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Replacement Twin For Billionaire

Chapter 3 Starting To Suffer

Word Count: 1771    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

because her body hit the me

t the bottom, he signaled his hand to his men to leave them, and no o

nd she was not mistaken because it stopped right

there? No one is going to h

as happening, and she also needed to get home because her mothe

eyes. "Please hear me! I don't k

lly? You don't recognize this face." He shook his head and came a little closer to her. He stared at her

o the man's eyes. "I do no

us. "You'll never foo

lled her by another name. "It looks like y

orant and say that you are innocent of everything that is happening even when you left witho

ephanie!" She was breathing fast because she couldn't unde

f you change your hair color, you will never fool

matter what she said, he was not listening, and

" She tried to hold the man's hand, but he just

ed when you left and your father cheated on me. It seems that from the very beginning o

tightly. She tried to speak: "Trust me, I'm not the person yo

. It can be seen that her face is red from the pre

er tears because no matter what she said to the man in front of her now, he s

e pain I felt when you left. It will be double, it will be har

ough she was still sitting, so even though she was weak, Sandy tried to stand up because if she didn't,

ide, causing her to fall to the floor. When Brix was about to close t

lmost pushed and knocked on the door just so the man could

h tears. "My mother is waiting for me." She knelt on her knees and shed all

oom while leaning against the wall next to the bedroom door. He hear

y, you will not get what you want." He wiped a drop of tears from his righ

r daughter, she fell asleep. As soon as she got up, she immediately looked around the house, but she didn'

worry. It's the first time this has happen

I can't think straight until I see my daughter." She just p

as Elizabeth got off, she immediately went and peeked at the people inside, but she

noticed Elizabeth, which is why she approac

? She didn't come home l

he knew very well that Sandy went straight home after eating street food because Sandy went in the taxi parking last night. "

he did come home last night, she should have woken me up because we were going to eat dinn

had taken her. "Just a moment, Auntie Elizabeth, I just have something to talk to." Lily qui

where for a while and explained why. She allowed her,

ice. I don't have a good feeling, especially since I k

nt. They will go to the nearby police station and

ight. Her stomach growled; she hadn't eaten yet except last night. Her mother entered her mind. "Mom, I'm sure sh

man and one of the men the man had talked to last night. "Come, ma'am, you need to eat." The ma

il they got out of the living

nt will take care of you first. I'll leave you here, and don't try to ru

he table and slowly looked around. Not long after, a woman appeared. She looks

her before going to the fridge.

pped the Tupperware in f

as sure that whatever was in it wa

oes it make if you eat it hot or cold? It's still food." She took a pot and placed it on the table. Sandy

ere, but your position with Sir Brix is lower than mine. You are just a toy for him; if he wants to hurt you, he can." The

that, she immediatel

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