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King of Campus

Chapter 6 : Ivy

Word Count: 2626    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

a Roan King sighting has just been confirmed at the massive house part


have know

. This day started out as a massive clusterf

oth big muscly guys. I'd have to guess they each weigh well over two hundred and thirty pounds. Although, od

ough this ride without making eye contact. Roan, on the other hand, is all but plastered against my side. Just when

're wondering, he sme

ore him. But it's impossible. I'm hyperawar

damn him,

bout t

ay through me. For goodness sake, I can't even tolerate the guy. Why is my body reacting to

inue staring straight ahead. "Let

o talk about it in a

o than

he sounds dubious. Like maybe I'm trying to pull a fas

gotten," I mutter

me. One of my worst qualities is that I have a hard time letting things go. But it doesn't real

s I reassure myself with

oulder. The reverberation of it arrows right down to my nether regions. Unconscious


irection, I hiss, "What d

uth slides its way

ay. But his fingers don't budge from my shoulder. Not one damn bit. They're still there

ut driving

eriously need to get away from this guy. I'm almost to the point of te

an, my boob grazes his chest in the process which has the bud instantly tight

y hoping

are already latched onto m

graze has not


e party. Going out was a huge mistake. I give him another i

you're a s

m. Although his damn hand is still on my shoulder and no amount of shrugging it off has dislodged it. I'm still very aware of him. I

r succinctly before tur



work with me fo

. "And you play football with Dylan?" I'm pretty sure that's what

't even bother glan

rds from flying out of my mouth, "You're a man of few words, aren't

s rather good looking. Dirty blond hair with a bit of curl to it, ocean blue colored eyes and a muscular body that has been honed from years of football practice and workin

not r

touches my lip


ly getting s

shoulder before the smile disappears

vicinity. People are scattered all over the sidewalk in big groups. Everyone is heading down the block. The house in question looks to be already bursting at the seam

nce Sam is sitting on the side next to the curb, I slide toward him. I'm actually a little surprised when his hand r


ewalk toward the party. Lexie and Dylan are ahead of me and Sam is behind them. I'm about to hasten my step when a heavy arm is slung

guy fo

d in becoming one of his little groupies? What

re you

mile before stating the o

ross me. Again. "Is it possible for us to walk to

't like the way he makes me feel. Especially since I don't like the guy. Someon

Merely trying to make ni

it helps to free me from him. The fact that I'm trying to get away has him chuckling before he hauls me closer. The woodsy scent

iously be m


en better t

aze is sparkling with both mischief and humor and I realize he's teasing me. Instead

s absolutely true. But I have zero

am I k

veritable house set ablaze. I would only hate myself in the morning for hooking up with a guy who is nothing more than a womanizing man whore. I


like he's one big wal

I know

through the rest this year. I've never been one of those girls and I'm certainly not going to sta

an walk upright with

sweetheart, that's not the only massive thing


my head before

called me gorgeous, b


name?" I'm sure this guy doesn't bother lear

myself up, he says

holds it with those gorgeous blue-green col

knowing look. "Didn't th


around me. "I did

m almost afraid to ask... "And

dance." Heat flares in his eyes as they slide their way down my bo

e words to blast him with, he continues, "And

lor me

htly fri


ke he doesn't under

wly I ask, "Why would you bothe

g at Roan. Which is almost like staring straight at the sun. It kind of hurts my eyes. There are tons of people surrounding us, jostling

. My confusion can be l

s those amazingly broad shoulders. "

y throat. A little curiosity is fine. Anything el

d presence, and we're descended upon by at least a dozen fans. Back slaps, fist bumps, people clamoring for his attenti

eared inside the house. Since I don't want to lose her, I hustle my ass through the front door. As I do, I

a relief to ge

ll myself as I maneuver my

acked living room for Lexie. I'm starting to wonder if I'm ever going to find her when I c

I grab hold of her arm to get her attentio

if anyone should be double fisting

ays right before handing me a red plastic

mention the ones outside, I have to admit I'm fairly impress

. "Gotta love the freshman fo

eans Dylan. And since its Dylan's job to keep me happy, that extends to me." She grins before taking a huge gulp. "And you." Tilting her cup

been a total shit show. But I'm not going to dwell on that. I'm going to

ping, the lights are low, and I'm totally feeling it. Downing the rest of my beer in one fe

ht has nowher

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