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Love You, Kill You (Female Edition)

Chapter 3 Ice-Melting(3)

Word Count: 1449    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

edo's car and wen

me, I got a c

kend. You should be

about we get together for lunch

I took a deep breath and tried to

I was wr

your feelings. But Mia, I like you, and you've liked me

d do what he said when he us

came to my mind

e to be his backup after everything I had b

ore. No, I hate you. I

before hanging up, "Oh, and just so you know, I

k, threw myself on the bed, an

at what Ryan said didn't h

en remember what he

e got back to school during the

istry. No sooner had I thou

hone, I heard him call


it OK for you to go out?"


out for a late-night snack. You don't

night restaurants no

stairs, I saw Alfredo

shirt and slacks still show

er and looke

ed and said,

re I had a hamburger, pizza,

long time," I said embarrassedly

few times before, I rarely ate di

'm glad to se

wings toward me. "I thought you must be hu

d up one of the win

my action. "Go ahe

seemed to have finally pl

a wonderful and

s chin on his han

d then I looked through your resume. Unfortunately, we haven't seen each other in

ed for

with excellent work abil

sed my cold Coke cup agai

edo looked at me. "So, Mia, maybe you should

also motorcycle horns mixed with bicyc


racing heart and nodded

that Alfredo had change

een for a few seconds bef

ter, Valentin

my plan, and suddenly Olivia text


inevitable. He was fired because he was the worst performer among hi

surprisingly calm w

began to ignore any

xpenses, he wasn't serious at work and did a bad jo

Ryan's company had an u

a limited-edition bag from a

d waited in line at a downtown mall

ran right into the boss' w

n giving him a h

words to me and

to see Samantha in the underg

phone with her back to

s a gift for me. H

thought you were a nice guy, but I didn't expect you to be so stingy! If you want it back, don't give

turned around and saw

oached Alfredo because I liked him, didn't you? Ryan

u'd better return Ryan's gift as soon as possible. It's not so eas


ression that she didn't


rtment and had more than one B-plans.

st one of t

to take out a large lo

im the bag back, so he waited downstairs in her offic

and threw the empty bag at him

d, Samantha. I'll find a way to pay back the loan fir

dn't give up tryi

e said through

n Alfredo's car

y, "How could I have l

led and str

's a good thing yo

I shared our relationship on Twitter, along with

one and said hesitantly, "Actual

noticed Saman

I didn't think it was a big deal. Mia, I'm so glad you chose to get c

ally, I plucked up the courage to lu

tarted out ill

romantic ending, even though it

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