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King of Campus

Chapter 7 : Roan

Word Count: 3065    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ucky ladies. It's nice to see that the king of campus is back

r my gaze away from her. Every time I make a concerte

y is completely baffling. This girl i

she doesn't want anything to do with me either. Which is another first. I probably shouldn't enjoy need

a high tight ass. I'm the first to admit that I usually go for a girl with a lot of soft curves. Big

kind of...

's no ass t

s. I think they might actua

ntly shifting back to her. Like a puzzle I can't quite solve. Apparent

ng to happen. Although I could be wrong. For all I know, this could be so

most hilarious par

class, I'd spotted her with her hand coverin

ps twitch as I

te as hell

like the look

who has sidled up to me

, I shrug. "What are

Even though Dylan self-admittedly doesn't have any moves whatsoever, he isn't about to

n blame th

sweet curves and Ivy with her tight athletic bod


not the only one checking her out. My hand tig

with her, dude,

onesty, Dylan doesn't give a damn if I fuck Ivy. He only cares that fucking her could somehow inadvertent

because he keeps on yammering. "Lexie will kick y

's not ly

on. I've seen her go ape shit. Plenty of times. It's not pretty. Although, if it's not ha

ere, do

it, I hear myself asking

ays into it. I've yet to meet

s my balls tightening and my cock stirring with interest. I bet she's a freaking wi

nking about that while I'm

ever seen a girl want you less. It's actually pretty fucking hilarious. Don't think I'm not totally loving it, du

"What the hell are

." He groans, "Christ

g, I don't say anything at all. I

, Ki

Now this girl is definitely my type. Curvy and filled out in all the right places. A tight pink T-shirt with Gr

tally be in

roing in on Ivy. Some dude has come up behind her and has his hands on her narrow waist. Instantly forgetting about


ate hand over my chest as

ght, I'd be giving her a lot more than that. But I'm just not f

is would be the point in the evening where I wait for a chick to

that's not go

s right-she's the first girl in I-don't-know-how-long, maybe ever, who isn't interested in being boned by me. Which, u

riously perver

you can't have. Although, quite honestly, I plan to have her. Hopefully tonight. T

issed you ove

ble D's against the side of my arm. I'm not complaining, I'm just sayin

of them upstairs and gi

l star. The guy who will hopefully go in the first round of the NFL draft later this

know, boo-hoo. P

ered me at all. It didn't make one damn bit of difference why these gi

more. Now it feels old and tired. If you can believe

don't know me. Hell, they don't know anything about me. Not the real me. I could

w seriously me

be willing to screw me together. Hell, they'd probably get off on it. One would be snapping action shots while the other was

attering at first. Now it just irritates the hell out of me. I've had my ass chewed out by Coach on more than one occasion

ted wearing a ballcap so I can move around

not that fucki

last. I was going to down a few beers, maybe get laid, but I don't think that's going to happen anymore.

e, my gaze zeros in on the

player, Finn McKenzie, dragging Ivy away. Da

ull away from the pair of t

s, "where are you going? I

I throw a halfhearted apology over my sho

tement is up fo

ms to be. Until I get a handle on what my game plan is, I'm not about to watch some douchebag player like Finn

t to Ivy. People are slapping my shoulder and back in greeting as I pass by. I don't bother ack

e it. Not o

He's all brute strength and I'm finesse. Unless I'm on the foot

r and thinks he's a big shit around here. Clearly, it chafes his ass that I'm the bigger shit. The dude thinks eve

Ivy. Until I get my head wrapped aro

us. I slide in beside Ivy before snaking an arm around her. Finn blinks in

Finn and then there's another part that enjoys fucking with him. Sometimes

ore sliding angrily back to

had my arm wrapped around her, she's blinking at me as if she doesn't know who the

risk I'm wi

a class together." Then I add a slow sly smile meant to

e practically slits. If the sudden tick in his jaw is

So, why don't you take off, King. I'm sure there are a doze

es at the

her in a tightly strung voice, "Is

led shade of red like he's on the verge of blowing

"Let's get out of here, Ivy, so we

happening. Unconsciously

arm around Ivy, she finally speaks up.

my arm around her, Finn grits out, "You won't return any of my c

turned from a trip abroad that had her out of the country for more than a

lly saying, "We'll sit down and talk this week, o

as he glares. "You suddenly

e thought her voice would be cutting and angry, like it was when

fore adding with a little more heat, "If you do, then I don't un

hilarious, because Finn McKenzie is a big dude who tops out around six fo

m just s

my suspicions about their prior involvement. I'm curious about what

rms before stalking off without so much as a single word. She totally leave

e aren't going to take a few parting s

is eyes hardening. "Stay th

Does he really think he can scare me off like I'm some

chance of th

And in case you're wondering, Finn's no slouch in the muscle department. I just so happen to have more. Neither of

ly spoken but he hears them well eno

ou so hard, you'll have to

age leap into them. God, I would love to kick this guy's a

telling you to back off. Ivy's not one of the trashy groupies you're c

es me standing th

chick at all. I've only just met the girl today. Why does she have me wound so tig

nitely looks


enough to wipe this girl from my thoughts. As the c


is exactly


s rig


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