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Don't Open Your Eyes When It's Dark

Don't Open Your Eyes When It's Dark


Chapter 1 Unlucky Car(1)

Word Count: 2519    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

: Qing

originally cost more than 75 thousand dollars. It had only been

eal, but unexpectedly, several strange

indicator would suddenly light up with a message that

k up. It sounded like someone used a hard object to scrape across a piece of glass. It gave me goosebumps. So

nocking on the back window. The sound was not loud but it was very distinct. I looked ba

h about it. I told myself that the knocking I heard on the window might have been caused by a bout

ank and sang until midnight. After we sent them home, we drove around a corner and headed for the ri

e out from under me, "You're pressing down on me." I propped

. My mind went blank. I was kissing Lily, so it

around in a panic but didn't find anything unusual in t

nfused. "Wh

"Did you he

reached out to

ged her pants back,

ought in my mind. "I had to leave thi

on and she touched me unhappily. "What

e to tell her about the voice. I just said t

t I almost peed my pants. On the other hand, Lily burst into tear

the blue. Of course, I said

e sex with me before. If you didn't have another woman, why were you not in

rong impression. I quickly raised my hand to the s

uld prove it with e

er to check through it if she c

she got home, we tried a few m

en to me no matter what I said. Then, s

n tried to explain why I suddenly couldn't perform that night, but Lily didn't believe me at all. She ev

hip all this while. Recently, we talked about meeting each other's parents on May 1st. I had already bought the car and hoped to score

started to run wild, I

s already 12 o'clock. Who co

Lily, but the guy upstairs. He wa

wrong way. Your house is upstairs." The guy sa

ou know ab

alls not so sound-proof at all? Did tha

ying in your car. Her cries sounded so heartbreaking! I looked through t

y hair stood on end. "Are yo

er for some time, but she ignored me. I think you two must h

en stagger

y but her phone was turned off. On

rked at the corner. Contrary to what the

to open the door, but I got cold feet when I looked at the dark

r, so I stood outside and sho

unded particularly lou

I called

still no

Maybe Lily is still angry with me

my face against the window

had a pair of red eyes and a creepy smil

. I wanted to go home but then remembered that I was alone at home. I decided other

to speak, I rushed in, closed the door, a

with you?" The guy

y with you

had just drunk too much. He suddenly became vigilant and said, "Alth

There is a female ghost in my car. Try to recall

thought of something all of a sudden, he grabbed my hand and said, "Mike, you s

ither of us could sleep. The guy asked me, "Wa

ed with the owner of the c

nd asked again, "Other than tonight, did

the weird occurrences

ou must have bought an 'unlucky car'. Only a car that had been involved

second-hand car. What happened was that the original owner of the car was hauling boulders on the mountain and the car ro

o so. At that time, he said that it was as if there was a hand that held the steering wheel in a vice-like grip and resisted all his moves. He then stepped desperately on the brakes, but the brakes failed in

a cold wave of fe

got up in a hurry and wanted to look for the owner of the car shop, but when I

to the Glory Second Car Shop

shop had living quarters above it and the boss could

. Soon the door opened, and the

d him in the chest and caused h

, pointed at me, and shouted, "What the fuck

You evil bastard, you dare to sell any t

ot afraid, go ahead and smash up the shop. You can beat me up too. If you beat me to deat

sive action. I pointed to the car outside the

and then looked at me

t recognize me unt

ne die in

ecame a little strange. "I don

n't de

hat there was something wrong with this car? Wh

Cars that have been through accidents are common. I bought and sold all of them at such low pric

med it was all my fault f

sold a lot of cars like this, but I've n

being unreasonable. I then decided to wait at his place until nightfall. I w

to call the police i

wanted. I was going to sue

g to me, so he asked m

the car. In addition, compensate me for the mental trauma I went through du

e boss frowned. "What do you

thing like that? Tell me, what

I asked for the reason. The original owner didn't attempt to hide anything. He told me about the accident. I fi

laining, he asked, "What gh

the hauntings I

aster for you? He lives in my village and specializes in this. When I was a

his mobile phone and called the mas

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