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Replacement Twin For Billionaire

Chapter 2 Got The Wrong Person

Word Count: 1575    |    Released on: 02/07/2023

th another day over for Sand

leave, Lily called

ited for Lily to

's eat. In the str

ll buy my mother and me a dis

u have something to do first; we'll only eat street food nearby on the side o

uld also see if there was a dish to be bou

t spend money because Lily bought a plastic cup with different street foods and gave it to her

me because it was eight o'clock at night. She also needs to get home immediately. But a

t avoid going to the side of the road. She thought there was an acc

tanding people, and it was not an animal that the car hit. There was nothing she could do either, so she decided to leave where she was standing, but when she

ehind her and saw a human figure. Because her vis

n wearing a face mask, a cap, and wea

e other line. He carried Sandy's bridal style, and those who met them did not suspect it because the man's appearance was just like Sandy's boyf

car traveled for about two hours before stopping in front of a mansion. The man who carried Sandy into the car earlier came out, and another man came

ke because I have the

"Pick her up; the boss is coming—wait a minute, I have to tell him that she has been found

rom the car. He picked up the phone and called someone. It

his boss on

on you were searching for,

the phone in his left hand and the steering wheel in h

slightly. "Yes,

om, and don't stay inside for too long. Leave her and leave the

em; I wil

phone, turned to the man beside the car, and

ix, a billionaire winery owner who i

ould have done before." Brix

rix's room and laid on the bed. Before the man left,

got out. He walked without a brake, so the attaché case he was carrying was silently given to h

. "Is she awake or asleep?" he

se she was injected with a sleeping pill, but she'll wake up in a

us first, and go

his bedroom door. He also stood and stared at the do

ovides light inside, so even the person lying on the bed cannot see. He walked

hter. She also looked out the window several times to s

waited for her daughter again, just thinki

was the time, which is why Sandy's eyelids slowly moved, indic

a moment before slowly frowning because what she was seeing was unfamiliar. Her eyes turned around in the room even though she was lying down, but when she realized that it wasn't their h

d leave the room when someone spo

o?" His voice was harsh

from, and when she saw it, she couldn't see his face because it was dark in his place. She only noticed t

n was or why she was in this room. All she remembers is walking t

t before that, he drained the contents an


man's question, but

"You just spoke earlier. Why can

seemed to have anger every time he spoke. "Who are you?" S

t? You should know who

understand, as if he were saying that she knew the man very well. She succeeded and continued, but when she went down

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