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Moonlit Betrayal: The Rejected Lone Wolf

Chapter 3 A Desperate Resolve

Word Count: 956    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


of secrets and desires. The memory of Lucas—the notorious Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack—still lingere

a vise. I moved through the routines of pack life, my actions a carefully orchestrated dance to keep my secrets hid

ripples of excitement and anticipation throughout our territory. The union between our pack and the powerful Blood M

on I struggled to name. It was a mixture of sadness, resentment, and an unshakable sense of loss. The

move met with admiration and approval. My father's preference for her was painfully evide

outsider, a spectator in my own life, as the world celebrated a union that felt like a cruel twist of fate. I was lost in

ing away the mate who was rightfully mine was unbearable. I refused to accept it—to be rele

the course of my life. I couldn't stand by and watch as the man I believed was meant to be m

ugh the darkened woods. The tension in the air was palpable, a reflection of the turmoil that raged within me.

nticipation and nerves. This was it—the moment that could change everything. I squared my shoulders and took a

gure emerged from the shadows—a tall, imposing presence that blocked my path

ed me with a mixture of scrutiny and curiosity. "Ariana," he rumble

ze. "I need to speak with Lucas," I managed to say, my voi

ed, his expression unr

ourage to voice my thoughts aloud. "I

his features. "Ah, I see." He seemed to consider my words for a mo

intment mingling with

e. "Lucas is... preoccupied at the moment. The preparati

ging through me. "It's important," I insisted, my

thoughtful. "Very well," he finally said, his tone conce

enewed sense of determination. "Thank

he weight of my words hanging in the air. I had taken the first step, I had voiced my desires—now, all that

der what the future held. The road ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and obstacles, but

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