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My ex-husband's crazy Obsession

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 953    |    Released on: 25/09/2023

d him. And besides not even a single penny was pai

hat did the father do about it?

it was in his youthful age, his daughter would not have i

still discussing, I ca

e this", the first woman said as she stret

hter. Take this as well", the o

ent on to meet up with my mother-in-law wh

how her beauty keeps increasing every single day. And also I really

clothes I was wearing were actually the clothes my late mo

was quiet a very expensive cloth which

came back home very stressed. I thanked my stars that I had prepared two set of meals earlier doing

tacked by gun men. And few of them were injured why some were shot dead. Hearing this news wa

greed to it with out a second thought, for it has always been his hear

m our neighboring communities. The fish business wasn't that profitab

I was very happy to see how my father efforts and ski

to buy. I and Cletus couldn't afford to buy yams in large quantities a

pect; for our rivers had more of sea fishes than crayfish. We then decided to go as far as a community that wa

the only ones in our community that deals with the crayfish business; so our profit was more like ten times the actual amount. The business was goi

ofits was not as heavy as it was before. I wondered why the market women would

venturing into the business kept on increasing every single day; and as much

visit my father. The message was passed across to my father, that Cletus and his people would be coming

e wasn't happy of my previous display, and th

ght thing. He made preparation for my arrival and also for the coming of my husband. Cletus an

pposed to be in my husband's house or come along with them to pay my very ow

est fish and goat, which he used in preparing dif

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