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Moonlit Betrayal: The Rejected Lone Wolf

Chapter 7 Pregnant

Word Count: 1385    |    Released on: 20/09/2023


significance. I knew she didn't mean to hurt me intentionally, but the impact of

ide. "Darling, we've been so caught up with the wedding preparations that we alm

agreement. "How are

y voice barely above a whisper. "I'll

lready frayed nerves. "Resting as usual, I see. Well, don't worry, Lucas w

my own perceived inadequacies. I felt a lump forming in my th

me, her eyes softening with genuine concern. "Don't listen to her,

tle to quell the ache in my chest. The rain outside seemed to

hadow over the space. I couldn't help but feel like an outsider, a so

of doubt. As my family continued to discuss the upcoming wedding, I clung to that newfound resolve,

both physical recovery and emotional healing.

ed with questions, each one more daunting than the last. How could I face my family? How could I raise a child

refused to let my child suffer for my mistakes, to be born into a world that wou

from the shadows, hidden among the crowd, as they exchanged vows and sealed their union with a kiss. Th

gripped my heart. I felt abandoned by the world, adrift in a sea of long

child who would depend on me for their very existe

ked my journey. With every step I took away from the wedding, I carried with me a renewed sense of purpose—a pur


ent and alliance that I couldn't help but appreciate. The union of our two tribes held promise and pote

t was only a month ago that we had shared a brief exchange, a conversation that had left an impression on me.

beyond the surface. As Seraphina stood before me, her beauty evi

her as my chosen mate. Confusion stirred within me as I took i

, her voice laced wit

he scent that lingered around her—it was different from the intoxicating fragrance that had filled the

the back of her neck—a series of hickey marks, evidence of recent intimacy. My

emanded, my voice s

ent and guilt crossing her features. "I

as not the same Seraphina I had encountered before, the strong and indepe

ruggled to process the

birthday?" I asked, my

eyes avoiding mine. "I... I w

uzzle. Seraphina's claim, the marks on Seraphina's neck—it was

ted, my tone unwaveri

lt and desperation evident in her ey

ealization hitting me like a physical blow. I had

thing left to say." I looked up at her fore

married, in the presence of all werewolv

ers. The room felt suffocating, the air thick with betrayal and deceit. I nee

f the storm within me. My thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and anger, my heartache

y briefly, the one who had admitted to a mistake that wasn't hers. I felt

had let my own prejudices cloud my judgment. The image of Ariana's tear-fill

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