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Don't Open Your Eyes When It's Dark

Chapter 4 Unlucky Car(4)

Word Count: 931    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

o this. I turned off the recording and motioned to the boss that

more but was dragged b

der not to arouse others' suspicions, he even sacrificed his child's life. Such a

n't have enough evidence to sue him. Let

BMW, Quincy listene

could be seen that she was very angry, but she suppressed her anger. "Thank you. Please do me

car and finally found a yellow cha

After that, she disappeare

n a community. A crazy girlfriend took a knife and slashed her boyfriend l

was said that her boyfriend's head had almost been completely severed and there was only a

than half a year after his wife died in a car accident, he couldn't control h

ll. That night, for some reason, she suddenly went berserk and as she

murder the boyfriend's wife. Then the girlfriend

and I know that karma was a bitch. Quincy

hung down her back. She smiled and thanked us and told us that she had taken her revenge already. However, she had one more favor to ask. It was to hand

nt with the owner of the car shop

incy's father who op

a full recovery?" I w

eet. I've only been pretending to be in a

ess that Weston might be the culprit. How could her

cording and told him

incy. I was the one who made the decision to matchmake them. Quincy felt it was wr

asked him to thank me. He gave me a card

keep the money since his child was gone. He also said that if it had not

ce but to acc

sold the unlucky car to me, he had helped Quinc

irst and almost caused a big disaster. It was my fault. I've learned my less

reat you to di

iend with you. I'll expl

o go home and tak

ve to make myself presentable. I would have a date with Lily and let her know

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