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Fiftieth Birthday

Chapter 4 Act 2: Two Conversations

Word Count: 2216    |    Released on: 08/07/2023



arking garage of my office building in downtown San

d cars. He encouraged me to get something sportier but I told him I was a mom and I should have a "mommy van." He just smiled and went to work on the internet to find me the perfect van and he did. It was a year old with few miles, being sold by a family who worked for the State Department and were being posted overseas. I

ne awful day in Los Angeles. The thought of it got me

t was Friday, Mich

re you

e. I didn't want to serve the divorce papers and I didn't rel

ails, recordings, and DVD's that proved without a doubt that Helene had been involved with Brian Taylor for the last seve

h menopause? I knew it couldn't be Michael — he was the kindest, gentlest man in the world and also the most loyal. He was also the tall quiet self-assured handsome man that many women only

ils and Brian's personal and financial reports I thought

ok my

esh out of the FBI Academy and Michael was my first boss. He treated me with respect as he did all the othe

e hostage takers, but they were hopped up on drugs and threatened to start killing the hostages right away. Michael and I were the only agents there at the time

ot from inside the bank Mi

we can'

ow!" He yelled


9 mm straight out as he

nd we moved into the bac

s. Two of the hostages were lying on the marble floor in pool of rapidly spreading blood and one of the hostage ta

oing to die..

is wool balaclava mask I could see the look of surprise on his face. His mouth was

verything seeme

shed through the windows distracting the

e third one with shots to the head and neck. His blood spurted everywhere as he spun around, weapo

firing blindly, but with an assault rifle on automatic he didn't need to be accurate to cause damage. I took up a stance like I was at the range a

s a burst reached us. A round slammed into me and finished the job Micha

thought. The right side o

canisters, and some sobbing. It all seemed far away. The front doors

's all over. FBI to t

ael get up. My injuries seemed uni

, where

est had saved my life. Later I was told the round that hit me came

e than five feet from me. He wasn't m

.. not M

the gas and kicked my gun out of

't m

. He seemed you

ed an ambulance for Special

dn't leave the FBI she would take the children and leave him. She wasn't going to go

in my bed and then


he ta

tch that DVD although I can tell you that from what I saw Helene was faking it

she gives a consolation good bye fuck and

nscript of what she told him...

just tell

that the two of you will go off on the trip she'd planned and put your marriage back together. She said she reali

him the pages of the transcript.

d that pric

this trip if it ever came off. But he really pulled out the big guns and told Helene how much he loved her and he e

e finally

now has decided


e gave him $500,000 he would expose her infidelity to you and give you all the e-mails along wi

videos of slut Helene riding on... what

ke down


hough he certainly seemed to get you off... but of course lots of people having affairs... get off on ju

d and put her ha

she lo

from Michael and I knew I had to get back to that point. I wanted us on that cruise and trip... wanted us away f

ad been so strange on the phone. I was worried... maybe then I knew... somehow he had found out. When I

y longer... but the problem is you won't be seeing Mi

ould have no problem finding other yo

rs pour

been such an idiot... tell him I love him... only him... an

know... I have to talk to hi

God I knew where he

uried in her arms on the table..

iding wooden do

g with Mom? It's not Dad is it?

shook m

s you now Liz. St

d still hear Helene sobbing and Li

My presence and the evidence had crushe

wanted to be the one to comfort him... to surround him with my love... to make him smile again.

he driveway, my

I wish I knew where you

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