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Love You, Kill You (Female Edition)

Chapter 4 I Am a Scorpio(1)

Word Count: 2749    |    Released on: 23/04/2023


my private phot

ood figure?] The words were fol

: [I prefer women

sted reading

ou are all women. Why are you a

buddy was

to others or do something with it?" I tossed the

rgued with Mark countless

aid everything I

lose as ever. They talked about

nreasonable and

as not something a Sco

ot want to put up

that afternoon when I came out

let's b

"Are you still angry? I won't se

at the house I had tidied up patiently and enthusiastical

feel like crying when I bid

The sun was shining brightly, and the clouds were fl

hotel near my company. I decided t

ird day after I moved out. "Are you done th

stead, all I could feel was exhaustion as I

low voice, "Damn it. Don


about myself as I loo

e with him that year

pursued him for a year and stay

arted colleague, I moved i

e a huge amount

ue to a meal to thank him. However, we bumped into

thusiastically with a wide smile. She was wearing

preferred women with flat chests. I coul

hy did she wear such a revealing d

hile I walked over to greet them. "Xen

sit down. He said to me sarcastically, "Ha

, why have you still not learned how to r

to my colleague and brough

before asking, "Did y

We broke up a while ago

n Mark's post on Instagram. There was a picture of wine bottles with the words

[Buddy, I'll al

nted to curse

t and found that he had bl

should have deleted his acco

many messages from our common

m spoke up

iderate, and worked hard to earn money

a good man, why wouldn't he know how to

ide his girlfriend wi

d statements even af

r with the messages anymore. I got dressed and went

jest, "Angel, you look so beautiful.

I have broken up. It's something we should celebrat

that you've broken up. I've never seen such a melodramatic man. He forgot to bring his charger and made his

t, I would have almost fo

ttery. As Xenia did not have an extra charger in her house, Mark asked me to

ry man and had he sent my

asked him about it, and he said he had left it at Xenia's house. That

few words and started

petty. You can use my charger. Xen

What are you doing with me?" I was so overwhelmed with

treated her like a girl. What n

e locked himself in the bedroom after sayin

he living room, I c

d slept with Xenia on th

one who told

was in a bad mood after he quarreled with you in the restaurant that

not complete

she mea

me as Angel? She use

ith him before t

eplied to m

g all kinds of thoughts. I felt s

oughts run wild, I heard so

league who li

lly and looked younger. He

double eyelids, and his eyes curved upward slightly. His pupils were

ached his shoulders. When I stood in front of

are you her

mson. "Um... Angeline, I remember you are good at science subjects

py my mind, I agreed to help

nd started tutoring hi

siastic. He brought out freshly-cut

king at me when I happened to

e turned away nervously. The redness at the

ous. We did not seem to k

se, we were only friends on Insta

find a house, we h

the matte

have dinner together tonight. Didn't you say yo

up chat with my colleagues that day. I d

nner after your cousin

ut, "He has ea

uld th

the afternoon. How could hi

ter. He glanced at Joel before saying to m

er. You can eat

he had eaten and d

oel and I took the sightseein

ed when it passed

Mark and Xenia standing and holding each o

d complete

vator after he noticed me, but Xenia

your boyfriend?" Xenia turned to look back

s from Xenia were so nat

as shameless as

rk had mocked me when I treated Joel to dinn

ther to smile. I

enclosed space. I stood in the corner and focused on Mark and Xenia's

ignoring was the cruele

cover and hid in the corner to see my stupidity. The feelings I took good care of had been d

. I didn't even notice that my finge

bent down and whi

my senses and looked at

if there was a fire in it that almost melted me. "Angel

elevator door opened. We reached th

d it. His back was stiff, and he was waitin

realized it. Mark gave me a deep look and left wi

I were left in

trying to make Mark

n was more convincin

there was sweat at his temples. He seem

eemed to have made

his courage and changed into a casual tone. "Angeline

oor opened in time, and I walked out of th

er, Joel s

corridor, and the light in th

he seldom ate stew. His mouth was red and swollen, and his white T

bors. Don't be so polite to me. Just call m


played with my tablet. Suddenly

uch and accepted

nt me a message: [W

e you?]

the person replied:

son sent seve

o you li

e broke up. She wa

e friends after breaking

phone screen. I went to the refrigerator to get a bottle o

f Mark and I was financially independent and would not spend Mark's money. Eva also liked me because

o Mark before. "S

f not, why would I be with he

wait. I waited for the time when I completely lost my expectations; when my patience and

te you. Please don't show up in my life

inally typed this line before I se

e at night or had other intentions

r from each other's lives forever, with

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