our car and put Kiane in the shot gun seat. I don't know but I feel pain in my chest again.

If they are going to have a child, why does he want me back in his life? What exactly is your plan Kione?

There were many questions in my brain but I didn't answer any of them.

I just sighed and got in and drove away.

To Be Continued...

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