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My ex-husband's crazy Obsession

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 987    |    Released on: 25/09/2023

enter my father's house. I knelt down at the ent

his forgiveness as my face was bowed to the ground. I just couldn

r, gave me a warm hug and took me into the house. Cletus on the other side had informed all his rela

. The day was here and everyone assembled at my father's house for the joyous occasio

side stood up and opened the ground. He apologized to my father for all the trouble and shame that Cletus and i has

y. I couldn't blame my father if he was angry at us, for he had

things right. She said that she was not in support of our decision at first for

e went down on his knees, and apologize

he just couldn't control it anymore. He forgav

I was the only daughter of his one and only beloveth wife

ather, and I have succeeded in shutting every singl

aten to their satisfaction. My father was indeed a happy man. After all set and done, I went

ogether. I stretch my legs open, and he is on top of me. Too heavy to hold, and too light not to. He p

ed our arms outwise like Jesus on the cross. I hold on tight. My fingers and my feet hold o

d left my thing wet and satisfied.

ndered what could be wrong with me, for I knew I was a complete woman, and a pretty one at that. How could

ther's house to know

I was so happy, for even if my mother was no more in existence, I still had a father that did and care

matter of time before I become a mother. I was stunned on hearing

ld me to my face that I had lots of children in my womb, but I just had to be patien

er wish I gave him a big, tight hug and went off to break the n

It is obvious to everyone now that she most be a

rm his mother Elizabeth, for I wanted to confirm the prophecy first. Cletus was

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